Speed Is King

Chapter 314 [Bonus chapter] Butts

There was a stunned silence for a few seconds, before a mad scramble for theVoid Communicator began.

Monkey King reached it first, and immediately switched on Spy Mode and went back a few minutes.

“Hold on Elliot, let us take a look at what happened.” Jul’Taras said breathlessly.

At that moment, Elliot’s figure appeared before them.

He was seated in a lotus position in midair, and was actually… Scratching his butt cheek.

“Oh, about to witness my hyper epic, universe shaking actions, are you? Alright then. Enjoy it. Hehehe” Elliot said.

Despite their excitement over what Elliot had just miraculously achieved, all of them couldn’t help but make fun of Elliot for a little bit.

“Oh it is universe shaking, alright. YOUR universe must be shaking really hard if you’re doing it so roughly.” Aunt Hills laughed loudly!

“Yeah, you must have reached rock BOTTOM just now.” Jul’Taras squealed with laughter.

“Haha! Yes! You won’t believe how bad it was! I felt like my whole being was about to be ripped apart! That God I made it out of that fiasco alive” Elliot said cheerfully.

“Hahaha! Ripped apart!” Jul’Taras laughed loudly.

“Would you say that you’re an ASS-ASS-in?” Monkey King asked him seriously.

“Assassin? Hmmm. Not so much. Although I have the Ring of Absolute Stealth, I did a really half-assed job in sneak attacking her.” Elliot replied seriously, and immediately made Jul’Taras burst out laughing uncontrollably.

“Assassin!! Ha-half-ASSED job?” She gasped in between peals of laughter.

“Indeed. It must be a real pain in the butt for you having to deal with the Ancient.” Harold Sands said with a straight face.

Jul’Taras collapsed to the ground, gasping for air like a fish out of water.

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“Yeah, it wasn’t smooth at all.” Elliot agreed.

“Why do you think that IT isn’t smooth? Are you having an allergic reaction to something?” Monkey King asked.
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“Hmmm? No, I am not allergic to anything. I think it wasn’t smooth because I was just not used to it.” Elliot replied honestly.

“Would you say that you’re really BIG in your ASSertive-ness?” Chairman El’Taras added.

“Haha! Yes, I was really “BIG in my assertiveness”! I was HUGE! I really squeezed the hell out of those Ascendant Runes!” Elliot exclaimed.

“Huge! Sq-squeezed the ASS-cendant Ru-runes!” The usually highly elegant Jul’Taras nearly died from all the ass puns that were being intentionally and unintentionally being used.

She had never experienced such a vulgar but hilarious conversation before!

But alas, it was over almost as soon as it began.

Elliot’s image finally stopped its holographic butt scratching and stood up confidently.

He drew Gilgamar out of his sheath and unleashed his powerful red dragon transformation. Blood red scales covered all of his body and a deeply regal aura, one which all five of them watching could sense even through the holographic image, suffused through the entire room.

The other Diamond Sponsor VIP members turned to look at the barrier that Jul’Taras had erected and saw nothing. But a reverent feeling coursed through their veins, especially for the dragons present there.

“It feels as though his power is the real thing, and that everything that we have here in the known universe…” Jul’Taras began.

“Is but its shadow. It holds the form of power, but lacks substance.” Monkey King finished her sentence. “I felt it very distinctly the first time I sensed his power. At first I thought I was just imagining the feeling. But with what Director Sands had revealed to us… It might be true.”

“That our entire power system is but a shadow of what should be? Of what this new universe is using?” Jul’Taras asked nobody in particular in a soft voice.

“And if that is true, then it is extremely urgent for us to gain access to this higher form of energy, and the methods to manipulate it.” Harold Sands said with a solemn voice.

Elliot’s holographic image chose that exact moment to unleash the power of the Ascendant Rune, as though giving Harold Sands’ statement an underscore.

Ancient Mayat was surrounded by a dozen extremely hideous corpses that were all emitting Ancient Level auras as well at that moment.

Upon sensing Elliot’s skyrocketing aura which his Ring of Absolute Stealth failed to conceal due to its very nature of being a higher form of energy circulating in an Ascendant Rune’s pattern, she had immediately commanded all twelve corpses to erect powerful shields, and had even personally erected one of her own.

“Energy Bombard.” Elliot could be heard saying very eagerly.

What followed was a very, very, very, simple but at the same time, absolutely horrific burst of energy that shot out from Gilgamar towards the thirteen Ancients.

“Maximum power!” Ancient Mayat could be heard screaming to her twelve undead Ancient puppets.

But even thirteen layers of Ancient grade shields cast at full strength failed to last longer than a minute before cracking and disintegrating one after another in the face of Elliot’s mighty energy attack.
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It was stunning beyond words.

But none worked.

The Energy Bombard spell that was powered by Darklight Energy, and manipulated using Ascendant Runes was much, much, much too powerful.

All of the defensive efforts by Ancient Mayat were for naught.

Ancient Mayat’s Ancient Anomaly exploded into pieces as soon as her final shield broke apart, and she gave out a high pitched, absolutely unwilling deathcry that could be heard everywhere throughout the entire world.

And then, there was silence for a few long moments.

“Earlier… Did you say that Elliot is a middle grade powerhouse in the new universe?” Jul’Taras asked Harold Sands.

“I did.” Harold Sands replied heavily.

“How would you grade Ancient Mayat and her twelve Puppet Lords?” Jul’Taras asked him again.

“Top tier. Beneath the Primal Level, and within her Ancient Anomaly, she would be nearly invincible.” Harold Sands said without hesitation.

What a gut-wrenching revelation.

Elliot had clearly showed them that if the new universe warriors invade, just a handful of their mid tier warriors could already lay waste to all of their top fighters’ best defensive efforts!

It was an awful, awful thought.

“Hey guys! So how was it? Amazing wasn’t it! I barely used 50% of my strength in that attack!” Came Elliot’s excited voice through the Void Communicator.






Five butts hit the ground.

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