Speed Is King

196 [Bonus chapter 1] Granting a new name

"Oh no! Now they know we're going to Earth and not some other place in secret, what do we do? What do we do? Jules! Monkey! Ahhh! I don't want to cancel our trip to Earth! Nonono!" Jessica cried out in a strange tone that left everybody in the room either cringing or smirking.

Jul'Taras sighed.

Wu Kong sighed.

Aunt Hillary sighed.

And of course, singularly due to her inappropriate outburst and terrible acting, they had to cancel their plans to visit Earth.

For the time being.

"You're not allowed to go." Director Sands said sternly to Jessica Sands.

"GRAMPS!! Don't be so mean! We're going over to investigate the cause of Elliot's unnatural increase in strength. It would only bring benefits to us if we find out first!" Jessica argued.

"We Void Walkers are not lacking strength at the moment. You might have noticed that." Director Sands replied dryly.

"Yeah, I noticed that when I almost died when a bunch of mercenaries were so deterred by our strength that they decided to kidnap me in broad daylight WITHIN the Gaming Commission's territory!" Jessica snorted.

Director Sand's face turned ugly at the mention of that incident and glowered angrily at Jessica.

"All the more reason you can't go! If those basta- ehm. I mean, if those evil doers dare to kidnap you even when you're there, they would definitely have a field day if they realize you're on planet Earth! I will need to mobilize at least an entire brigade of our special forces to deal with the onslaught that would definitely come!"


"No. And that is final. If I find out that you've gone a single step away from that room, I will ground you for one year!" Director Sands said in a final tone that brooked no arguments.

No arguments could be presented anyway, because he immediately closed the communication channel.

"AHHH!!" Jessica was so angry that she flung the communicator away!

Aunt Hillary merely gave it a lazy look and it immediately disappeared before it could deal any damage to the rest of the Diamond Sponsors in the room.

At that moment, Aunt Hillary was definitely the strongest force in the entire section of the Solar System!

"Don't fret Jess, we might not be able to go now. But who knows what the future brings? Maybe something will happen that will even have the Gaming Commission specifically request for our presence on Planet Earth?" Jul'Taras comforted Jessica.

"No! Gramps will never allow me to go now. I know that tone of his. It's final. I CAN'T VISIT EARTH NOW BOO HOO HOO!" Jessica cried out sadly.

"You're not paying attention to my words. I said, maybe SOMETHING will happen that will have the Gaming Commission specifically request for our presence on Planet Earth!" Jul'Taras repeated herself.

"Something? What thing? What exactly must happen for the Gaming Commission to request that we appear on Earth?" Jessica moaned morosely.

"Excellent question! See, that's how you should approach problems. Look for the solution, and not focus on the pain of the issue!" Jul'Taras said happily. "What must happen, Jess?"

Jessica blinked a few times as her brain whirred into motion. She finally understood what Jul'Taras wanted to do!

"Oh! You want me to-"

"SHHHHHH!!!" Wu Kong and Jul'Taras immediately shushed her before she revealed yet another one of their plans to the rest of the world!!

"If its standard issues with time and space, any Void Walker worth their weight in salt could handle it. So the only thing that could make them specifically request that I appear on Planet Earth so that I could join in the fun and hang out with Elliot is… for issues to arise that only I can solve.

That's it! I will just place the entire planet in complete time-space stasis then! That way, they will respectfully come and as-"

"Respectfully come and arrest you and force you to fix the problem." Wu Kong interrupted with a laugh. "No silly, Jules meant something that can't be traced back to you, but would require your help!"

"Ohhhh. I see... That's really sneaky of you, Jules. Truly worthy of the greatest spy in the Universe! Hee hee. And hey by the way, you're getting pretty good at reading what Jules wants, Monkey. You'll be a pretty good husband for her! You'll be able to make her very happy, both physically and emotionally!" Jessica remarked.

Jul'Taras immediately blushed a deep, deep shade of red.

"What physically and emotionally! What do you know about that, huh?" Aunt Hillary scolded Jessica Sands.

Although Jessica Sands was already over a hundred years old, by Void Walker standards, she was still a little girl!

"Of course I know about it!" Jessica Sands said proudly, clearly showing that she knew nothing about it. If she did know what went on physically with married couples, she would blush a deeper shade of red than Jules!

"They will go and make babies-"

"Okay okay enough with the making babies topic please!" Jul'Taras spoke up hastily. "Let's focus on finding the solution. Jess, what can you do which would be completely undetectable, but that would require your presence on Earth to solve?"

"Hmmmmm…" Jessica fell silent as she tried to think of something.


While Jessica, Jul'Taras and Monkey were scheming their way to Planet Earth, Elliot was sitting deep within the ground and was furiously breaking down the Living Armor into the mysterious Death Energy.

He had made the Beast Apostle System consume the Life Seeds which brought it exactly to 50.0% progression in its upgrade status, and then had proceeded to feed it with the mysterious Death Energy

As he had suspected, both energies were extremely compatible, and instead of blowing up like the Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher, he felt like a powerful synergistic combination was taking place within him, and that the result would not merely be 1 + 1 = 3. It would be something like 1 + 1 = 100!

"Once the system upgrades, I should be able to buy new skills. And while I slowly work to combine the system-generated skills with the Nameless Sword Technique, the new skills combined with the Purgatory Fire Energy would grant me enough strength to make Jennifer's rescue mission a success.

And with the two dragons helping me… Jennifer would be back safely by my side within three days!!"

Elliot's eyes burned with great determination and fed even more mysterious Death Energy to the system.

After almost an entire day, the much awaited notification finally arrived.

[Beast Apostle System successfully upgraded.]

[Please grant the system a new name.]

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