Song Gongzheng in the cell didn't hear the loud noise made by Qin Zhao just now. The doors of the military prison are specially made. No matter what happens outside, people inside will not feel anything.

So naturally, he didn't know that Qin Zhao had come to save him. When he saw Qin Zhao, his eyes also twinkled with tears.

As a soldier, we all know what it means to be in a military prison. To tell you the truth, song Gongzheng had given up when he was sent in and was ready to spend his whole life here.

Under normal circumstances, no matter who it is, it is impossible to take the person who has been sent to the military prison out. Song Gongzheng subconsciously thinks that his nephew is here to break the prison.

Although he also knew that Qin Zhao had worked in a special department of the state before, such a thing was not a big deal for him, but it would always leave a stain.

If Qin Zhao had to pay such a high price for him, song Gongzheng really felt a little sorry.

"Qin Zhao, my uncle knows that you are kind-hearted and don't want me to suffer here, but it's a big crime to break the prison. Go away quickly, while no one recognizes you."

"Oh, uncle, I came in through regular channels, not to break the prison. You can rest assured that you don't have to suffer here."

Anyway, when song Gongzheng didn't have a crutch, he couldn't walk. After Qin Zhao explained, he took song Gongzheng sitting on the bed and walked out.

"Qin Zhao, no matter what identity you are, this prisoner is not something you can take away!"

"Yes, if it's too late for you to wake up, we'll treat you as if you haven't been here. Don't miss your own future for this prisoner."

Just now when Qin Zhao and song Gongzheng were talking for such a long time, a man with the appearance of a military tycoon came outside. Of course, they didn't know who Qin Zhao was, but the person who informed them just now had introduced Qin Zhao to them.

If this matter is put on ordinary people, then he will compromise under this kind of battle. But now Qin Zhao is the one who wants to take song Gongzheng away, so he will not follow the script they planned.

"Fart, you're so useless! Get out of here, I don't want to kill people! "

This is the first time that Qin Zhao has been so angry since his retirement. He not only uses foul language, but also threatens to kill people. No matter what kind of resistance there is, Qin Zhao will take song Gongzheng away anyway.

Just now, I had good words to persuade them. However, after hearing Qin Zhao say so, these military leaders can't hang on their faces any more. After all, there are still their "little brothers" here. If they think so, how can they have a foothold here in the future.

"Well, since you are so persistent, don't blame us."

After a word, I saw a large number of soldiers pouring out from behind them, all with guns in their hands. It seems that as long as Qin Zhao still doesn't follow their advice, he will directly shoot Qin Zhao. Even if he wants to hurt song Gongzheng in Qin Zhao's arms by mistake, he will do whatever it takes to subdue Qin Zhao here.

"Hum, hum, do you want to control me with just a few people and guns? I don't know if you're going out without brains or something. Come on, I'll play with you. "

Qin Zhao didn't show any fear when he saw such a scene. Instead of retreating, he was more powerful than them. Seeing that they didn't do anything for a long time, he made a little provocation.

Of course, he can't just stand here and wait to be a live target. After that, he took advantage of the fact that the opposite people were stunned and didn't give orders to start, and sent song Gongzheng back to the bed in the cell.

"Uncle, please stay here for a while, and I'll be right back to take you out." After he said a word to song Zhengyi, he quickly turned around and went out.

Qin Zhao's speed is so fast that there is no time for song Gongzheng to persuade him to compromise. Just as song Gongzheng is ready to speak, his voice has not yet been heard. When he looks up, he can see that Qin Zhao has disappeared from his eyes.

"Do it all for me. This is a terrorist who has infiltrated into the national security department. Song Gongzheng is also his accomplice. If you kill him, you can only get credit. Even if something happens, I'll take it!"

Until Qin Zhao had entrusted song Gongzheng, the military boss who had just talked with Qin Zhao reacted and growled and issued orders to shoot the people behind him.

"Bang Bang Bang... "

For a moment, in the corridor of the cell of this military prison, there was the sound of firecrackers, and I don't know whose scream it was.

"Ah, you worthless people, fight when you see it right!"

