Speed Is King

Chapter 101 - Crude Method

"I wonder if my summons can power up this way as well." Elliot wondered.

[Only physical skills have that effect.] Hawk replied when Elliot asked him about it. [This effect is not applicable to summons.]

"Fair enough." Elliot nodded as he played a game of lightning and fire dodgeball with the enraged two headed hydra. He just had an incredible idea thanks to his enhanced intelligence.

He wanted to try and combine Lightning Strike and Ice Beam, like he had done with Lightning Slash. With 5000% increased damage from Lightning Strike and 500% increased damage from Ice Beam, combining both together would qualitatively modify his attack into an astounding 25,000%!

Of course, it wouldn't be a perfect combination, and he probably wouldn't get 25,000%. But it would still be a powerful combination, one that would allow him to fight enemies many power levels above him.

And if he added Dragon Aura and Leadership Aura, his attack would have a staggering cap of 50,000%!

He balanced both skills in his mind and allowed his body to reach maximum preparation.

There was no finesse in what Elliot was trying to do. He was just slamming two skills together and hoped that somehow they mesh together well.

As crude as that method was, it worked.

An azure beam filled with ice energy and wrapped in crackling lightning energy shot out of his mouth and almost instantly reached the hydra.


The beam hit the lightning-spitting head and froze it upon impact. However, the powerful lightning energy immediately took effect and broke the frozen head into a thousand tiny pieces.

[New skill created. Deal 10,000% lightning and ice damage. Please give it a name.]

"10,000%? A bit lower than I hoped, but still good. Let's call it… Azure Lightning Blast!" Elliot gave his new skill a really cool sounding name.

His Azure Lightning Blast was his most powerful skill yet, but it was crudely created, and thus was not particularly energy efficient. A single blast took nearly a quarter of his vastly enhanced energy.

He couldn't use it too often, and it had to remain as his trump card in future battles. Not that Elliot was complaining.

Although less energy efficient than his other skills, in battle, sometimes he'll need to deal a mountainload of damage in an extremely tiny window of time, and firing off one big, fat Azure Lightning Blast would be extremely effective.

"Anyway, now that only one head remains, let's have some fu- HEY! THAT'S MY HYDRA DAMN IT!" Elliot shouted in anger.

But he was too late.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 221!]

A giant worm had suddenly burst out from beneath the hydra and bit it almost in two with its gigantic mouth.

Its front opening was just six flaps that could open completely and was so large that it could have easily swallowed the freaky woman whole if it wanted to.

The only reason it didn't do that to the hydra was because the hydra's body was too wide for it.

But the fact that it could still almost bite the hydra in two simply bore testament to just how gigantic the worm was. Its width was a terrifying eight meters and judging by just how ridged the area around them had become, it was probably very, very disgustingly long as well.

Elliot wouldn't be surprised if it was a hundred meters long.

"Even giant train-sized worms are appearing huh. This "Battle of Kings" would completely destroy planet Earth after it's over." Elliot thought grimly to himself.

"Frosty, Red, come out. Let's slice and dice this stupid worm." Elliot ordered.

"Hey, a Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher!" Red said when he appeared. "It's going to be a tough nut to crack. We'll need a hell lot more fire power if we want to finish this one off quickly."

But the party was just beginning.


The ground next to the Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher suddenly exploded as well as a SECOND Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher burst out of the ground!

"TWO Belchers? This is worse than a tragic soap opera!! How in the world are we supposed to deal with TWO fat Belchers?" Red shouted indignantly, as though he was a paying customer complaining to a restaurant for a wrongly delivered meal.

"Red, is it normal for an area such as California to have so many Kings?" Elliot asked with a frown.

"Hmmm. Now that you mention it, it is quite strange. In Battle of Kings mode, the Kings would be spread out to give them an opportunity to get even stronger, and make the game more exciting.

For thirty of them to be gathered here is rather out of the ordinary. I can think of two possibilities.

One, there must be something extremely attractive in this area, something that can attract all these powerful Kings to come.

Two, these are all Dark Brainwyrm infested beasts.I am assuming that the Dark Brainwyrms have access to the King level beasts being unleashed on this planet. But I doubt that they have access to ALL of them. And for them to infest almost all of the Kings in this particular region is extremely strange - unless of course they did it on purpose."

"And the only reason that would make them do it on purpose is simply because the strange substance they are looking for to produce a Queen Parasite is here, in California." Elliot completed Red's thought for him.

"Exactly. And if that is true, then California would either become the point of impact for the planet obliterating nuke, or ground zero for a Dark Brainwyrm plague. Frankly speaking, I am rooting for the Dark Brainwyrms at this point." Red said seriously.

Elliot could feel a heavy sense of dread and consternation fall upon him as he tried to think of a solution to his many predicaments.

But at that moment, the unthinkable happened.


Another Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher exploded from the ground!

And it was no ordinary Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher.

It was at least TWICE as wide as the first one, and it was a fearsome orange in colour!

"Another one?? And is that their father or something? Why is it so freaking huge?" Elliot shouted as he quickly sped away from the scene.


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