The crowd had regrouped outside the execution circle, and the SWAT and ARM/Police had already arrived early.

When Fan Tianlei saw Wen/President Gao and Mr. Gao, he immediately stepped forward to greet him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Gao, you came so early. The

three of them clasped their hands, although Fan Tianlei's special forces selection last time ruthlessly pitted Wen/Sum and Gao

, but there was still a very strong sense of camaraderie between the three of them, which was more important than anything else.

In the end, they are all brothers who have passed their lives, Wen/Mr. Gao and Mr. Gao are about the same age as Fan Tianlei, and when the three of them meet, there is always a faint sense of vicissitudes in their eyes.

"I see that all of your recruits are good.

Chen Yan stood close and heard Wen/always praise from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, our old brothers are old, and now we all have to look at this group of soldiers. Fan Tianlei nodded with a smile.

At this moment, although he is wearing a spiritual military uniform, he still can't help but feel that he has some traces of time.

Wen/Zong and Gao nodded in agreement.

Today they also brought newcomers to meet the scene.

"Come, Chen Yan. Fan Tianlei pointed to the place beside him.

was suddenly named, Chen Yan was stunned, but still trotted towards him.

"Counselor/Conspiracy/Chief!" Fan

Tianlei is going to introduce him

! Everyone looked sideways at Chen Yan, what a great honor

this is!"Well, come, this is Wen/Sum and President Gao." Sure enough, Fan Tianlei actually introduced him on such an occasion! This made Chen Yan a little flattered.

The rest of the red blood cell team looked at Chen Yan enviously, Wen was always the head of the Interpol/Police.

"Mr. Wen, I apologize for him, we have been conducting exercises in the past two days, and he has abolished your police headquarters. This

time it was Wen/'s turn to be stunned, with surprise in his eyes.

"It turned out to be you kid!" his tone didn't show any displeasure, but instead patted Chen Yan on the shoulder a few times.

"Yes, I'm sorry Wen/Total, the drill is needed. Chen Yan stopped straightening his waist.

Warm/sum high total eye gaze.

This kid is really interesting

! The two looked Chen Yan up and down, in terms of figure, he seemed to be thinner than ordinary soldiers,

but it was terrible to have a general bureau by himself!

This was said by Mr. Gao to Fan Tianlei.

The eyes of the three people present were all first-class.

"Let's go back. Fan Tianlei laughed, and Chen Yan returned to the team.

In the distance, two armed policemen approached with a man covered in a black burlap bag.

The man's steps are faltering, and he is a little trembling/shaking, which must be a big poison/wolf.

He wore a large gold chain around his neck, and instead of wearing a prison uniform, he wore a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt jacket.

Eighty percent was his equipment at the time of his arrest.

Someone must come to rescue the man next, Chen Yan looked into the distance.

The man was escorted to his knees in the center of the field, his black cloth bag ripped off, his head covered in sweat and his lips white.

Knowing that he was going to see Hades immediately, he looked back on his whole life in his heart, and couldn't help but sigh very much

, he regretted reselling drugs, if he hadn't resold drugs, he wouldn't have been so miserable now, and he would have been killed by Q.

Everyone's attention was on this man, only Chen Yan was looking at the best place to defend

, he knew that the reflection of the sniper eyepiece would appear over there soon, and this reflection would be captured by He Chenguang, so that Fan Tianlei and the others would find the mark left by the scorpion.

The executioner over there has already taken out the Q and aimed it at the big drug/owl.

"What's wrong?" his anomaly was quickly caught by Fan Tianlei.

He knew that Chen Yan was not a timid person, and this opportunity to watch the execution was rare, and it was impossible for him to just stare at the distance.

Fan Tianlei also looked in the direction where Chen Yan was looking, and there was only a tall weed.

"Counselor/Counselor/Chief, can you let me be in the ......"

Chen Yangang wanted to say something, but a Q sound over there swept the rest of his words into smoke.

Chen Yan's nerves were immediately lifted and his whole body

entered a state of alert, while all the special police, armed police, and Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade present entered a state of alert.

However, no one on the execution ground was wearing weapons except for the executioners.

"Did you see that?" Fan Tianlei frowned and asked Chen Yan.

Chen Yan nodded: "The reflection of the sniper eyepiece appeared at that location just now, I feel that it is unusual,

it is suitable for a defensive position, not an offensive position." The

implication is that he just wanted to remind Fan Tianlei, but the incident happened suddenly, and he was interrupted by a Q sound.

As soon as the Q sounded, the big poison was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he actually urinated on the spot!

He trembled/shook his head, and the beads of sweat on his face dripped down like rain, and he couldn't tell whether he was alive or dead.

Although his status is special, now is not the time to allow him to be killed by others, and

it would be a shame for the country to be beheaded by other terrorists with the assistance of so many military/police officers!

Everyone knows this.

The sound of Q was just a signal, and soon, seven or eight people suddenly exploded around here, using trees as cover, shooting at the military/police present.

No one knows how this group of people got in, but they did threaten the unarmed military/police force present.

Everyone reacted immediately and looked for cover.

"What if you don't have a weapon?" Wen always looked at the police officers behind him, a little worried, even

he was not allowed to wear any weapons on his body. The rule of entry into this execution ground is that you can't bring anything.

Fan Tianlei is the same, if you want to say that this weapon, eighty percent of it is only stones and branches on the ground.

The executioners wanted to cover the retreat of the big drug/owl, but the legs of the big poison/owl were weak, and they couldn't stand up when they knelt on the ground and trembled.

Chen Yan's brows furrowed, can a living person still suffocate to urine?"

"Counselor/Conspiracy/Chief, please allow me to fight against terrorists." He

didn't believe that even if they didn't have weapons, they couldn't beat each other.

"Chen Yan, we want to go together, we are a red blood cell group!" He Chenguang grabbed Chen Yan's arm and said.

Chen Yan was stunned for a moment, he could beat all the terrorists by himself, but he still nodded.

"Participate/consult/long, all

the red blood cell team apply to join the battle!" "Okay, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, I agree that the red blood cell team will join the battle, be sure to deal with it carefully." Fan Tianlei said.

These terrorists were obviously coming for the big drug/owl, and the big drug/owl breathed a sigh of relief when he confirmed that he was still alive, and

immediately shouted when he saw so many people coming to save him.

"I'm here! Help!" At

the critical moment of his life, he can't care about anything, he doesn't know these people who came to save

him, but as long as he can keep him alive, no matter which side of the straw, he has to grasp it, survival is the primary goal, and other things can be dealt with.

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