Speed Is King

Chapter 230 Metallic Dragons

Autumn merely gritted her teeth and started to think dark thoughts about Elliot and of course, about the fool who dared to rebel against Eldest Senior Brother and then somehow stupidly managed to get herself so miserably caught.

“Damn right I will take back triple of what I am about to pay this gangster!” Her angry glare at Third Senior Sister seemed to say.

Because unlike Elliot’s baseless claims about his trauma and recurring nightmares, SHE truly would be traumatized by this negotiating session AND get recurring nightmares about it!

Plus, of course the fact that an Emperor like her is probably worth ten dragons. Given her lifespan of…let’s put it conservatively at a thousand years-“

Autumn choked.

He had the gall to remain straight faced when stating the maximum lifespan of a healthy Emperor as “conservative”!!


“That’s ten thousand dragon years. What do you have to offer me for ten thousand dragon years and for the balm to sooth my traumatized soul?” Elliot asked Autumn happily, not in the very least showing any traces of discomfort, much less trauma, of any kind.

Autumn glared at Elliot, then at Third Senior Sister, then back at Elliot once more before taking a deep, deep breath and exhaling it slowly.

Then she waved her hand and created a barrier around Elliot and herself. She reached into her dimensional storage and took out a small vial filled with some liquid which was glowing a pure silver colour.


A powerful surge of desire shot through Elliot’s entire soul the moment that vial left Autumn’s dimensional storage! A deep, and excited heartbeat could also be heard from deep within his body.

It was his red dragon energy reacting to the vial of silver fluid.

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“Silver Dragon Blood Essence.” Autumn said softly. “Taken from the dying body of a Hegemon level Silver Dragon. I am sure I do not need to explain what this Silver Dragon Blood Essence can do.”
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Elliot fought with all of his considerable mental strength to keep his desires for showing in any way on his face or in his aura.

He succeeded.

Autumn merely looked at him with a slightly expectant expression after producing the vial. After seeing Elliot’s expressionless face, her face fell slightly.

“You have the aura of a red dragon. Strange as yours are, it is undoubtedly draconic and incomplete. This Silver Dragon Blood Essence would complement your transformation!” Autumn said and tried to raise the value of the item she just produced.

Of course Elliot knew its value! In fact, with his Life Seeds and Living Armor, he would be able to utilize the Silver Dragon Blood Essence in ways that Autumn could never imagine!

But he merely sighed and shook his head lightly.

“An intriguing trinket.” He said dismissively. “You are still holding back your treasures. Could it be that Fortune Hermit Mountain is so poor that this is all you have? Or could it be that Fortune Hermit Mountain is so uncaring of their Third Eldest Disciple?”

Autumn truly had the urge to strangle Elliot at that moment!

By pulling Fortune Hermit Mountain into the equation, he had effectively raised the quality and value of the ransom that she had to pay!

Showing an extremely unwilling face, she reached into her dimensional storage once more and took out another vial.

It was exactly the same as the previous one, but instead of glowing silver, it was glowing… gold.

Autumn didn’t say anything and merely placed both vials on her palm and raised it for Elliot to see.

The red dragon energy within Elliot roared powerfully and circulated around his body violently!

Its massive desire to consume both Blood Essences was burning with so much passion that Elliot’s blood felt like it was boiling.

Without a single doubt, he had to get both vials by the end of this negotiation, even if he had to take it by force!!

Elliot sighed and pretended that he wasn’t interested.
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“Two intriguing trinkets. Make it three, and I will consider leaving her alive after removing her legs and arms.” Elliot said.

Autumn had fully expected Elliot’s reaction, and had decided on giving up her most prized possessions. What’s the point of negotiating with such a devil when Third Senior Sister will pay her triple?

So she simply remained quiet in response to Elliot’s words, because, well, she wasn’t done with her latest offer.

With the vials on her left palm, her right hand reached into her dimensional storage once more and produced yet another vial!

This time it was glowing bronze.

Elliot’s eyes widened slightly in surprise.


The red dragon energy within Elliot howled crazily! Elliot frowned lightly and forcibly clamped it down.

“Shut up! The more you howl, the less chance we have of getting all of the Blood Essences!” Elliot shouted at his red dragon energy.

At his words, the red dragon energy finally calmed down a little. It stopped howling and merely quivered with uncontrollable anticipation.

“You really have three! Interesting! Now, what do you want to use to trade for her arms and legs? Plus also the trauma that I have.” Elliot sighed dramatically. “Sometimes the greatest pain aren’t physical, but are psychological instead!”

But… Autumn still wasn’t done! She truly was taking out all of her treasures at that point in time!

Another glowing vial appeared. Copper.

By that time, the red dragon energy within Elliot had reached the highest point of its ecstacy. If energy could orga- never mind.

Elliot couldn’t help but swallow his saliva at that point. The Blood Essences of four dragons! Amazing!!

And like the wonderful icing of an incredible cake, Autumn took out one last vial. Brass.

“The Blood Essences of all five Metallic Dragons, all taken from Hegemon level Dragons. The Gold Dragon Blood Essence was even extracted from one who was about to breakthrough to Ancient level.. Take it or leave it. I have nothing left.” She said curtly.

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