Speed Is King

Chapter 166 - Chromatic And Metallic

Elliot chuckled.

"Calm down, Khellendra. Stop overreacting! It's just adding one weak little member into our group." Khalendros said as he placed his hands on her shoulders to stop Khellendra's little jig.

"He's a Beast Master, right? Having him in our group is like having a bunch of beasts too! We're going to have a new home. We're finally going to have a new home! Khal, it's perfect!" Khellendra's excitement was so strong that not even Khalendros was able to calm her down.

"Are your clan members still on your home planet? Why are you so desperate for a new planet?" Elliot asked curiously.

At the mention of their home planet, however,Khellendra's excitement evaporated. Just like that, she went from ecstatic to half-depressed in a matter of milliseconds.

She stopped her little dance and sighed deeply.

"Our clan members are currently guests on another Blue Dragon Clan's planet, Typhoon II. Due to… some reasons, we would like to move out as soon as possible." Khellendra said.

"I see." Elliot nodded and wisely refrained from asking more questions on the apparently rather sensitive topic.

"Let's get started. What do you want to talk about?" Khalendros said bluntly.

"Right. Well, shall we begin our negotiation? IF we work together, and we succeed, I want the landmass that we're in right now, and every single inch of ground connected to it." Elliot began.

"Agreed." Khalendros said without hesitation. He had studied the planet before joining the Battle of Kings, and had purposely chosen the smaller landmass out of the two major landmasses to begin his mission.

"We'll share the oceans. Anything within ten kilometers of our coast will belong to us. If the distance between our coasts is less than twenty kilometers, then we'll split it in half."

"Agreed." Khalendros nodded again.

"We will aid each other with maximum effort if our part of the planet comes under attack."

"No. I don't have the authority to agree on that. But rest assured that I will try and persuade Khelaria to agree to that. Worst case scenario, Khellendra and I will personally go and aid you if such a day arrives." Khalendros said.

"Fair enough." Elliot nodded. "In principle, I want our two races to be at peace and to respect each other. We'll base the rest of the details of our agreement on these two things. Do you agree?"

"Agreed." Khalendros said.

"Finally and most importantly, I need both your help to rescue my sister. An Emperor level beast had kidnapped her, and asked me to seek him out as soon as I become strong enough to defeat him." Elliot said with an emotionless voice. But a dense and feral killing intent began to radiate powerfully from him.

"Agreed." Khalendros said without missing a beat. He knew that there was no room for negotiation for that final point.

"Good. Do you have any requests from your side?" Elliot asked.

"If we end up winning this planet, Khaleria will negotiate with your planet's representatives. Of course what we discussed here will be the base starting point. And that's assuming you're the strongest human alive at the end of the games." Khalendros said with a laugh.

"You know that all of the points we agreed upon are meaningless if you are not the strongest human and if you do not command your fellow men and women, right?"

"I understand. If there's another human being stronger than me, feel free to negotiate with him or her." Elliot chuckled. He absolutely didn't believe that there was another human being that could rival his existence on planet earth!

"Good. Let's seal the deal." Khalendros slashed his palm casually and held it out.

Elliot did the same, and they shook hands on it. Immediately, the details of their rough agreement appeared and took root in their souls.

Additionally, a mindspace also descended upon them!

"Hmmm? What's this?" Khalendros asked in surprise through their shared mindspace.

"This is a connection between you and me that my power created if there was an exchange of blood. Usually, I negotiate with my untamed beasts here to decide whether or not they want to be my tamed beast." Elliot said.

"Interesting. What a convenient power." Khalendros said in fascination.

"Hey, do you want to sign a contract with me? You will gain a whole lot of strength if you sign, and you'll even get a unique skill." Elliot offered Khalendros with a laugh, fully expecting to be flat out rejected.

However, to his absolute shock, Khalendros remained silent at his words and actually began to consider it very seriously.

Elliot's physical mouth twitched slightly as his mental jaw dropped completely to the mental ground. "He is actually considering it???" He shouted to himself.

"How much strength are we talking about here?" Khalendros asked Elliot quietly.

"Uhhhh… Hold on. Let me take a look at your stats." Elliot said hastily.

Beast Type: Blue Dragon

Beast Name: Khalendros Tempest

Gender: Male

Beast Level: 399

Beast Power Level: 429

Beast Grade: Origin

Beast Bloodline: Blue Dragon Celestial

Beast Physical Status: Healthy

Beast Emotional Status: Healthy

Hobby: Unknown

Evolution Pathways: Unknown



AI Comments: A powerful pure-blood offspring of a Blue Dragon Celestial. Limited information available in database.

"You're an Origin Grade being?" Elliot asked in shock.

"I am a pure blooded Blue Dragon." Khalendros said calmly. "All Chromatic and Metallic dragons are Origin Grade beings."

"I see." Elliot's eyes flashed in excitement at the thought of having such a powerful beast as his Beast Apostle!

"Red! Hawk! If I upgrade my system, can I make an Origin Grade beast into my Beast Apostle?" Elliot shouted to the both of them.

[Affirmative. With the Life Energy you're using to upgrade the system, you'll be able to sign contracts with beasts up to the Primeval Grade.]

"How would I know? You didn't tell me what sort of energy seed you're using to upgrade the system! Do you think I am an all-knowing omnipotent being? I know I look like one, but I-"

"Ok Red thank you." Elliot said and promptly muted him.

"I can't sign a contract with you now." Elliot told Khalendros.. "But if you're willing to wait for a day or two, I will be able to do it then."

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