The man who talked with Qin Zhao just now suddenly yelled at the soldiers behind him. One of those screams just now was his. The reason is that he was shot at the back of the muzzle for no reason. Of course, it was only in the leg, not fatal."Hey, old trash, don't blame them. You asked for it. I fired the gun."

All of a sudden, Qin Zhao's voice rang out in this space, and it rang out in their ears, but no matter how they looked for it, they didn't find Qin Zhao's figure, just like a ghost.

For a moment, all the soldiers were a little flustered. After all, they had never experienced such a strange phenomenon.

"You don't have to be wild. You can't escape. Today you will die..."


There was another shot, and the bullet went directly into his other leg. Qin Zhao didn't hesitate when he fired. Since these people wanted to embarrass song Gongzheng, they must have a lot to do with the Lin family who had been killed by him. In this case, they were all killed. Qin Zhao's heart would not have a little burden. Who let them They offended Qin Zhao.

"Now you don't want me out?"

In fact, at the bottom of his heart, Qin Zhao didn't want to kill so many people. After all, no matter how hateful they were, they were all alive. Moreover, they were Chinese and his compatriots. Out of patriotic psychology, Qin Zhao wanted to let them go.

"Well Don't think about it. You shoot at us. No matter who comes, you can't be saved. Just wait for the court martial. "


Now that they are all like this, they still have to be tough. No wonder Qin Zhao sighed helplessly and had to solve the problem in the most rude way.

In this narrow space, the sound of guns with a certain sense of rhythm sounded again. I only saw that the people who had taken the lead in blocking and threatened Qin Zhao had fallen into a pool of blood, and there was no place in good condition on them.

Anyway, some of them are no longer able to stop Qin Zhao and song Gongzheng from leaving. Qin Zhao's performance just now has already frightened these recruits. They are so powerful that they have been killed. How can they go beyond their ability.

"Do you want to have a try?"

At this time, Qin Zhao finally jumped from the ceiling and appeared in everyone's sight. In his opinion, without the command of those people, these soldiers dare not act without authorization.

After all, these soldiers are not as tough as they are in the background.

The usual provocative words scared them so much that they nearly wet their pants and threw their guns on the ground one after another to show that they would not stop them.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Zhao smiles with satisfaction and throws his gun to the ground without any other purpose, just because it's too heavy in his hand.

When things had come to this point, Qin Zhao thought that nothing would happen again, and he was going to bring song Gongzheng out easily.

But at this time, he suddenly felt as if there was danger lurking nearby, but he didn't realize it just now. It should have just appeared, like the smell of sniper gun.

In less than a month since he retired, this is the second time that he has been pointed at by a sniper. Qin Zhao is very angry that he didn't catch that sniper last time.

This time, Qin Zhao secretly vowed in his heart that if he caught the sniper, he would be punished and let him go. Of course, the premise is that the sniper would not shoot Qin Zhao again.

"Uncle, it's all right. It's all settled. We can go now."

Qin Zhao seems as if nothing had happened and walks to the room where song Gongzheng was just placed. In fact, his face is already winking at Song Gongzheng, so that song Gongzheng can protect himself.

The source of danger Qin Zhao felt just now was behind him. The expression on his face should not be found by the sniper. That's why Qin Zhao dared to make such a bold expression.

When Qin Zhao was very young, his uncle and nephew had a strong tacit understanding. Therefore, the expression on Qin Zhao's face was understood by song Gongzheng for the first time.

"All right, but you have to come and carry me. I can't go by myself."

Qin Zhao took advantage of the situation and went to song Gongzheng. He wanted to carry on Song Gongzheng's back. In fact, the finger tiger he had put on his hand had been taken off secretly and now he is putting it in his hand.

"Sit down, uncle."


At the moment when Qin Zhao turned and squatted down, his eyes had noticed the mirror of the sniper gun not far away from the ceiling. It was this angle that reflected a ray of sunlight through the mirror. It was this ray of sunlight that attracted Qin Zhao's attention. At that moment, Qin Zhao took the lead and threw his finger tiger to the position of the mirror Set.

Of course, no matter how powerful Qin Zhao is, he can't use such a small thing to kill the sniper, but the reason why he does it is to affect the sniper's sight.

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