Speed Is King

Chapter 386 Octopus Banshee

386 Octopus Banshee

All of them turned their eyes towards the video feed being projected that showed a humongous Octopus God with more than twenty tentacles wrapping itself around Blytoros!

Blytoros had turned ethereal himself, and was trying to escape the disgusting Octopus God with all of his might, but somehow, the octopus was able to stick to him despite his best attempts.

"What a sucker." Brock rumbled loudly. "No pun intended. It literally is sucking on Blytoros."

"That sucker is completely overwhelming a God of the Shadow Realm." Elliot said grimly.

"If Blytoros can't shake it off, we must help him." Dragon Apostle Golden Fire said softly. "Our goal is for the two realms to be tied up in a long and expensive war. It won't happen if Blytoros dies so early."

"Don't worry. Blytoros isn't using his full strength yet. He seems to be waiting for something. Interesting." Elise Sands said. "Don't just stand there and watch, Elliot! Make more clone portals! I will power them with more powerful beast cores so we can clone as many me's as possible!"

"Wait! Before that! Go through the portal first so I'll know how many beast cores we will need to make a million pairs of us." Elise Sands said.

"Ok." Elliot calmly walked through the portal under the watchful and highly interested eyes of the rest of the dragons and beasts.

Strangely, the Emperor Grade beast core did not shine at all as Elliot entered the portal. It remained strangely inert even when two Elliots stepped out on the other side.

Everyone was surprised.

Just what was happening?

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"Interesting. Very interesting! Cloning you does not require any energy at all?" Elise Sands looked at Elliot thoughtfully as a myriad of interesting theories popped up instantly in her head, most notable among which was that Elliot was secretly a love child of Fate and Lady luck themselves.

A love child who would, in most instances, walk upon the luckiest and most wonderful of all roads, including roads that allow for an energy-less cloning of a full powered version of himself.

How it could happen and what the physics were behind such a feat, Elise Sands couldn't even be bothered to consider. When had mere laws of physics ever applied to Fate and Lady Luck?

There was no other explanation, Elise Sands decided. If not that, then how could his ridiculous ascent into power and his brilliant good fortune be explained?

"No, energy is still required. It's just that… It sort of came from a different source." Elliot said hesitantly as he analyzed the energy movements within the portal earlier.

"A different source? What source?" Elise Sands asked in slight confusion. Apart from the lack of energy movement from the beast core, she had failed to detect anything out of the ordinary within the portal.

Could it be that such a vast movement of energy had somehow escaped her senses? Before that day, she would dismiss it as something absolutely impossible.

But at that moment, she was at a stage where if Elliot was involved, she would at least consider the possibility first no matter how outrageous it seemed.

"Hmmmmm. I have no idea." Elliot replied honestly. "That's probably the third deep mystery we uncovered today which we have to live with for the time being."

"Kai's mysterious power requirements for cloning, your mysterious power source for cloning and…"

"And why it happened to me, of course." Elliot finished Elise's sentence for her.

"Right. We'll leave the mysteries at that. Let's get cracking. Get your clone to clone itself and make more portals for your clones and my clones to clone themselves!" Elise Sands grinned. She can't wait to abuse the cheat code that she had found, and create the strongest army of Saints the entire Realm had ever seen!

Elliot smiled and started to create more clone portals. He got his clone to enter the portal multiple times, and got the resulting clones to create more portals.

Within a minute, there were three portals. Within fifteen minutes, there were so many portals and Elliots and Elises that all of Elliot's beasts could only gape at the ridiculousness of the scene they were witnessing.

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By the time the fight between the Octopus God and Blytoros had reached a red hot stage half an hour later, thousands upon thousands of Elliots and Elises had arranged themselves neatly in rows of a hundred.

A strange feeling of dissonance started to arise from the clones and finally caused Elliot to stop his actions.

"It is enough for now. I have a bad feeling about this." Elliot said softly.

"Agreed." Elise Sands nodded. She too, had felt her sixth sense tingling very slightly.

"With so many of us, let's do everything that needs to be done all at once. We should send ten pairs to scout the Octopus God's realm, ten pairs to balance out the fight, and half of the remaining to destabilize the Shadow Realm. Once we know more about the Octopus Realm, we can choose to destabilize it as well if we deem it to be a real threat." Elliot suggested.

Elise Sands nodded.

With a thought, she created a portal that led to the Shadow Realm, and the thousands of Elliot-Elise duo instantly moved out.

With their clones on the move, Elliot and Elise simply closed their eyes and observed the operation through their eyes.

"Blytoros is pretty powerful." Elliot remarked as he studied the massive fight with great interest.

Blytoros had increased the size of his body, and had covered himself with a thick layer of intensely burning spiritual fire which the Octopus God seemed to hate.

That way, he had dislodged the Octopus from his body, and was currently in the process of unleashing thousands of spiritual meteors on the Octopus which burned with a strange but fearsome blue flame.

With his newfound effective method, Blytoros had successfully turned the tables around and had placed the disgusting Octopus on the defensive.

But although his personal fight with the Octopus God was going rather well, the same could not be said of his troops!

The octopus army had grown so large that the forces which Blytoros had managed to assemble were outnumbered at least a thousand to one!!

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