Speed Is King

Chapter 142 - Crushing The Demon Warriors

There were no blocking sonic attacks. One could either fire back another sonic attack to nullify them, or avoid them completely.

Unless of course, one had Aural armor.

Aural armor was a high tech development made by the ultra-powerful Boomdroid Enterprises. They somehow managed to develop the technology to solidify soundwaves. And for some reason, the solidified soundwaves were near impenetrable by all forms of attack below the Emperor level.

Above the Emperor level, Aural armor was absolute trash. But for those below Emperor level, Aural armor was godlike.

Even a thousand normal King level warriors would have no chance to kill a mere mortal clad in Aural armor. It was that powerful.

And the fact that Aural armor was made of solidified soundwaves made them especially effective in shielding the wearer against sonic attacks.

They did not, however, make the wearer resistant against angry dragons intent on sending them flying.

"So you're resistant against my energy attack? Then take this!"


The Golden Dragon swung his tail viciously at a charging demon warrior and sent her flying.


He unleashed his dragon fire at another and caused her to go on the defensive.

However, he could not deal with the third demon warrior, who promptly discharged a ferocious barrage of attacks on the Golden Dragon.

Circular beams of weaponized soundwaves shot out from her bladeless sword hilts and assailed the Golden Dragon's mind.


A wave of excruciating pain lambasted the Golden Dragon and sent him reeling in agony.


Another attack, more powerful than before, smashed ruthlessly into his mind and almost caused him to black out.


The Golden Dragon finally got seriously pissed off by the irritating demon warriors and he began to transform into his true size.

The three demon warriors pressed on with their attack and bombarded him with their powerful soundwave attacks, causing serious damage to the Golden Dragon's mind.

However, it wasn't enough to disable him. Instead, their attacks incensenced him even more and made him increase his speed of transformation!

As he continued to grow larger, the effect of the soundwaves began to dull. Very soon, he would assume his true form, and then he would teach those blasted demon warriors a lesson.

A lesson that would take place in his stomach.

"STOP!" Jessica Sands shouted.

She blinked in next to the Golden Dragon and quickly weaved her space energy into a series of complicated runes which took effect with horrifying speed.

The demon warriors found their movements turning sluggish as space itself seemed to reject them.


The demon warriors immediately turned on their anti-magic shields in response to Jessica's Void Prison. The shields glowed a terrifying red.


A cracking sound could be heard as the demon warriors fully regained their mobility. The anti-magic shields had successfully prevented Jessica's Void Prison Rune from closing in on them!

"High grade anti-magic shields, huh? Whoever is funding this operation sure is generous. And very intent on completing the mission. Well, if a standard Void Prison spell isn't enough, I'll just have to use my personally souped up Void Prison spell - Eternal Silence!" Jessica Sands said to herself with a heroic flair.

It would be the first time that she could be personally casting her modified spells in public, and she felt rather excited. She felt just like a mother about to release her child to participate in a public drawing competition for the first time.

Except that it wasn't a drawing competition but a life and death battle.

Jessica blinked away once more to create some space between her and the demon warriors, and to buy herself a little bit of time. As one, the three that were dealing with the Golden Dragon and around ten others immediately turned to chase after her.

She noted their positions with a corner of her mind and estimated their ETA.

"Three seconds. Just enough." Jessica thought.

The rune that she was about to draw to activate her Eternal Silence spell was a rather tricky one.

She had broken down several Runes and withdrawn their essence before combining them with the original Void Prison rune.

Among others, she had combined Penetrate, Soul Paralysis, and Confusion to great effect and then merged them once more with Void Prison to create a Rune that was nigh unstoppable by the rest of the known universe.

The demon warriors unleashed their sonic attacks at full blast as soon as they got within range of Jessica! Rings of distorted soundwaves shot out of their Aural blades and rippled towards her at high speed.

However, they were too late. Jessica was done drawing her runes. She blinked to a spot behind them and unleashed Eternal Silence on the entire group.

"There, that should do it." Jessica muttered to herself as the highly complex rune lit up in a magnificent and glorious display. Blue, orange and green lights shone brightly like the Northern Lights.

Beneath the rune, all thirteen demon warriors froze.

They could not move at all. Not even their eyeballs.

Slowly, the space lockdown invaded their bodies, causing their blood to come to a standstill, and their hearts to stop beating.

And then, after another second, their neural synapses stopped firing.

And then, they were no more.

"Hey dragon! They're not attacking you anymore. Stop your transformation before you destroy the entire room!" Jessica yelled at the Golden Dragon who was already in mid-transformation.

At her words, however, he halted the process and reverted back to his three meter tall form.

"WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?!" The Golden Dragon roared angrily. "They almost killed me with their blasted soundwaves!

"They are- DODGE!" Jessica Sands yelled as she pushed him with all of her strength and sent him flying across the room! Just in time to avoid a series of sonic attacks!


The Golden Dragon hit the side wall of the room. The impact with the wall was the final straw that broke the camel's back and the gloriously powerful Golden Dragon finally blacked out ingloriously without taking down even a single enemy!

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