The flying knife bloomed with a blazing light, as dazzling as the sun, and its appearance made everyone in the square can't help but be attracted to the past.

Even Enron and Bingbing, who were driving on the street, couldn't help but widen their eyes, their small mouths opened slightly, and they had a hellish expression.


A burst of metal rubbing ~ rubbing sound is loud and harsh.

Then, the people of the entire square saw a shocking picture.


The small bus blocked at the entrance and exit was truncated from it, divided into two halves, and the cut was neat and smooth, which suddenly opened a gap in the closed entrance and exit.

Make move......

Seeing this scene, those panicked people, those fierce-faced drug dealers, all stunned, stunned, could not believe what they saw.

Really cut open?

Really fake?

It was as if they were dreaming.

They saw a young man approaching, and then flicked his hand, the throwing knife burst out, and the small bus blocking the door was cut off.

Not to mention those drug dealers, even Enron, who knew Chu Yang, felt unbelievable.

"High... High team, there is... There are cases. Bing Bing originally wanted to drive to pick up Gao Gang, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly petrified and couldn't slow down for a long time.

"What's the situation? hurry up and answer!" came Gao Gang's roar from inside the communicator, obviously he couldn't stand it anymore.

But Bingbing was unheard, and the scene was too shocking, subverting her worldview.

The man with a benchmark posture stood in the square, and as soon as the throwing knife came out, he was filled with an air of staring at the world.

The surrounding drug dealers' subordinates were directly frightened and stupid, and they were all stunned in place, not daring to move for half a minute.

"Twenty seconds to go!"

After helping Nezha open the gap, Chu Yang spoke lightly, glanced at those drug dealers' subordinates with a cold gaze, and turned away directly.

Seeing Chu Yang leaving, everyone present was stunned and did not dare to make the slightest move.


At this time, a pickup truck rushed out of the gap and directly knocked the separated minibus away, speeding away.

"Ah, I forgot about the high team. Seeing this, Bing Bing reacted, and his face suddenly turned pale.

She just wanted to start the car, but she heard a sound of breaking the air, and saw an arrow-like car shadow flying by the side of the car, the speed was like a sports car, and disappeared at the end of the street in a blink of an eye.

It was the car that Enron and Chu Yang were riding in, the surface was dilapidated, in fact, it was similar to a classic car, but at this time, it exploded at extreme speed, beyond imagination.

"What's the daze?" Chu Yang sat in the driver's seat, operating the clouds and flowing water, every step was extremely accurate, and the performance of the vehicle was briefly improved to the extreme.

Driving proficiently!

Not only planes and cars, even aircraft carriers, or spaceships, Chu Yang has the confidence to operate freely.

This is the vast amount of driving knowledge, and the benefits of it are endless.

"I..." Sitting in the rocket-speed car, Enron's face was pale, his body tensed nervously, and he couldn't even speak.

Huh --

At this moment, Chu Yang braked extremely quickly, and the classic car suddenly grabbed the ground with four wheels, and the body drifted out sideways, drawing a perfect arc.

When it stopped completely, it was parked just in the gap in a clearing.


Chu Yang directly opened the car door and went out, only to see Gao Gang supporting a man, who seemed to be Yan Dopa, and dozens of drug dealers with knives and axes chased behind him.

"Chu Yang, go quickly. Gao Gang saw Chu Yang coming towards him, and his dark face suddenly showed a touch of joy.

At the time of crisis, before his subordinates arrived, Chu Yang arrived first, which made Gao Gang's opinion of Chu Yang immediately change.

But within a second, the joy turned into a shock.

I saw Chu Yang walking past them, heading straight towards the pursuing drug traffickers, looking at the posture, obviously wanting to help them break off.

Lying groove, when is it now, still entangled ~ entangled with these drug dealers?

Seeing this scene, Gao Gang almost cursed, but the next moment, his eyes widened, and the whole person petrified in place.


The momentum of a tiger roaring mountain forest suddenly erupted into a fierce sound wave.

But he saw that Chu Yang was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, and he rushed into the crowd with great violence, just like a tiger entering a flock, opening up and killing in the crowd.


A drug dealer's man was knocked to the ground, his arm twisted irregularly and apparently broken.

Tiger Fist!

Chu Yang turned into a fierce tiger, like the king of a hundred beasts, and every punch burst out with extremely strong power, directly causing the drug dealer's men to be seriously injured and fall to the ground.

In the face of the siege of dozens of drug dealers, he was sometimes as light as a swallow, sometimes as flexible as a monkey, sometimes as fierce as a tiger, and in less than ten seconds, only Chu Yang was left standing alone.

The rest all fell to the ground screaming, or passed out directly.

This picture is too shocking.

Gao Gang was stunned, Rao is his rich life experience, he can't help but feel his heart twitch fiercely, what a terrifying individual strength this is.

Those dozens of fierce drug dealers, in front of people, are like babies, a little tricks, and they are paralyzed to the ground.

"You said you can't kill!"

Walking to Gao Gang, who was in a daze, Chu Yang spoke lightly, and left directly.

On the ground, all the drug dealers' men are wasted, and even if they are healed, they will be left with lifelong disabilities, either hands and feet amputated, or their spines broken, and the shots are controlled very precisely.

"Don't kill?" Gao Gang reacted, unable to help but smile bitterly.

In the brutal world of drug dealers, leaving a disabled person behind is sometimes more painful than death.

PS: Recommend an author's friend's book "Flowers and Youth: Super God Heavenly King", and then thank you for your subscription, tips and ticket support, thank you!

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