Speed Is King

Chapter 192 KYAA!!

“I see. You did well. Very well indeed.” Elliot said warmly to her.

Autumn glanced at him in surprise. She didn’t expect him to be so friendly, especially after having to fight her 5th brother because of her!

“Uhh… Thank you?” Autumn said hesitantly.

“What do you want to do with him?” Elliot asked immediately. “I can pierce through his armor and behead him if you want.”

“Really? Is that how you drove 5th brother away?” Autumn asked Elliot with rounded eyes.

“Yeah.” Elliot replied very simply.

“Okay. Kill him for me then. Scum like him deserves to die. I am sure master would understand. Here, let me just open up a tiny gap in my… WHAT?” Autumn shouted in shock as Elliot blinked ahead, swung Gilgamar in a wide arc and very casually penetrated her many layers of space energy to decapitate Fat Wall!

“Yo-you… Your attacks can pierce through space armor?!” Autumn shouted in surprise!

“Yes.” Elliot replied very simply. “Now that he’s dead, I would like all of the black substance around him, is that alright?”

“Wha… how? Why?” Autumn sputtered lightly before finally recollecting her wits. “Wait, let me take a look.”

Autumn waved her hand and unsummoned her layers of space energy.

Immediately, Fat Wall collapsed lifelessly to the ground and his head rolled away from his body. Blood spurted out and former a large pool around him.

Being a powerful Emperor level fighter, the amount of blood he had in his body was definitely not a small amount.

Autumn stepped forward and poked Fat Wall’s armor slightly to study it.

However at that moment, Fat Wall’s hand shot out and grabbed her by her neck!

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“KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Autumn screamed out in shock and kicked his body away at her full Emperor level strength!
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The huge fat armored body flew through the sky at high speed!

Being completely dead, Fat Wall’s grab was merely powered by his remnant soul and had no strength behind it.

So Autumn’s full powered kick easily dislodged his hand around her neck.

But because of that, Fat Wall’s corpse was sent flying a huge distance away!

“Hey! What’s that headless body doing flying so awkwardly in our direction? LIGHTNING BLAST!!” Khalendros roared and unleashed a powerful attack which hit his corpse and sent it flying back in the direction from whence it came!

However, before she could unleash another attack on the poor headless corpse, Elliot blinked ahead and secured it.

He brought the corpse back down to the ground and skillfully de-armored it. And then without saying anything to Autumn, he stored the armor into his dimensional storage.

“He-hey!! I didn’t say that you can have the armor!” Autumn cried out indignantly.

“You can have all of his belongings, and his dome ship.” Elliot said to her generously. “We’ll consider everything even in that case, how’s that?”

Autumn glared at him for a moment as her beautiful face scrunched up in slight consternation.

“I want a little bit of that armor for research. If you can give me that, you got yourself a deal.” She finally said.

“Fine.” Elliot reached into his dimensional storage, and cut out a small finger section from Divine Fighter’s arm before tossing it to her with the finger still in it.

“Thanks. Alright then, we have a- KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! There’s a finger!!!!!” Autumn screamed in shock!

Elliot chuckled evilly and grinned widely at her.

“YOU! YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE!!” Autumn pointed her slender finger at Elliot and shouted furiously.

“Hahaha!” Elliot didn’t bother replying her and merely laughed out loud.

“You…” Autumn could only grit her teeth angrily and stomp off.

She was no stranger to dead bodies or body parts, of course. It was the surprise of finding something so unexpectedly gory that made her so shocked.
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She immediately took all of the loot from Fat Wall and stomped off towards his Dome Palace.

“What’s with the two of you? Lover quarrel?” Khalendros laughed as he landed from the sky with Khellendra and a happy looking Fast Sword who was completely covered with black Living Armor tagging alongside them.

“Nothing much. She got scared by the dead body.” Elliot said dismissively while staring at Fast Sword.

“How do you like our new puppy?” Khalendros said proudly as he shoved Fast Sword forward.

“HE’S your new puppy? Wow… Impressive. I didn’t know you are able to do that.” Elliot nodded appreciatively.

“I didn’t do it, of course. It was Khellendra. She has a powerful innate skill that is able to trap the minds of lustful males in some sort of illusion.” Khalendros said.

“It’s not permanent though. The more lustful the person is, the stronger the skill will be. And judging by how strongly this Fast Sword is caught within the illusion, he must be one hell of a pervert.” Khellendra chuckled. “Almost as big a pervert as Khal! Why, when I tried the skill on him-“

“LENDRA! That’s private stuff. PRIVATE!!” Khalendros shouted hastily.

“Hee hee!” Khellendra giggle cutely. “Don’t worry. I like how perverted you are, as long as you direct all your lust on me!”

“Err… Okay.” Khalendros said uncomfortably and quickly changed the topic. “Anyway, you found a way to penetrate their armor? How did you do it?”

“I have armor piercing skills.” Elliot said vaguely. “Should we kill him as well?”

“I guess so.” Khalendros said.

And in the next instant…

Blink. Slash!

Fast Sword’s head rolled down and his body began a fountain show with his blood.

“I want his armor. You guys ok with that?” Elliot said immediately. “You can have the rest of his stuff. And the Dome Palace.”

“The Dome Palace is untouchable.” Khellendra chuckled. “Autumn would probably bring it back with her. The Fortune Hermit Mountain would hunt down any illegal users of their Dome Palace mercilessly. But yes, I’ll take that deal. You take the strange armor, and we’ll take everything else.”

Elliot nodded and immediately got to work.

Within moments, three beaming and very satisfied Kings and Queen were standing by Divine Fighter’s Dome Palace where Autumn was still in deep conversation with someone.

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