Speed Is King

Chapter 178 - Danger!

"On my honor." Wu Kong nodded and said solemnly.

"Wu Kong only said three words, and he's much more convincing than you." Jul'Taras laughed and teased Jessica who immediately glared at her.

"Your stash of-"

"My sources are telling me that a significant number of known Shadow Parasite-infested individuals had been traveling towards this area!" Jul'Taras immediately interrupted Jessica loudly.

"That, and a strangely high number of military officials, businessmen and even influential figures suddenly making their way here are ringing bells of alarm everywhere. At this very moment, our list of suspected individuals infested by the Shadow Parasites are growing very, very rapidly.

We would be making a huge number of arrests very soon. And if all goes well, we could weed out almost all of the Shadow Parasites in positions of power. Tracking the rest would be simple as soon as we get a high-ranking parasite to talk. So that's pretty good progress.

Regarding the current situation here, experts are thinking that Earth could merely be a launch pad to their real target somewhere in the vicinity. Because Earth is a bustling life planet, it would mean that they have an endless amount of replacement hosts and it would be a perfect launch pad for their operations.

Or it could be their ultimate destination. Either way, we'll be seeing heightened activity from the Shadow Parasites, and we need to counter that immediately.

The Anti-Parasite Task Force you saw earlier is merely the tip of the spear. We are sending in many, many more to deal with the Shadow Parasites.

You may not know this, but the Central Galaxies had raised the Alert level for the Shadow Parasite Infestation Disaster to Defensive Level 3. That's just 2 levels below an all out emergency that would see them mobilize every single asset under their command to combat the "invaders"!

As it stands now, the Central Galaxies are authorizing all intelligence departments and organizations full access to critical information regarding anything that could contribute towards ending the disaster. All military units are on standby, and a huge amount of commando units have been dispatched to launch "preventive measures"!"

"Preventive measures. That sounds like genocide." Wu Kong said grimly.

"What do you mean, genocide?" Jessica asked Wu Kong with a startled voice.

"Those in power all over the universe are the same. They like to use oblique sounding words to mask the true nature of what they intend to do. "Ensuring border safety" means "We are invading our neighbors". "Defending freedom for all life" means "I want a slice of the pie". "Preventive measures" means "I'll kill all of you before you become a problem."" Monkey King said with a trace of disgust in his voice.

Jessica's eyes widened in surprise and turned to look at Jul'Taras for confirmation.

"In most cases, he'll be right. But not this time." Jul'Taras smiled at Jessica to reassure her.

"Why is that so?" Jessica asked sharply.

"The cost is too big. The Gaming Commission is the largest and one of the most influential Non-Governmental Member of the Universe Council. Ruining the Battle of Kings on Earth would mean a loss of revenue and more importantly, future revenue for them. Not all members of the Universe Council are keen on ruining their relationship with the Gaming Commission.

Plus, there are several important Inserts currently active on Earth. The Central Galaxies are treading very lightly in the case of Earth, and their "preventive measures" will truly be preventive measures this time." Jul'Taras chuckled slightly at this point.

"Important inserts? Who? Do I know them?" Jessica asked Jul'Taras excitedly.

"That information is beyond classified, and absolutely irrelevant. So I won't tell you." Jul'Taras said.

"Awww. Stingy." Jessica pouted.

"Anyway, although the Alert has been raised to Defensive Level 3, it's just the Central Galaxies at this point. When I said we'll be sending in "many, many more" to deal with the parasites, I wasn't referring to official military forces from the governments. I'm referring to more unofficial forces such as mercenary corps and volunteers from various clans and powers. In fact, they should be landing on Earth right about now." Jul'Taras said as she glanced at the time.

"What?! Such a big event is happening and you didn't tell us earlier?!" Jessica shouted. "What is the power cap of those mercenaries and volunteers? Would they be a threat to Elliot??"

"Threat, maybe a little. The power cap had been set at Emperor level." Jul'Taras said with a smile. "Chill Jess, this is going to be a fun show to watch!"


"Hehehehe." Jul'Taras merely grinned and stuck out her tongue at her.


"ACHOO!" Elliot sneezed.

"Strange. How can I sneeze when I am at this level of power? Someone must be talking about me… ACHOO! Damn it. They must be planning to do something evil to me!" Elliot immediately and accurately concluded.

"Fine, gossip and scheme all you want. I will be much more powerful very soon." Elliot said as he threw all distracting thoughts aside and focused on absorbing the Life Seeds that his faithful moles had delivered.

Two hours passed very quickly.

By that time, he was able to digest a little bit more of the Red Dragon Blood Essence and produced a significant amount of Fire Dragon Energy that needed to be transformed into Purgatory Fire Energy.

The Life Seeds he consumed quickly did that, and had even restored his energy to the full!

"So the Life Seeds can function as an energy restoring consumable. I can eat them in the middle of a battle to restore my energy. Perfect!" Elliot thought.

He flexed his arm muscles a little bit and felt it completely brimming with energy.

"It's time to show the two dragons my real power! And of course to bash up that Khalendros a little bit." Elliot grinned evilly and stood up.

He was about to transform into his Fire Wolf form when suddenly, his sixth sense started to blare out in alarm!


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