Speed Is King

Chapter 158 - I Don't Like You

After the fiasco that took place in the Diamond Sponsor VIP room, the The Sands of Time Void Walker Clan bared its fangs to the rest of the universe.

Upon hearing about what his precious granddaughter had to go through, Director Sands exploded in a blaze of fury that even he himself had no idea he was capable of feeling.

"I want the entire Ninth Heaven erased from existence. Do you understand me? Erased. Sons. Daughters. Bastards. Pet dogs. Pet rabbits. Everything." Director Sands had said softly to the three hooded Void Walkers standing before him.

All three of them simply nodded. They understood perfectly what was expected of them. It was not their first rodeo, nor was it their first massacre.

"Make sure they know it's us. Do it publicly. I understand if you have to assassinate their top fighters. But anything below Emperor level has to die screaming in public. I want them to curse us with everything they have, and for the rest of the universe to know that my granddaughter IS. NOT. TO. BE. TOUCHED."

The three of them nodded once more. The requirement to make it public would make their mission multiple times harder, but it was a challenge they relish. Plus, it was just a measly Ninth Heaven anyway.

"Go." Director Sands waved them away.

Space around them shimmered for a quick second, and then they were gone.

Within the hour, all five Hegemons of the Ninth Heaven Mercenary Group were dead.

Within three hours, all forty seven Emperors were dead.

At the fourth hour, the three Void Walkers suddenly appeared in the middle of a high level press conference held by a Universe Level Multi-Star-System reputed to be a patron of the Ninth Heaven Mercenary Group.

All at once, every single camera swiveled to focus on the three Void Walkers and the attention of the Universe fell upon them.

"How dare you barge into the Golden Lance Company's annual press conference!" A powerful looking blue-skinned giant roared and stood up to his full ten-meter height. He unlimbered a massive eight-meter long broadsword and advanced menacingly towards the Void Walkers.

All around the giant auditorium, security personnel also sprang into action.

However, the lead Void Walker merely waved his hand lightly, and every single Golden Lance Company member in the room froze!

"YOU! How dare you! You're courting death! The Golden Lance Company will never let you go!" The blue giant roared in anger as he struggled to break free from the frozen space that encapsulated him.

He failed miserably, of course.

"The Void Walkers send their regards." The lead Void Walker ignored the blue giant and said lazily to the President of the Golden Lance Company, before glancing at the reporters in the room.

Confirming that every single camera was on him, he then pointed at the President who was seated calmly in the center of a long table on a stage where he was delivering his speech.


A horrifying aura burst into the auditorium as tens of bodies appeared out of nowhere and piled onto him.

They were the bodies of the Hegemons and Emperors of the Ninth Heaven Mercenary Group!

They were so powerful that even in death, their fearsome aura had not dissipated.

"The Ninth Heaven Mercenary Group made a move against Jessica Sands, the Princess of our Clan, earlier today." The lead Void Walker turned, smiled at the cameras and began his speech.

"And as of today, Ninth Heaven is no more. Their Five Demonic Archangels are dead. Their forty seven Demonic Generals and Angelic Commanders are dead. If you come for our Princess, we will kill you and your entire organization.

You have been warned.

And oh, for the rest of the Ninth Heaven Mercenary group. All of you, we're coming for you. By the end of this week, every single member of Ninth Heaven Mercenary Group will be dead. It doesn't matter where you go. It doesn't matter whose protection you seek refuge in. You will all die.

Thank you for your kind attention. You may resume your activiti- Oh wait I almost forgot."

The lead Void Walker turned around to face the President of the Golden Lance Company who was still frozen in place with fifty two dead bodies all around him.

"As the leader of the organization that patronizes Ninth Heaven, your life is forfeit."


The President exploded into pieces.

The lead Void Walker turned to face the blue giant whose face had immediately turned into many lighter shades of blue.

"And you, I don't like you."


The blue giant exploded into pieces as well.

"Thank you all for your kind attention. You may resume your activities."

And with that, all three Void Walkers had disappeared from the auditorium.

That was a few days ago.

At that moment, Jessica Sands was still in the Diamond Sponsor VIP room talking with her grandpa once more.

"Yes, gramps, I will not step out of this room. I have everything I need here." Jessica Sands said impatiently to her grandpa.

"Remember, you're also not allowed to leave Aunty Hillary's line of sight. You understand that this is a critical time of your life, right? How many attempts had there been, even after the public executions of the damned puppet of the Golden Lance Company? Fifteen? The universe has no lack of idiots and desperados who would brave our defensive measures just to try their luck. You need to make completely sure you're safe at ALL times, do you hear?" Director Sands nagged at Jessica for the upteenth time that week.

"Yes, gramps. Aunty Hillary has never left my side, not even when I went to the bathroom." Jessica sighed. "All is well here. We're imprenable! I haven't even used the trump card you gave me!"

"Good. Keep it that way. Now I have to go and ah. Meet with more people. Talk to you later." Director Sands nodded and cut off the communication feed.

"Haiyah! What a long irritating week!" Jessica Sands complained to Wu Kong, Jules and Aunty Hillary. "Why don't the greedy bastards just make up their minds already and come all together at once so I can kill them all with one fabulous forbidden spell?!"

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