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Wang Hao said with a smile, “Anyone who despises me, he will die a terrible death, you should be glad that we are friends, otherwise, you know the consequences.” ”

The captain was a little stunned, this is the interesting Wang Hao just now? Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has changed a person, he is serious, and people are afraid.

Especially now that he has a cynical smile on his face, as if he doesn’t take anyone to heart, which he admires even more.

This is Wang Hao, the terrible Wang Hao.

No matter how bad the bodyguard is, that is also a person from the special brigade, the results of various subjects, are still good, who knows that someone gave two arms and one leg, and the result is still so vulnerable.

No, it should not be said that he is vulnerable, but that his enemies are too terrible.

In the monitoring room, the high school team glanced at everyone.

“Do you have anything to say?” The high school team said. “Zero Zero Zero”

“Speed and strength are terrifying, if he hadn’t finally regained his strength, the kick just now, it is estimated that he could kick that bodyguard to death, even if he didn’t die, he would break a few ribs.” Coyote said his back sweated when he saw the kick.

“I feel the same way, I probably won’t be able to take a kick from him.” The gray wolf said with a look of shame.

“Don’t be like this, the reason why he came means that we have something he won’t have, otherwise he would have left long ago.” The high school team said.

“Uh-huh.” Everyone nodded, after all, the moment just now was too shocking.

“Not bad, not bad, what a hero out of a teenager.” The captain said.

“Ding… Will the host receive a reward for completing the task? ”

“Don’t get it.”

“Thank you Chief for the compliment, by the way, Chief, are you hungry?” Wang Hao said.

“What do you eat in this barren mountain?” The captain said deliberately, he knew that the special forces had a strong hands-on ability.

“Have a game meal.” Wang Hao said, “I’ll go get some pheasants and hares first, and I’ll catch two more fish later.” ”

“Can you catch it?” The captain was a little curious.

“Yes.” Wang Hao said, “Captain, you wait here for a while, I’ll come when I go.” ”

“Okay, there you go.”

Wang Hao came to the dead corner of the camera, where he put the spices exchanged by fifty exchange points, which were the favorite of pheasants and hares.

He can also catch, but there is not much time, he can only come like this, anyway, he just earned a hundred exchange points, and he earned it for use, and he can’t abuse himself.

Wang Hao worked a little harder, got a relatively strong branch, and then shaved it with a dagger, which could be used as a harpoon.

Wang Hao grabbed the fish and sprinkled something down, and the fish all came here, and got a dozen of them up in a while.

At this time, Wang Hao also went to the forest and caught two pheasants and three hares.

The captain and that bodyguard were dumbfounded, my mother, can you still taste? They caught so many things, it didn’t take five minutes in total, they delivered them themselves.

Not only them, but the high school team in the monitoring room was surprised, when was it so simple to catch wild meat?

“What did he just put down? The squadron said.

“Huang color, it won’t be feed, right? But this play and fish eat, the hare doesn’t seem to eat it. The gray wolf said.

“That thing, it must be particularly attractive to them, but I don’t know what it is, this kid, there are a lot of treasures on his body, they were stunned before, and the hospital didn’t know how they fainted, and the specific reason was not found.” The high school team said.

While they were talking, Wang Hao had already begun to clean up, first going to the internal organs, then using things to get fishy, and then starting to make a fire.

A total of fifteen branches were worn on it, at first there was nothing, and then slowly after ten minutes, Wang Hao’s baked things, the fragrance on them had already emitted, not only that, their color had turned golden yellow, and oil began to come out.

The first one whose stomach rang was the bodyguard, and Wang Hao didn’t care about him, and this was not good.

The fish was the first, Wang Hao took a bunch to the captain, and said to the bodyguard, “If you want to eat it, take it yourself.” ”

Wang Hao sat down, “Come, chief taste my grilled fish, I promise to make you praise.” ”

The captain really sat here for a while, and when Wang Hao said so, he was really a little hungry, so he took it and ate it in his mouth.

“Okay, look at your level.” The captain said.

“Not fishy, bitten in the mouth, there is a strong meat aroma, not bad, really good.” The captain praised.

Wang Hao said, “If you like to eat, you can eat less,”

The captain asked as he ate, “What are you talking about?” Eat less if you like it? ”

“Chief, blame me for not speaking completely, I mean, if you like to eat, leave some belly, and there are other 0…….. Others taste better. Wang Hao said.

“Okay.” The captain said.

After another twenty or thirty minutes, the hare was already ready, and Wang Hao grabbed a rabbit leg and gave it to the captain, “Chief, you come to eat first.” ”

The captain took over, “Well, it’s good, it’s really good, Wang Hao, I see that you don’t want to be a special soldier, give me the chef, haha.” ”

“Chief, you have to go and tell the high school team about this, if he agrees, I have no problem.” Wang Hao said.

“You’re like a rabbit, it’s very slippery.”

“Haha, chief, eat, eat more, the rabbit meat is particularly tender.” Wang Hao said.

So many ingredients, at the end, there is only one chicken left.

The captain ate half a rabbit and two fish, Wang Hao ate a chicken, a rabbit and three fish, and the bodyguard ate five fish.

Wang Hao packed the remaining whole chicken, and then put it in the rucksack, “Chief, the time is almost up, I want to go back, we will have a chance in the future, see you next time.” ”

“Wait, it’s a bit far from your destination, or should I let him drive you back?” The captain said.

Since this bodyguard was taught, he was much more honest, he didn’t say a word, and when he ate it, the fish really tasted delicious.

“No need, the car is not as fast as me.”

Wang Hao put on his backpack, carried the gun, and began to run wildly, and when he reached his destination, he looked at the others one by one, all tired 4.9 and half dead, but he was fine at all, there was really no harm without contrast.

“Brother Hao, what’s going on with the oil on your mouth?” Hadron said.

“Just ate some game, and I haven’t had time to wipe it yet.” Wang Hao really forgot about this.

When it came to eating, the paratrooper suddenly came to the spirit, “Brother Hao, we are brothers, are there any more?” ”

“Yes, and a hot roast chicken.” Wang Hao whispered.

The paratrooper was said by Wang Hao, and swallowed saliva at once, “Brother Hao, wait a while to return to the host to eat, we are not in a hurry.” ”

“When was the captain in a hurry? I think you’re in a hurry, right? The hygienist said with a smile.

PS: The second more, please subscribe to support, Xiao Jiu’s inheritance, decided to give it to you, I’m going to die of exhaustion. In other words, Xiao Jiu wrote food in the middle of the night, will you come and beat me to death? _

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