Speed Is King

Chapter 216 Ancestral Grade Item Set

However, since Elliot had revealed the existence of the Life Seeds and the Living Armor, he had no qualms on telling the Chairman his secrets.

So he did.

“The combination of the mysterious Life Energy and Death Energy? Very interesting. You’ve really stumbled upon a treasure there, boy. Well, I am not one to begrudge and deprive others of their great fortune. If your fate is such that these riches are to fall into your hands, then so be it.

So don’t worry, I won’t ask you to hand over the seeds and living armor you have in your possession.” El’Taras said with a slightly mischievous tone.

“Thank you, Chairman.” Elliot said to the empty space from which the Chairman’s voice was coming from.

“Well. Now that the cause of the Realm Portal is clear, I am off to investigate exactly how it happened then. You all have a great time. See ya!” Chairman El’Taras said and then remained silent.

However, none of them were foolish enough to believe that the Chairman was truly gone. If not even Director Sands’ barrier could keep him out, then there was truly no place that the Chairman could not peek or eavesdrop.

It was a chilling thought. Thank goodness that the Chairman was an upright person, and would not do despicable things like peeking during sensitive actions.

Or… would he?

Anyway, there was no point thinking much about it, so they didn’t.

The friendly fight had ended in a fashion that none of them had expected. But the winner was nonetheless very clear.

It was Elliot!!

“Pay up, you rich woman.” Jessica grinned at Jul’Taras.

However, strangely, Jul’Taras didn’t seem that sad. In fact, she seemed rather… happy?

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She immediately transferred Jessica’s and Aunt Hilary’s winnings to them with a grin of her own.
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“Good bet. The better fighter had clearly won. It is my… mistake in betting on such a weak fighter.” Jul’Taras said brightly.

It was suddenly very clear to Jessica.

Jul’Taras didn’t like Hila… And she was actually pleased that Hila lost!

“HAHAHA! Jules… could you… The Great Jul’Taras… could you be… could you reaaaally be… JEALOUS?” Jessica squealed with laughter.

“Jealous? What jealous? What’s there to be jealous about? Don’t spout nonsense! I could have you arrested for smearing my good name!” Jul’Taras scolded Jessica who merely cackled with laughter even more.

While the girls were teasing and being teased, the boys were having a much more serious conversation.

“You’re much more powerful than I thought you’d be.” Wu Kong was the first to break the silence. “And you’ll only become more powerful once Jules grants you her boon.”

“Thank you. You are extremely powerful as well. If my absurd luck didn’t lead me to upgrade the Beast Apostle System you’ve gifted me with the mysterious Life and Death energies, I wouldn’t be anywhere close to your power.” Elliot said modestly.

“My power is an accumulation of many, many long years of training. It is a natural progression of strength, and nothing to be proud of. But you… barely two weeks, and you’ve progressed from a mere human, to a King level warrior. There… There are no words…” Monkey King sighed deeply.

Elliot merely smiled at his words.

“By the way, is my Lightning Apostle Wu Kong related to you? Your Dark Apostle was actually right. He does look a little bit like you.” Elliot asked curiously.

Hila edged closer to them to eavesdrop on Monkey King’s answer, and cause Monkey King to laugh lightly.

“He’s not my son, if that’s what you two are wondering.” Monkey King said.

“I see. A nephew perhaps? Or a relative?” Elliot continued.

“A distant relative… yes. I guess he could be considered that. A very, very distant relative.” Monkey King said wistfully. “Could you…”

Elliot nodded before Monkey King could finish his sentence.

“Come, Wu Kong. Greet your distant uncle.” Elliot said.
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Wu Kong materialized once more in a swirl of energy.

He had expected to be summoned exactly for this purpose the moment he laid eyes on Monkey King.

Hila’s words earlier had only served to strengthen the suspicions that he had.

“Hello uncle.” Wu Kong greeted Monkey King.

“Good boy.” Monkey King smiled at him. He reached into his dimensional storage, and handed Wu Kong a little armor figurine with a little red rod in front of it.

It was merely the size of a baby’s fist, but the detail and the aura it gave out was unmistakable.

It was definitely an Ancestral Grade item set!

“I have waited many long years to be able to give this to your father. But before I could give it to him, he passed. It is only right that I give this to you now.”

Wu Kong received the little armor figurine fervently and with rounded, reverent eyes. It looked extremely precious, but most importantly, it was a link to his father’s story that he had never known before.

“Of course. But first, let’s see you don this armor. Drip a little bit of your blood onto the figurine, and command it.” Monkey King said with a smile. “And you can dump your hideous looking armor and weapons while you’re at it.”

It was a good thing that Red couldn’t listen to what Monkey King said, or else the entire public space would be abuzz with his curses for a long, long time.

Wu Kong quickly removed his armor and bound the little figurine.


It disappeared from his hands and appeared instantly on his body.


A vast aura of might tinged with a profound sense of joy burst out of Wu Kong at that moment! It was as though two long lost brothers had finally reunited after years and years of desperate searching!

It was so powerful that the girls couldn’t help but stop their chatting and turned around to look at Wu Kong.

And what a sight he was.

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