Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 100 Avoiding Spirit Island! Strong Lineup!

"Of course." Zhou Nan smiled.


He threw Kakima's body at random.

The assassins were taken aback.

This little thing looks so unique.

Although the flesh and blood of the corpse was blurred and the appearance was completely indistinguishable, President Deng Xiu felt a familiar aura.

He frowned and said, "He has the magic power of Radiant Fang, and he is a member of my Chamber of Commerce."

The Glorious Chamber of Commerce did not know that the Holy Artifact was stolen by -Kakima.

Zhou Nan smiled and said, "This corpse is the thief who stole the Second Holy Artifact of your Guild.

"What do you mean..." President Deng Xiu stared at him: "The radiant tooth is on you?!!"

"Yes." Zhou Nan readily admitted and said, "I plan to make a deal with you, and the bargaining chip is the Glory Teeth.

"Young man, aren't you afraid that I will directly snatch it?" President Deng Xiu said, "If I read it right, you are just a junior professional."

"No, I believe you won't." Zhou Nan smiled playfully: "Also, you absolutely can't take anything from me."

President Deng Xiu said indifferently: "Tell me, what are your conditions?"

"I want to participate in the Trial of Radiance, and I also need an exclusive weapon for the Master of Radiance. Isn't this condition too much?" Zhou Nan's mouth rose slightly.

There are three major factions in the Guanghui Chamber of Commerce, corresponding to three occupations.

Shining Mage is one of them.

Another occupation is the brilliant shooter.

Think for a moment.

President Deng Xiu nodded in agreement.

"I can promise you, but I can't guarantee that you will pass the Trial of Radiance.

"I know this." Zhou Nan nodded: "Sign the contract."

Both parties swear by the rules separately.

The contract is established.

Zhou Nan took out the radiant tooth and gave it to the other party.

President Deng Xiu stretched out his hands, held the sacred relic reverently, and said with tears in his eyes: "Three years, three years, I have waited for the believers to finally find the sacred relic."

The rest of the staff were all excited.


Zhou Nan followed them to the stronghold of the Guanghui Chamber of Commerce.

"Since the Holy Artifact has been recovered, we can return to the General Chamber of Commerce!" President Deng Xiu announced loudly.

He started the teleportation array directly.

The texture of the ground lit up, and a rich white light enveloped everyone.

next moment.

Zhou Nan arrived at another continent in the sky world.

The kingdom of Dami, where the players of the Lighthouse Kingdom are located, is located on this land.


The headquarters of the Guanghui Chamber of Commerce is too far away from the kingdom of Delta.

Zhou Nan can't go to the lighthouse country to do things.

It's a pity...

He couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Deng Xiu brought people from the third faction to the hall.

"Young man, because there is no suitable person in the meeting for the time being, you can only participate in the trial of the God of Glory alone." Deng Xiu said.

Trials of Radiance can be teamed up to participate.

After all, it's a mage.

In everyone's perception, without a soldier stepping forward to carry a monster, where can a mage have a safe output environment?

So the tester can invite four non-mage players to form a team.


This life.

With Zhou Nan's strength, there is no need for teammates.

He said indifferently: "Let's get started.

"Good luck. 11

The person in charge recited the incantation, the staff of radiance burst into bright light, and the system prompt sounded.


"Congratulations on obtaining the Trial Mission of the God of Radiance: [Disaster Avoidance of Spirit Island]."

"Mission content: Find 100 three-element cores (fire/wind/lightning) to repair the floating circle and defeat the final boss."

"The system has matched 4 teams for you.

The number of participants: 21. "

Zhou Nan was teleported to a huge floating island.

The five teams participating in this trial came from different worlds where the Glorious Chamber of Commerce existed. and.

Trial missions are random.

Zhou Nan also didn't know the specific situation of this trial secret realm.

He looked around.

A group of humanoid monsters flashing with electric light came into view.

[Bright Thunder Palmer Bronze Elite] (Enchanted)

Level: 30

Health: 29w/29w


Skills: Lightning Ball, Thunder Shield

Status: [Elementary Enchantment]: All attributes +20%


The thunderclap roared intermittently.

Holding the lightning ball in both hands, he smashed it over.

too slow!

At this speed, Zhou Nan can dodge the attack with his eyes closed.

【Sky Fire】!

He activated the skill, and with the help of passive acceleration, he took a few steps to the left, dodging the lightning ball.


-33428! (crit)

a skill.

Coupled with the passive damage, it directly beats the Thunderer into residual blood.

Blood volume decreased by about 16.8%.

huh, huh, huh...  

Zhou Nan's state is full.

As violent as a storm.

-10115! (crit)


Damage explosion.

A monster can be dealt with every three seconds.

‥… ask for flowers 0

When they die, the corpse dissolves and turns into a Thunder Elemental Core.

"Ding, you kill the Brilliant Thunder Palmer to gain 17978 experience points (+10%)."

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring your spirit to 6 o'clock."

"Ding, congratulations on your ability to swallow the lightning ball (rare)."

The panel keeps refreshing tips.

Zhou Nan is getting stronger little by little.

【Lightning Ball Passive (1/10)】

Quality: rare

Effect: Each fireball deals an additional 500 Lightning damage. 1% chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 second, with a trigger interval of 3 seconds.

Another passive that adds elemental damage.

So far.

Zhou Nan's fireball combines Frost, Lightning, Fire and Darkness with four elemental damages.

I don't know when it will be able to collect all the elemental damage.


"Add 5000 points of lightning damage and a 10% paralysis chance at full stack.

"This passive is normal."

After taking a look, Zhou Nan retracted his gaze and returned to the fight.

Kill dozens of Thunderclaps.

Devouring the profit will reach the upper limit.

80 spirit and 10 layers of [Lightning Ball] passive.

"My dear, I feel that after completing the trial, my mental attributes can catch up with my physical fitness?" Zhou Nan thought to himself.

A little perverted!


When will mana and agility attributes stand up?


Zhou Nan shook his head helplessly.

He went to other areas to kill monsters and collect elemental cores.

South of Biling Island.

There is a team here.

They came from the Tushan civilization, and it was the first time they entered the [Sky World].

The leader is called Ou Xinghe, who has a mythical talent --- Peerless Archery.

After turning on the talent, he will get bonuses of defense penetration + 100% and lifesteal + 100%, and, as the battle continues, the attack speed will also increase all the way to 200%.

With such a powerful talent.

Ou Xinghe passed the abyss difficulty rank breakthrough mission.

In the world of Tushan, it is known as the first pride!

No player is his opponent.

In this trial, the clan elders specially arranged four teammates with legendary talents for Ou Xinghe.

Three warriors and one warlock.

All warriors have the talent of life and are responsible for resisting damage.

Warlock teammates act as support.

He has the resurrection talent, which can turn the single resurrection skill into a group resurrection, and can also reduce the cooling time of the resurrection.

The configuration of this team is invincible!

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