Three, six, nine, twelve.

Wang Hao concocted it as he did, fast and accurate, and he hit with one blow, so they fell unconscious after that.

“There are four people left, these four people, one is reading a book, and two are chatting with the gray wolf (the gray wolf is our pilot).” Wang Hao thought to himself.

“My stomach hurts.”

“Ah, me too.”

“Can’t stand it, hurry up and let me in.”

Wang Hao said several words and used several voices, and sure enough, two people who guarded the pilot came out, and they wanted to see what was going on.

Just came out, Wang Hao was already ready, one in one hand, two fell to the ground together, at the moment of falling to the ground, Wang Hao reached out to help them for the sake of no sound.

Wang Hao’s body paused slightly, and then he quickly went in, and the two who remained inside did not react at all, and they had already slept groggily.

“Hello, gray wolf.” Wang Hao turned around and looked at the gray wolf sleeping on the stretcher.

“How did you get in?” The gray wolf looked surprised.

“Solved them, and then naturally came in.” Wang Hao said with a smile.

“You mean to say that you’ve solved it all?” The gray wolf asked in disbelief, there must be twenty or thirty people outside, and each of them is the elite of the special brigade.

Now they have actually been solved by Wang Hao and them?

“Also, each of you is very strong, one person is responsible for one side, it is very easy.” Gray Wolf said.

“This rescue, I was the only one, and they fought for me.” Wang Hao said,

“You’re alone? Solved the elite of more than twenty special brigades? At this time, the gray wolf was moved.

If it was a dozen of them before, then it is very normal, silent killing, a necessary subject for special forces.

But if this is done by one person, it is debatable.

“How long?” Gray Wolf asked.

“From the time I started it, the sniper observed the hand for ten seconds, those people outside took a little longer, forty seconds, these four inside, twenty seconds, plus others, it took a total of about one and a half minutes.” Wang Hao said.

The gray wolf stopped talking at all, and in a minute and a half, he solved more than twenty of their elites, and he felt that it was paper paste, and it was more than one and a half minutes, but Wang Hao did it.


“What, how did the captain move just now?” The paratrooper said.

“I didn’t see it clearly.” The hygienist said that he came from a martial arts family and had never seen this level.

“I didn’t see how he did it, only when he stopped, I could see his people.” Geng Jihui said.

“Twelve people, one minute and twenty-two seconds.” Chen Pai said.

“Lying groove, if you let the captain engage in a sneak attack, it is simply killing people invisible, this is fortunately still daytime, if it is night, the captain is more relaxed.” The paratrooper said.

“It’s true that whether the captain is day or night has no effect on him at all,” the hygienist said.

“Now what do we do? The captain should have dealt with them, let’s go down. The paratrooper said.

“Hmm.” Chen Pai nodded in agreement.

When Wang Hao started. It deeply stimulated them, and by the end of this action, it made them speechless in shock, it turned out that the captain they usually didn’t care much about would be so strong.

“Ding… The host completes the solipsistic task, everyone in the squad is amazed, does the host receive the reward? Kerr said.

Sure enough, his own hands convinced them.

“If you don’t get it, I’ll talk about it when I go back.”

At this time, they all came in from the outside, and they wanted to do it when they looked at the gray wolf.

The gray wolf lay down, “Hey, you guys are savage carrying, I was seriously injured, you know?” ”

“Gray wolf, if you don’t want me to make your.” The hygienist said.

The gray wolf immediately slept well.

“Don’t look, they were all eliminated by the captain.” The paratrooper said.

“They were wiped out by rookies so quickly, it seems that they should return to the furnace.” Gray Wolf said.

Everyone smiled, didn’t pay attention to it, what if you just returned to the furnace? They are still confident that they can complete this mission.

Everyone now especially wants to see the particularly unhappy face of the high school team, and I feel much more comfortable when I see you unhappy.

The high school team came to the scene in a helicopter and shouted, “Mada (gray wolf), how much do you weigh?” ”

“Report, ninety kilograms.”

The high school team looked at them and said, “The helicopter was shot down on the way, you have to carry the pilot back, free up an empty backpack, go and carry 90 kilograms of stone, carry it back.” ”

The high school team left in a helicopter, and Wang Hao looked at them, “What are you still stunned for?” Hurry up and do it. ”

“Wait, wait, why are we so stupid? Ninety kilometers, let’s carry this thing back? I think ah, we can almost get to our destination, and then stuff it in, there is still time. The paratrooper said.

Wang Hao said, “They don’t know where they are, they have arranged a lurking post waiting for us, don’t be opportunistic, cheating is definitely to get out immediately and can’t be repeated, besides, everyone has reached this step and was fired, what a pity?” ”

“Ostrich means that he misses the days of training and plans to come back next year.” The hygienist said.


Finally, when everyone carried 90 kilograms, the designated place 90 kilometers away from the front court.

“I’ll try.” Hadron said, “Lying groove, it’s too heavy.” ”

“Definitely more than ninety kilograms, if this is deliberately for us.”

The paratrooper said, “How do we go back?” ”

Wang Hao said, “Re-crossing the no-man’s land,”

The paratrooper said, “Why? Hey, this, this, this, is it all the road? ”

The hygienist patted the paratrooper on the head, and the paratrooper said, “What are you doing hitting me on the head?” What to do if you hit the fool? ”

“I won’t fight stupidly, I will only get smarter and smarter.” The hygienist said, “I tell you, the easier this road, the more ambushes and traps.” ”

“I thought of this, I mean, I will kill all the way when I ask, Brother Hao, you see how comfortable it was to get the veterans before.” The paratrooper said.

“You want to kill? When you can play the fourth blood, you are killing. Hadron said.

“No, provoke the high school team of Dog Day, he will continue to let people snipe us, so everyone stop talking nonsense, rookie A team, go.” Wang Hao said.

If there were no wounded, he really wouldn’t be afraid of him, not now.

When I was about to cross the river, the backpack almost fell in the river and was grabbed by Wang Hao, which could not be dropped, otherwise the backpack would weigh at least thirty kilograms.

“Report, they didn’t cheat without cheating, finished.”

“Reported, they are crossing towards the 1012 area. Complete. ”

PS: The third more, please subscribe, Xiaojiu continues to codeword.

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