Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 1 Mythical Talent! Spell Devour!

December 1, 2060, at 8:00.

"At 10 in the morning, [Sky World] came to reality!"

"To live or to perish, that is the question..."

"Simulation and analysis of the world view and occupation system of [Sky World]..."


Citizens of Blue Star countries have heated discussions on the topic of the integration of the sky world and reality.

As early as seven days ago, the news that the mysterious plane [Sky World] had come to reality was spread all over the world through the voice of the avenue.

It's a game world that synchronizes with reality. Attributes, skills, talents, etc. in the game can all be synchronized to the real world.

That is to say.

All citizens have the opportunity to master supernatural powers.

The major countries and capitalists on the Blue Star gathered around the game guild to train the great players and form a team.

In just a few days, the real world has changed dramatically.


"Sure enough, everything is the same."

Inside a luxury villa in Jiangning City.

A handsome young man looked at the computer screen, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared.

His name is Zhou Nan, the reborn in 3010.

past life.

Zhou Nan accidentally obtained a one-time consumption seal artifact "Sky Space".

In a national war, he directly used the sky and space, and returned to the sky before the world came.

"If you wake up sss-level talent like the previous life, plus the future memory in your mind, and the battle skills that have been honed..."

"In this life, my future is bright!"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhou Nan's eyes.

In reality, he is an orphan with billions of assets.

You don't need to think about life, you can devote all your energy to the world of the sky.

Thinking of this, he looked at the computer time.


There are only 10 seconds left before the sky world comes.

"finally come."

Zhou Nan took the Sky World Summoning Stone, turned around and came to the bedroom, then lay on the bed in a comfortable position, silently chanting 'enter' in his heart.

The summoning stone burst out with a strong white light, covering the whole body.

"Authentication passed..."

"I'm about to enter the world of the sky..."

"You are assigned to the Eastern World, Feiyue Village."

Zhou Nan's eyes darkened.

After a while.

He finds himself in a shabby little village.

The endless pristine mountains in the distance, green mountains and green waters, and fresh air.

All sorts of passing white lights flickering around...  

"Ding, you have a chance to extract the associated talent, do you want to use it?"


The voice just fell.

A talent turntable appeared out of thin air over the village, spinning rapidly.


Zhou Nan shouted casually, for him, it doesn't matter how bad the talent is, the memory in his mind is the most precious treasure.

"Ding! Congratulations on your mythical talent: Spell Devour!"

Zhou Nan's eyes lit up!

His face was no longer calm.

"Wori! Really fake!??"

"It's actually a mythical talent?!"

The known talents in the sky world are divided into: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Myth, a total of ten.

It's unbelievable that I actually drew mythical level!

Isn't this a direct takeoff? !


Zhou Nan took a deep breath, calming his excitement.

Then he couldn't wait to check the talent effect.

[Spell Devour (Myth)]

[Effect: When killing a creature with a spell, swallow its attributes or skills. 】

From the description, this is the exclusive talent of a mage.

"Go against the sky!"

Zhou Nan thought for a while, and suddenly took a breath: "If I use magic to slaughter hundreds of thousands of magic creatures and devour their magic, wouldn't a fireball be able to slaughter a god?!"

"Really perverted!"

Just when Zhou Nan sighed.

The system prompt sounds again.

"Please select the initial occupation: Warrior, Assassin, Mage, Tank, Paladin..."


Zhou Nan replied.

With the talent of magic swallowing super myth, you can only maximize your profits by taking the path of the mage!

Otherwise it's a waste.

"Congratulations, you have completed the job transfer, and I wish you a happy journey!"


Zhou Nan opens the character information panel.

【Zhou Nan】

[Occupation: Junior Mage (first advance from level 20)]

【Grade 1】

【Life: 440】

【Mana: 240】

[Attributes: Magic 10, Constitution 10, Agility 10, Spirit 12]

[Spell Damage: 22]

【Lucky:? ? ? 】

【Charm: 99 (average 60)】

[Physical Defense: 5]

[Magic Defense: 11]

[Equipment: New Staff, New Robe...]

[Talent: Spell Devouring]

[Skill: Fireball lv1]


Novice attributes, not bad.

Zhou Nan glanced at it and closed the property panel.

At this time, there were more and more people in Novice Village.


As the rays of light flickered, silhouettes continued to descend, and the Resurrection Square of Novice Village was crowded with people. The supernatural power was so attractive!

At the moment when everyone in the world opens the server, they all enter the world of the sky.

"Is this the world of the sky? This air, this soil, is almost like reality!"

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