Speed Is King

Chapter 219 Ascendant Runes

Director Sands returned a short while later to a strange atmosphere.

For one thing, there was an additional monkey and what clearly was a powerful Dark Entity in the form of a little girl.

And for another… He couldn’t quite put his finger on what exactly changed, but somehow, that Elliot boy seemed to be… at the center of all of their attention?

He glanced at Hillary Sands, his niece, and only got a helpless shrug and chuckle in response.

Faced with an information blackout on what was happening, Director Sands threw the strange atmosphere to the back of his mind.

“HEY KIDS! I’M BACK!!” He shouted loudly.

All of them merely turned and glanced at him politely before going back to their discussion.

Director Sands frowned deeply and started to eavesdrop.

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“And so if we pick Jagad as our base HQ, we will have at least a hundred years of peace during which we could build up our forces. As soon as we’re ready, we can explode outwards to rip a huge chunk out of the weakened Horkati Empire! We can consolidate our powers once more, and then devour Horkati Empire completely within ten years!” Jul’Taras spoke excitedly. “We’ll get ourselves an entire Empire within a hundred and ten years. This is the best plan that I could think of right now. What do you guys think?”
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“It sounds great! Let’s-” Jessica began.

“Too slow.” Elliot interrupted her with a frown. “I don’t want to wait a hundred years. And I do not want a massive campaign involving millions of soldiers. I also don’t want to “consolidate” anything. Too troublesome.”

“Huh? Then how exactly do you intend to forge your own Empire?” Jul’Taras asked him very curiously. She was not in the least offended that her well-thought idea was immediately shot down by Elliot. She was more interested in finding out how this freak of nature’s mind worked.

“Search the universe for sources of power. Get to Primal level within ten years. And then demand all the Empires not under direct control of another Primal to declare fealty. Or die.” Elliot said simply.

Complete silence greeted him after he finished saying those words.

They couldn’t believe their ears.

Even the eavesdropping Director Sands was stunned into silence.

He could tell that Elliot was being completely serious.

If it was ANY other King level being who said those words, he would have erupted into a belly full of laughter.

But because it was Elliot that freak, who went from zero to a King level warrior who could easily defeat Emperors and even have Beast Apostles who could resist Hegemons for a time in just TWO SHORT WEEKS, who said those words, the only reaction he could give was silence.

Because what the heck! With such monstrous talent and stupidly ridiculous luck, he might just be able to do what he said!
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And apparently, he wasn’t the only one who thought that way. Because instead of laughing or shaking their heads incredulously, the group broke out in excited discussions on how to get to Primal level in ten years!

“If you want to get to Primal level in ten years, then breaking through to Emperor level PERFECTLY is a must! And not only that, you will need to enhance your physical body to the MAXIMUM so that you can withstand the creation of one million runes!” Jessica said excitedly.

“No, not one million runes. He must aim to breakthrough with TEN million runes.” Jul’Taras disagreed with Jessica. “If you want to do the impossible such as reaching Primal level in ten years, then you must start with doing the impossible thing of breaking through with TEN million runes. If you can’t even do that, then do not even hope of being able to reach Primal level in a thousand years, much less ten.”

“Indeed. I agree. All three of us are planning to breakthrough to Emperor level in the near future. Let us all find ways to try to breakthrough with ten million runes.” Monkey King said.

“The way I see it, we can only do that by first finding ways to strengthen our bodies to the theoretical maximum. And if we want to do that, then we must scour the universe for three things. Body purifying pills to get our bodies to the perfect state possible. Body enhancing pills or even cultivation techniques to raise the grade of our bodies. And finally… Rare and powerful bloodlines to fully evolve our bodies.”

“That’s one way. We’ll do that.” Jessica agreed. “But there’s also another way. We can look for the mythical… Ascendant Runes!”

Director Sands’ jaw fell open. “How did she find out about the existence of Ascendant Runes? It is highly classified!” He thought to himself.

“A single Ascendant Rune is worth a hundred normal runes! It is much more complex than a normal rune, but it is also much, much more powerful. If we can try and find a huge chunk of Ascendant Runes and use them to create our River of Runes, then we can get by with just a hundred thousand Ascendant Runes, and we’ll still be the most powerful Emperors in existence! And possibly in all of history!” Jessica said excitedly.

“This is getting out of hand. She’s talking about experimental breakthroughs with no evidence of being able to do anything but explode their hosts into gory bits as though they were solid and dependable facts! I can’t let this go on!” Director Sands immediately thought.

“Ascendant Runes are highly volatile, and would explode with horrifying power if created with even the slightest mistake. The whole idea of creating not one, but a hundred thousand Ascendant Runes WITHIN your body is nothing more than folly. Get that idea out of your minds.” Director Sands reprimanded the four of them seriously.

“No, gramps! They are not that volatile! In fact I-“

“Enough. There will be no more discussion on Ascendant Runes.” Director Sands interrupted her granddaughter and glared at her sternly.

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