All over the mountains, people appeared everywhere, attracted by the movement created by Barney's people.

At this time, Chu Yang had not left, still standing at the exit of the building.

Inside the passage, the dead militants, the communicators on their bodies, sounded a call.


Seeing that no one responded from the building, after a while, five militants walked out from the dense forest on the east side.

Armed with firearms, they marched warily towards the building, moving professionally and agilely.

Bang bang bang -

But before everyone approached the entrance, several gunshots were heard inside the passage, and bullets cut through the arc-shaped trajectory, instantly penetrating the heads of the militants.

Blood splattered with brain pulp, plopped, and these militants died completely.

"Five hundred and ninety-eight people, eight groups, it seems that they all want the president in my hands, right?"

Chu Yang walked out of the building, carrying the fat president in one hand and a gun in the other, his face was grim, and his eyes were cold.

In his induction, in all directions, there were professional mercenaries, and after hearing the movement here, they couldn't bear it and wanted to start immediately.

Obviously, they are all agents of States.

And when he sensed the sudden advance of Barney and the others on the left, the corners of Chu Yang's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

"At eighteen o'clock, grenades were fired to stop the opponent's pursuit, and five hundred meters away in the direction of twenty o'clock, there were snipers in ambush. "

In the middle of a ring, he turned on the communicator again and issued several commands in a row.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was already less than a hundred meters, and upon hearing Chu Yang's order, Barney and the others were stunned.

Immediately, almost instinctively, he did as Chu Yang's order.


Several grenades shot out and landed in the distant jungle, explosions and screams rang out, and a group of newly assembled mercenaries immediately scattered.

Five hundred meters away, it was covered by everyone's bullets.

The snipers lurking there suddenly turned into hornet's nests, and even death did not know how the other party found himself.


"Remember, descending the mountain on the east side, there are still forty seconds left. "

Saying a word again, Chu Yang carried the fat president, stepped on it sharply, and the ground under his feet burst, denting a footprint.

Immediately afterwards, he turned into a bolt of lightning, swooped out in an instant, his figure was unpredictable, and in less than a second, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and disappeared directly at the edge of the jungle

At this time, all the movements of the enemy in a radius of thousands of meters were imprinted in his mind.


Eight crimson bullets bloomed into the sun, reflecting the jungle red, their trajectory was difficult to estimate, bypassing some trees to block it, and directly fell in eight directions.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, the flames burst into the sky, and the dust rolled like a wave, sweeping around.

At the center of the explosion, the powerful force swept hundreds of mercenaries away, some of whose bodies were shattered, and blood mist filled the sky.


The eight explosion sites, all in dense crowds, were a terrifying sight.

"God, where are the bombs?" a black man with broken feet cried heartbreakingly, very miserable.

However, at this time, no one paid attention to him, because their task was to kill or capture the president of the Tansi State no matter how much sacrifice they had.

As if the mercenaries were not dead, they rushed towards the sound of gunfire, and more and more people were assembled.

However, the eight forces are also incompatible, so when they encounter it, they immediately start a fierce battle.

Except for their own team, everyone else is an enemy.

Swoosh -

It was precisely in this way that Chu Yang's way ahead opened a gap, and he carried the fat president and swooped down directly from the mountain, fast as lightning.

At this time, behind him, Barney and the others just arrived, and they all followed a hundred meters away, rushing towards the bottom of the mountain.

Bullets rained down, wood chips flew, and dead leaves fell.

At the beginning of the fierce battle, everyone's spirit was concentrated to the extreme, constantly shooting in all directions, covering each other's teammates, like a tiger descending the mountain, very tacit understanding.

"Fakyu, get out of the way for Lao Tzu. "Christmas cursing, the trigger never stopped, and the bullet casings clanged to the ground, making a pleasant crisp sound.


The next moment, Tolle screamed, his arm was bloodied and flesh, he was hit by a stray bullet, and he almost confessed here.

"Hurry up, don't grind, there are still fifteen seconds." Barney supported Thor, shot to clear the enemy, and dragged him directly down the mountain.

"Fakyu, Made, there is a kind!"

Caesar roared, very violent, his shotgun fire was rapid, suppressed to pursue the enemy from a distance, and did not dare to rise up.


A shot was fired, and the trunk with a thick waist was penetrated through a large hole in front and behind.

Moreover, there is also the grenade assistance of Gunner, medium and long-range distance, basically their home field, and the firepower is a ferocious mess.

"Wait, it doesn't seem like we're taking a lot of firepower. Yin Yang changed the magazine, looked around suspiciously, and couldn't help but look strange.

Hearing this, everyone reacted.

Although there are many enemies pursuing around, the real heavy firepower is none.

"This is?"

The next moment, Christmas exclaimed, opened his mouth wide, and looked like a ghost.

I saw that among the mercenaries in the distance, a strong man stood up, holding a Gatling machine gun, and was about to pull the trigger on them, but was shot through the head by a bullet from nowhere.


The bullet hit the enemy head-on, but Barney and the others swore that they hadn't reacted at all, so there was no phenomenon that they were shooting.

"There are still five seconds to go, I don't have many bullets, if you hesitate, then wait to be covered by enemy fire!"

Suddenly, Chu Yang's faint voice came from the communicator, and there was a coldness of reprimand in his tone.

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