Speed Is King

Chapter 174 - GABO!

With his Purgatory Fire Energy almost completely depleted, Elliot had no reason to remain in his human/dragon arm form anymore.

With a single thought, he rapidly transformed into a powerful looking white dragon and leapt up into the sky, with both bio bombs clutched in his powerful front claws.


The blue giants continued to fire their trumpet rifles, but Elliot had no problems banking and turning acrobatically to avoid them.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Crack! Crack!

One space-lock ammo after another exploded near him without being able to lock down even a single hair on his body. Well, scale. Because dragons have no hair.

"Their ammo may be advanced, but their aim sucks big time!" Elliot thought to himself with a grim chuckle. "That's good though. If they have god-like aiming systems to help them on top of their space-lock ammo, they will be too difficult for me to handle at this point in time."

After a minute of non-stop firing, the blue giants began to fire at a noticeably slower rate. With Elliot in the sky, the space the space-locks had to cover became much bigger, and the blue giants were caught completely unprepared to deal with Elliot's sudden transformation into a flight-capable form.

"They probably don't have much experience dealing with flying targets!" Elliot realized as he noticed the sudden easing of pressure the moment he took to the skies. "Plus, they're also probably running out of ammo. If that's the case, then it's my turn!"

Banking sharply, Elliot turned in the sky and began to get into firing position!

"ICE BEAM!" Elliot shouted. A compressed beam of ice many times more powerful than before shot towards the first blue giant that was standing closest to Elliot's position. Elliot could see the blue giant respond quickly by diving into a roll to one side.

Elliot simply adjusted his aim a little and kept on firing his Ice Beam.

He held off using his more powerful Azure Lightning Blast because he didn't want to squander his energy like before.

If there was one thing he learnt from his on-going fight with the blue giants, it was that energy management was extremely, extremely important. Finding out just how much energy he needed to consume to get out of tricky situations was as much a battle skill as the sword techniques he used.

Without the ability to properly gauge the amount of energy he needed, he would be wasting most of his energy overdoing simple things. And in those situations, like the one he was in at that moment, he would run out of critical energy, and he would fall into a disadvantageous position.

Thankfully for Elliot, he was a man of many means. He not only had the extremely powerful Purgatory Fire Energy which he got from the Red Dragon Blood Essence, he still had the standard elemental energy which powered his system-generated skills.

Although those skills were much weaker compared to the sword techniques imparted by Gilgamar, beggars can't be choosers. He had to use them and everything the system had to offer to win the fight against the blue giants!

His compressed Ice Beam sliced through the air at high speed and smashed into the blue giant, causing him to slow down dramatically. The powerful ice energy immediately wrapped around him and hardened. But the blue giant was far too strong. With a single jerk of his body, the ice energy around him cracked, and he regained mobility once more, albeit at a much slower rate.

"My Ice Beam isn't strong enough to kill these blue giant Lords in one shot. Their powerful air-based energy armor is extremely effective at blocking out energy attacks." Elliot observed coolly.

His brain had become extremely calm and rational the moment he turned into his White Dragon Warrior Beast Form and he could calmly think of the best and most logical next step even in the heat of battle.

"If that's the case, let's see if they can resist my Azure Lightning Blast."

Azure Lightning Blast!

A thicker and much more deadly looking beam with lightning arcing all around it shot out of Elliot's dragon maw and accurately hit another blue giant who was scrambling to get out of Elliot's range.


The blue giant immediately froze for a quick second before bursting out of the frozen energy with a maniacal roar!!



His allies took the opportunity while Elliot was focused on him to unleash many more space-lock attacks, but to no avail. Elliot easily detected their movements and then plotted out the trajectories of the space-lock ammos before completely avoiding every single attack.

"Even Azure Lightning Blast couldn't one-shot the blue giant. However, that particular blue giant truly looks like he's about to die." Elliot observed even as he was dodging the space-lock attacks. "Let's try to finish him off with another blast."

Elliot opened his maw and fired off another Azure Lightning Blast, which smashed into the poor blue giant yet again.

But thankfully for him this time, he didn't have to suffer long. Elliot's powerful Azure Lightning Blast froze him completely down to his cells and the destructive lightning energy crackled and caused his body to explode into pieces of frozen meat!

"Two Azure Lightning Blasts can kill one blue giant. I don't have enough energy to kill them all." Elliot quickly came to a conclusion. "But I probably could take them out with a couple of well placed Lightning Slashes. I doubt they could live if I deal critical damage to their heads or necks. If that's the case… Then it's time for me to try out the stealth function of my Flame Wolf Form."

As soon as he thought of that, he began a sharp dive and unleashed a couple of Ice Beams on the two nearest blue giants. They scrambled away and created a small clearing where Elliot landed.

GARPATARO? GARPATARO!! (Where the heck did he go? Where the heck did he go!)

A huge blue giant who was probably the assistant leader shouted at the two blue giants who had just scrambled away.

They pointed at where they came from earlier.

GRABA HAHOJA! GABO! (There's no one there! Dumbasses!) The assistant leader roared in anger.

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