Speed Is King

Chapter 113 - Army Commander

"Now that you're my Fire Apostle, you will receive bonus stats for every level I gain. Even now, you should be experiencing a significant boost in strength." Elliot told his newly minted Fire Apostle.

"Hmmmm." Rom's eyes glinted with surprise and excitement. He truly did not expect that the Apostle Contract would grant him such a powerful boon. He even gained a rather intriguing new skill!

"I know that our relationship started under very unfortunate circumstances, but whatever the case, we're bound together now. If I do well, you do well. If you do well, I do well. Let's forget the past, and let us focus on forging a better future for us all, shall we?" Elliot extended an olive branch to Rom.

"Fine. I agree." Rom answered very reasonably.

"Good. Rom, you need to work hard to combine [Lightning Slash] with your [Flame Slash]. If you can do that, you will gain the increased damage multiplier and armor piercing effect of [Lightning Slash] on top of your [Flame Slash]'s fire damage. It will reset the level to one, but in the long run, you'll be much stronger." Elliot advised Rom.


"And now… Aldera."

Elliot turned towards Aldera who had shapeshifted back to her wolf form and was lying down in a state of rest.

"Hmm, now that I know she's pregnant, her tummy does seem like it's bulging out a little bit." Elliot thought to himself.

"Hawk. How does it work with pregnant women? I'll get her pup automatically as a tamed beast or as an Apostle?" Elliot asked Hawk the AI.

[Contract signed with a pregnant mother will bind the unborn child/children to the same contract. However, it is not so with the case of an Apostle Contract, which is a higher contract. Her unborn pups would revert to the base Beast Contract.]

"Good. I don't want all my Beast Apostle slots to be filled by Specter Wolves." Elliot said.

Beast Type: Specter Wolf Seer

Beast Name: Aldera Amarok

Gender: Female

Beast Level: 325

Beast Power Level: 305

Beast Grade: Mythical

Beast Bloodline: Wolf God's Specter

Beast Physical Status: Healthy, Pregnant

Beast Emotional Status: Hopeful

Hobby: Hunting

Evolution Pathways: 2


Level 32 Feral Bite - Deal 3200% bite damage. Infect victim with Specter Wolf bloodline.

Level 32 Poison Slash - Deal 6400% poison damage over three seconds.

Level 32 Stealth - Disappears from all senses for 32 minutes.

Level 32 Charge - Burst forth with 200% movement speed for 32 minutes.

Level 32 Shapeshift - Shift freely between a quadrupedal or a bipedal wolf.

Level 32 Clairvoyance - Receive visions of the future with 32% accuracy.

AI Comments: A powerful seer descendant of the Wolf God's Special Forces General, Specter. Caught and imprisoned after a failed raid on a Star System's Royal Convoy.

"Huh? Mythical grade? That's actually higher than Rom's Legendary grade. Interesting. Her power level is lower. So she's not really geared towards combat. And… Clairvoyance?" Elliot was very surprised.

"What a powerful skill! Now wonder she was so calm. She probably saw this situation in her visions. And truly, although knowledge is power, nothing beats real power. She couldn't do anything even though she knew what would happen." Elliot thought grimly to himself.

"I am ready." Aldera said gently.

"Very well. Aldera, I shall make you my Light Apostle. Do you accept?" Elliot asked her formally.

"I do." Aldera nodded.

[Beast Apostle contract signed.]

[Received 125,000 XP]

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 262!]

[Please select an Apostle Element for Aldera Amarok.]

"I choose the Royal Element - Light!"

[Light Apostle Aldera Amarok has received two unique skills.]

[Blessings of the Wolf God - Become immune to Physical damage for ten seconds.]

[Blessings of the Wolf Goddess - Become immune to Magical damage for ten seconds.]

[Received Light Apostle Aldera Amarok's Unique Skill - Blessings of the Wolf God.]

[Received Light Apostle Aldera Amarok's Unique Skill - Blessings of the Wolf Goddess.]

[Received Light Apostle Aldera Amarok's Skill - Clairvoyance.]

[Please select a skill to grant Light Apostle Aldera Amarok.]

"I choose Azure Lightning Blast!" Elliot said calmly.

[Light Apostle Aldera Amarok has received [Azure Lightning Blast].]

[Beast Contract signed.]

[Received 20,000 XP]

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 263!]

[Please grant the unborn Pup a name.]

"Hmmmm. Hawk, is it a boy or a girl?"

[It is a boy.]

"Aldera, do you have a name for your pup? It's a boy." Elliot asked her with a smile.

"Yes I do. Please name him Kai Kyzto." Aldera smiled back at Elliot. Having accepted her fate and that of her unborn children, she was at peace.

"Kai? Sounds Japanese. But alright. Hawk, name it Kai Kyzto." Elliot shrugged and obliged.

Beast Type: Specter Wolf Champion

Beast Name: Kai Kyzto

Gender: Male

Beast Level: 1

Beast Power Level: 1

Beast Grade: Ancestral

Beast Bloodline: Wolf God's Specter

Beast Physical Status: Healthy

Beast Emotional Status: Zzzzz

Hobby: What's that?

Evolution Pathways: 5


Level 1 Destructive Bite - Deal 200% bite damage. Infect victim with Specter Wolf bloodline.

Level 1 Destructive Slash - Deal 200% slash damage and 100% impact damage.

Level 1 High Stealth - Renders Kai completely undetectable for 1 minute.

Level 1 Explosive Charge - Burst forth with 500% movement speed for 30 seconds.

Level 1 Shapeshift - Shift freely between a quadrupedal or a bipedal wolf.

Level 1 Spectral Roar - Cause enemies to freeze in fear for 1 second and receive 50% damage.

Level 1 Spectral Aura - Receive 1% less physical damage and absorb 0.1% vitality from all lifeforms each second.

AI Comments: A powerful Champion born with the Wolf God's Specter's attributes and skills. Destined for greatness from birth.

"Ancestral? And what's with his ridiculously powerful skills? Jackpot!" Elliot's eyes widened slightly as he beheld the unborn pup's insane skills.

"Damn, I want that Spectral Aura. Explosive charge looks excellent too! But I have too many speed related skills already. Destructive Slash would be great too if I can combine it with my Lightning Slash. Ahh, damn. Truly, all of his skills are overpowered. What a cheater! Lucky he's mine now." Elliot thought half jealously and half happily.

"I have countless visions about Kai's future." Aldera said softly. "I do not know which ones are true. But one vision in particular kept appearing."

"Really? What sort of vision is that?" Elliot asked, intrigued.

"A vision of Kai ahead of an army of beasts, going against General Specter and his Shadow Wolves." Aldera said.

"Uhhhh. That doesn't sound very good at all." Elliot groaned lightly.

"However, he wasn't the commander of the beast army." Aldera continued. "In my visions, he was merely the Commander's Battlemount."

"Oh damn it all." Elliot muttered. He knew what was coming up next.

"You, Master, are the Army's Commander."


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