Hearing Yun Xiaolong's voice, everyone in the helicopter couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"Something?" Chu Yang frowned, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he remembered very well, it was this woman who had been blocking his decision, and his tone was particularly blunt.

"Still blame me for stopping you?" Obviously hearing Chu Yang's dissatisfaction, Yun Xiaolong said with a bitter smile.

"People have different positions, and I don't think there's much to say. Chu Yang said lightly, he really didn't mind in his heart, after all, even Shi Qingsong's intimidation could not shake his true heart.

Not to mention Yun Xiaolong, this woman, after turning around, she didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Then I'll make a long story short, this communication will not be recorded, I think you should understand what I mean, right?"


The reply he got was still concise and concise, which made Yun Xiaolong almost crazy, and he felt that communicating with Chu Yang was really a very painful thing.

After she made up her mind, she slowly told them according to the information she received:

"The helicopter gunship will take you to the border, where the terrain is complicated, but the first difficulty you will face after entering the territory of Myanmar is to safely walk 10 kilometers in the minefield left over from the Second World War. "

"If you succeed, there will be our intelligence officer there, and he will give you a map, just follow the map to reach Minden's base camp." "

"However, don't be too happy, because Minden's lair has more than 3,000 armed men stationed, so the probability that you want to kill Mindeng is almost zero. "

"And in the process of killing Minden, it will definitely cause a lot of movement, and at that time, you will be stopped by the Burmese army on your way back." "

"Yes, you are not only fighting the armed forces now, but also the right-track army in that area. "

I have to say that the information brought by Yun Xiaolong immediately made the five-person team gasp one after another.

They can't imagine what an intricate relationship this is, and as an armed force of the anti-government army, but walking with people from a certain military region, this is simply unbelievable.

At this moment, the five-person team asked themselves in their hearts, can they really do it?

When Chu Yang heard this, he also fell into a short silence, he frowned, and after half a ring, he slowly spoke: "Thank you!"


A thank you made the communicator fall into a dead silence, and it seemed impossible to imagine that this proud man would also have a side of thanking others.

In fact, the power of the Mindeng Group can be regarded as the first time Chu Yang has encountered a problem, and even he is not sure that he can lead everyone in the group to retreat with his whole body.

Now, with the help and intelligence provided by Yun Xiaolong, they were somewhat mentally prepared for the enemies they were going to face.

At this moment, the helicopter landed, the vast grassland, the grass waves.

"Come back. Chu Yang said, even if he was the first to get off the plane, his figure swept away, and he was already one step ahead.

Behind, the five-person team followed silently, carrying heavy equipment and weapons, but still flying like a fly.

The pilot of the helicopter looked at the backs of several people, his eyes contained adoration, and the cooled blood also boiled again.

Not long after, the red blood cell team came out of the edge of the grassland, and the figure disappeared directly into the jungle.

"He Chenguang, you explain the situation to everyone again. Suddenly, Chu Yang stopped his figure, turned his head to stare at He Chenguang and said.

Hearing this, He Chenguang was slightly stunned, but still spoke: "We are now fighting across the border, which is not allowed, so when we step out of the country, all our identities and information will probably be written off, and now, we are a group of rootless ghosts, and we have no reliance on the bright side." "

"This time the codename: Ghost Recon. "

Speaking of this, He Chenguang turned his head to look at Chu Yang, his face full of excitement.

Yes, as he said, this operation has no reliance, and it has nothing to do with ** on the surface, so it is indeed appropriate to use ghosts as the code name for the operation.

"Ghost Action?" Chu Yang whispered to himself, this was originally his code name, but I didn't expect it to be really appropriate now.

"Also, the situation is different from the past, no matter where we are, we can only call each other by code names, not real names. "

For this point, He Chenguang became solemn, he was originally a military family, and for some things, everyone present knew a lot.

Because, if there is an accident, they really miss, then they will be found out, and it may not be necessary to provoke a war between the two countries.

In this way, led by the ghost, the falcon, the flamingo, the buffalo, the pilot, and the dragon and dragon, carried out actions that were recognized militarily.

"Let's go!" Chu Yang said lightly, and immediately turned to leave.

Everyone followed, and the group crossed the mountains, basically in a state of rapid march, and soon left the border and officially entered the territory of Myanmar.

However, when they first entered Myanmar, the difficulties encountered by everyone were the landmines all over the jungle.

"Follow me. "

However, Chu Yang had a talent shadow, and the threat of changing color that these soldiers talked about was easily bypassed.

This kind of reconnaissance method against the sky is simply beyond imagination.

"Lie down, this is going to heaven. “

Everyone followed behind Chu Yang, all of them were shocked.

Entering the minefield, their speed has not decreased, but has maintained an average speed, and in less than three hours, they have already walked out of the minefield.

Until he came out of the jungle of the minefield, He Chenguang and the others were still confused, as if they were dreaming.


It was not until Chu Yang gave the order that they woke up, but they were basically used to the team leader's anti-heavenly methods.

Li Erniu took out a signal flare and launched it high in the air to the east, with a brilliant and colorful brilliance, which was very conspicuous in the quiet jungle.

It's just that they waited for dozens of minutes, and they didn't wait for the person who answered them, and they suddenly felt strange.

"Come out!"

But the next moment, Chu Yang took out his pistol and raised his hand to shoot into the jungle.

Bang -

The crisp sound of gunfire alarmed the birds, and also alarmed a man who had been lurking in the distance, who shouted in fright and immediately raised his hands and walked out.

PS: I'm sorry, the author overestimated his writing speed, this is to make up for yesterday, today there will still be a guarantee of five changes, thank you for your subscription support!

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