Speed Is King

Chapter 137 - They Are Here For You

"You gave him BLINK?"

"You upgraded BLINK?"

Monkey king and Jul'Taras shouted in unison.

"Hahahaha! Look at the two of you! You both are so similar, you should get together or something!" Jessica Sands laughed for a second and then froze as a realization struck her like a thunderbolt.

"HEY! That's right. You two SHOULD get together!" Jessica Sands exclaimed.

"Stop changing the subject." Jul'Taras said instantly. "How in the world did you manage to upgrade Blink?" It's the most researched spell within the Elven Mages Guild and we barely made any improvements to the Spell Framework!"

"I'm putting a book mark on that! You two are reaaally compatible! Hee hee! About the blink… It's rather complicated, but I did manage to devise several shortcuts in the Spell Framework and simplify it so that even King Level beings can use it, and with TWICE the range!" Jessica Sands said proudly.

Jul'Taras could only look at her best friend with an astounded and helpless look.

Jessica was completely smashing apart millenia old natural barriers that the entire magical community of the known universe couldn't overcome, but here she was, hanging out in a little Diamond Sponsor VIP Room watching an insignificant Earth Game instead of… Of…

"You should take over my aunt's job as the Head Researcher of Magic!" Jul'Taras blurted out without thinking.

"I'm a Void Walker, how am I supposed to lead the Magical Research Department of the ELVEN Mages Guild?" Jessica Sands rolled her eyes at Jul'Taras. "And my grandfather would probably drag me back to lead HIS Department of Magic the instant I poke my head out of your guild. Nono, it's best that nobody knows about my power."

"It's too late for that." Monkey King laughed helplessly at Jessica Sand's naivety. "Your Reverse Time Walk probably had the entire Magical Community on high alert. And once Elliot activates your secondary boon, they'll know that they have an overachiever in you."

"Indeed. As I mentioned yesterday, your "little" boon is creating shockwaves everywhere." Jul'Taras said seriously. "I'm sure that your grandpa has top notch warriors assigned to protect you. But I couldn't help but worry. That's actually the main reason why I am here. With my bodyguards added to yours, I doubt not many curious members of society will dare to disturb us."

"Awww Jules. You're always so sweet to me." Jessica Sands hugged Jul'Taras. "But you really don't have to worry, though. Grandpa actually…"

Jessica leaned in and whispered something into Jul'Taras' ear, who immediately opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"He's actually even more paranoid than me. Haha! As expected of the craziest and one of the strongest Void Walkers out there! He truly isn't messing around when it comes to your safety, huh? I worried for nothing!" Jul'Taras smiled ruefully.

"Hey, what's happening. I'm feeling a little bit left out here." Monkey King joked. Over the past few days, the three of them had slowly become pretty good friends, and Monkey King had begun to loosen up a little bit. They had a pretty comfortable relationship at that moment.

"Hee hee. I only told her the defensive measures Grandpa put in place to keep me safe. It's a clan secret! But Jules knew about it already so I can tell her. But not you, sooorrey!" Jessica Sands stuck out her tongue a little bit to lighten the sting of not telling Monkey King anything.

"I'm sure you have your own defensive measures that your Patriarch put in place for you, right? Like a squad of hidden bodyguards or a supreme talisman of escape or something…" Jessica Sands shifted the topic to Monkey King to keep him talking so that they would not descend into awkward silence.


"I don't have any defensive measures apart from my own abilities, and my weapon." Monkey King chuckled. If Jessica was talking to an emotionally fragile being, she had just succeeded making the atmosphere even more awkward with her question. Thankfully Monkey King was totally fine.

"Ah! Well… Uhhh. Do you want one?" Jessica immediately took out a talisman and offered it to Monkey King.

Jul'Taras could only smack her own forehead in her mind at Jessica's absolute lack of social skills.

"She meant well." Jul'Taras stretched out her soft hands and placed it on Monkey King's shoulder. "Don't take offense."

"Of course." Monkey King grinned as he took the talisman from Jessica's hand gratefully. "How can I take offense at someone giving me such a valuable talisman? What talisman is this? Talisman of Escape?"

"Talisman of Escape? HA! My grandpa would vomit blood if I had to depend on such a weak talisman as my trump card!" Jessica Sands blundered on naively with her words.

Monkey King's upper lip twitched lightly and he couldn't help but to laugh helplessly at Jessica's innocence and at his extreme poverty.

Jul'Taras removed her hand from Monkey King's shoulder and placed it on her forehead with a sigh.

"It's a Talisman of Home Sweet Home!" Jessica Sands said proudly.

"What in all of the heavens is that?" Monkey King asked with a laugh at its strange and childish name.

Jessica beckoned for the both of them to come closer and whispered very, very lightly in their ears.

"It's a unique Talisman which Grandfather designed for me. I just have to trigger it, and I will immediately be teleported back to a secure location back home!"

"Wow. That's really impressive. You Void Walkers truly are the masters of space. Huh?" Monkey King couldn't help but marvel.

"Of course." Jessica Sands said solemnly. "We are second to none in terms of space mastery."

"One question though. If you give me this Talisman, and I use it, then…" Monkey King let his voice trail out.

"Then you will be instantly transported to… Oh." Jessica Sands realized her mistake and scratched her head sheepishly. "Don't worry. I'll give you something else. I have no lack of trump cards!"

"It's alright, Jess. You can keep your trump cards. I wasn't intending to accept the Talisman even if it didn't transport me to your clan anyway. Plus, there's no need for such extensive escape mechanisms is there? I mean, we're are-"

"Apparently, we might need it soon." Jul'Taras interrupted Monkey King. "My sources are telling me that a powerful group of hostiles have appeared just ten minutes away from here."

She turned to look at Jessica.

"They're here for you."

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