Speed Is King

Chapter 409 I NEED YOUR HELP!


Until finally, just as his Wild Energy Infused katana was about to strike Elliot's barrier, a look of supreme horror appeared on his face.

"No!!" He cried out in desperation as he finally realized what Elliot was doing.

Wild Energy Blytoros tried to forcefully reverse his energy flow with devastating abruptness and to stop his attack as best he could.

But he was a hair too late!

His energy had reached completion and his skill had been executed!

Kizushi Slash!!!



His powerful Kizushi Slash was so incredibly unstoppable that he smashed through all three layers of Elliot's automatic defensive barriers!

However, his energy ran out after obliterating the three layers of barriers, and the sword still fell short of reaching Elliot's body.

Elliot's manually cast defensive barrier still stood completely intact!

Wild Energy Blytoros' Kizushi Slash which contained his full power had failed.

Unfortunately for him, Elliot's other clone who had appeared behind Wild Energy Blytoros, had successfully copied the startlingly powerful Kizushi Slash, and unlike him, the clone faced no barriers that could stop his sword's descent.

With a single powerful overhead slash, Elliot's other clone sliced Wild Energy Blytoros body diagonally into two!!

"How…" Wild Energy Blytoros stared at Elliot's second clone despairingly.

"Kizushi Slash!" Elliot cried out with delight. "What a fearsome and ingenious manipulation of energy! It is perfect!"

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He turned to look at Wild Energy Blytoros whose two halves were slowly fading away into death as they struggled to rejoin with each other, but failing completely due to the incredibly insiduous power of his own Kizushi Slash.

The entire midsection of his body had been erased by the slash, and his body was reacting to the loss of so many organs as well as the all important spinal cord in an extremely natural way.

By dying.

As an all-powerful being capable of transforming into blobs to absorb his enemies, the physical loss of the spinal cord was actually no big deal.

In any other situation against any other damage type in the entire realm, his body could easily regenerate it, and all would be well within seconds.

But the evil Kizushi Slash was unlike any other damage type. It dealt annihilation-type damage unique to the Wild Energy beings, and it had made its target, the huge midsection of the Wild Energy Blytoros' body including most of its spine, as though they never existed!

And with the loss of the data on those crucial physical parts, the body cannot regenerate it.

What was there to regenerate? The body had no idea! He couldn't regenerate that which had never existed before!

He knew that he was as good as dead, and he could only struggle weakly in his final death throes.

"How? You ask? Simple. My earlier energy attacks on you when you were still in blob form… were no mere mindless bludgeoning. I had inserted millions of microenergy trackers and replicated every single energy movement your body made… in my clone's body!" Elliot's clone said with obvious triumph in his voice.

He had successfully flipped the table on his enemy, and used his own powerful skill against him!

"I had thought I was cunning. But… you…"

"That was why I could learn your ultimate skill and use it instantly against you." Elliot's clone smiled at the dying Wild Energy Blytoros.

At that moment, however, the Wild Energy Blytoros smiled as well…

"Ultimate… Skill? Heh… heh… heh… If this… level… is ulti… heh… heh… heh…" And with a ridiculous smirk on his face… He died!!

Like the death of a star, his body which was filled with incredible energy collapsed within itself and crumbled into a tiny point before exploding outwards with universe-shaking force!

And it wasn't just any energy which rocked that part of the Shadow Realm.

It was Wild Energy, completely violent and uncontrollable energy, radiating outwards in rampaging waves of destruction.

"Quick! Gather as much Wild Energy before they dissipate!" Elliot's real body shouted through the portal.

The explosion of Wild Energy Blytoros created waves of Wild Energy in its purest form, and it would be a complete waste if they didn't harvest as much as they could!
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Elliot's clones and all the Dragon Apostle clones immediately cast out massive energy absorbing Runes and threw them everywhere.

Within minutes, most of the Wild Energy had disappeared into the vastness of space.

"How much did you get?" Elliot's real body asked all of the clones as he stepped through and stretched out his hand.

The clones sent the energy absorbing runes floating towards Elliot.

""Not enough to create a full powered clone of us." Elliot's clone said. "But probably enough to create one full powered clone of a Dragon Apostle."

"Give them to me." Jessica Sands said. "I will run some experiments on them."

"Alright. That sounds good." Elliot agreed and passed the runes to her. "So I guess we are done here."

"We have two Elder Gods to kill before our Realm can be considered safe." Jessica Sands reminded him. "And a real Devil to deal with."

"The two Elder Gods should be pretty powerful. However, with Kizushi Slash and the Wild Energy, we should be able to deal with them rather easily." Elliot said. "All you clones spread out and continue to search for the Elder Gods. As soon as we find their location, every single one of us will gather, and we will attack. We will clean up this Realm once and for all, and then make this into a buffer which the Realm of Sin has no chance of piercing through."

All of the clones nodded and blinked off into different directions.

With the size of the Shadow Realm, searching for the two Elder Gods would take some time, even with so many clones charging in every single possible location and wreaking complete havoc to bait them out.

"Alright. I am going to conduct some experiments! Don't disturb me for the next five hours or so!" Jessica Sands announced and then disappeared into her private dimensional world.

His Dragon Apostles disappeared as well, choosing to remain in their glorious Dragon Apostle Dimensional Space.

And in a strange turn of events, Elliot found himself… Completely alone!

With absolutely nothing to do!

He frowned lightly.

"So, what should I do now?" He thought aloud.

But only silence answered him.

Of course, such silences were not meant to last very long.

It would be extremely boring if they did.

And so, in an exhilarating turn of events after the strangely boring one, a portal appeared next to him, and a completely dishevelled Primal Alexander appeared!


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