Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 12 Thunder Of The Earth!

"Of course I didn't go wrong!" Zhou Nan turned his head and smiled: "Master Xiefeng, thank you for your gift. I will take a step first. As for you, you can stay here with peace of mind."

"You—you're actually deceiving me?"

"Human, you are not trustworthy!"

The evil wind was furious.

Hearing this, Zhou Nan smiled and said, "To be honest with someone who wants to destroy the world and is loyal to the god of death, do you think there is something wrong with my IQ?"

"Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for not talking about martial arts."

Xie Feng roared with a grim face: "Human, wait, this old man is going to kill you! I must kill you!!!"

"Kill me? Let's wait until you get out of trouble."

Zhou Nan smiled.

He ignored the evil wind and set foot on the magic circle.


Then Zhou Nan smiled and waved.


The evil wind's expression was distorted to the extreme.

At this time, the magic circle starts directly.

A faint glow rose.

Zhou Nan's figure disappeared from the array.

The roar of the evil wind echoed in the dark cave.

Suddenly, the endless gray fog condensed and formed, turning into a black shadow, standing in front of the throne.

"What is the advice that this king gave you?" Sombra said.

Xie Feng raised his head, revealing a ghostly face.

He roared: "Save me out, no matter what the price is! The old man agrees!"

"I'm going to tear him apart!!!"

"The deal is done."

The black shadow stretched out his withered palm and placed it on top of Xie Feng's head.

A shrill scream came from his mouth, and eventually he turned into a black cocoon and stood on the throne, exuding a strong black aura all the time.

And this black cocoon is like a heart, beating rhythmically.

"Jie Jie... An ancient soul full of extreme resentment, its taste is even more delicious."

Hei Ying took a breath of black breath intoxicated, and grinned: "Maybe this king wants to find a chance to thank that young human..."


Inside the dark forest.

A large number of Feiyue Village players flocked to this map, looking for the "BOSS" mentioned in the announcement.

Right at the spawn point of the Skeleton Warriors.

Several teams of players passed by.

The mage "Yellow Shirt" in one of the teams complained: "Wori, my legs are getting weak, and I didn't even see the shadow of the boss."

"I'm really speechless about this system. Since we want to kill the boss, at least give me the exact coordinates!"

Another player named Nebula said: "Let's find a place to farm monsters and upgrade. It's a waste of time to find any more."

"Good captain."

The rest nodded.


An abnormal sound suddenly sounded.

"What sound?" Huang Shan hurriedly turned around.

Zhou Nan just climbed out of the hole.

"Brother why are you in the cave?!"

Yellow Shirt was taken aback.

Teammates turned their heads to look.

next moment.

Their attention is drawn to an item.

Zhou Nan's magic hunting wand with silver light flashed in his hand.


Everyone's eyes were full of shock.

However, soon their eyes turned to greed!

Evil comes from the heart.

Huang Shan hurriedly spoke on the team channel: "Look at the weapon in his hand, it is actually of silver quality! It must be worth several million!"

"This kid is alone, the silver staff must have been opened from the treasure chest in the wild!"

"Brothers, do you want to... get a vote?"

There was a lot of discussion.

There is a rule in the world of the sky. Killing a player will reveal the most valuable item on the opponent, as well as 10% of the money.

"Okay!" Captain Nebula gritted his teeth and made a decision: "We will share the money equally among ten of us."

Got the consensus of teammates.

Huang Shan looked at Zhou Nan and said with a sinister smile: "Brother, be wise, hand over the silver staff in your hand! Otherwise, we will give you a free recovery point!"

"There are ten people in our team, and you only have one person, so you can't beat us..."



A fireball hit quickly, pierced through the chest of the yellow shirt, and the blood bar suddenly returned to zero.

The sound stopped abruptly.

"Ding, player [Zhou Nan] killed your teammate [Yellow Shirt], and the counterattack does not increase the sin value."

The system prompt rang in the ears of the yellow shirt teammates.


Kicked the iron plate.

Everyone's face was even uglier than crying.

"Fuck! 5...5000+ damage?!"

"What kind of fairy damage is this?"

"Is he hanging up? As a mage, my damage is more than 200 points at most, but it's only a few tenths of his."

The eyes of the players who were watching the theater nearby were about to pop out.

At this time, Zhou Nan strode out and sneered: "If you want to rob, just do it directly and stop talking nonsense here."

"Big, big brother, we really didn't want to rob you, it's all his own idea."

A difficult smile appeared on Nebula's face.

"Do you think I believe it?"

Zhou Nan took the hunting magic wand and released fireballs one after another, killing the other nine people in turn. They didn't even have a chance to escape. Fix this wave of people.

Zhou Nan looked at the melon eaters around him: "What? You want to do it too?"

"No, no, no..." Everyone shook their heads violently.

"Boss, we won't disturb you anymore." They quickly disappeared from sight.


Zhou Nan collects the loot dropped by players.

"6 pieces of whiteboard equipment, 3 whiteboard skill books, and 1 item."

"They are richer than the people from the Colorful Guild."

Zhou Nan secretly said.

When he was in the forest, he killed the colorful guild players and harvested a pile of silver coins, but there was not a single piece of equipment in it.

Of course, this is normal.

After all, it wasn't long before entering the [Sky World].

These ordinary quality items, Zhou Nan will not keep a single one.

After returning to the village, sell them all.

Then Zhou Nan took out the golden skill book he got from Xiefeng.

Clap both hands.

The skill book turned into light and melted into his body.

"Ding, congratulations on learning the skill: Earth Thunder (Gold)."

【Earth Thunder (Gold)】


Level up: 0/1600 experience

Effect: Summons the thunder of the earth, paralyzes the enemy for 2 seconds, and causes "300+magic x3+spirit x4" points of lightning damage. Cooldown for 9 seconds.

Looking at this golden skill, Zhou Nan can only use one word to describe it.


The damage explodes, and it comes with 2 seconds of strong control.

Whether it is pk with the player, or a single BOSS.

Earth Thunder can play a big role.


In [Sky World], as long as you learn the first golden skill, the skill ranking will be activated, and you will be rewarded by the system. The first golden equipment will also receive the same treatment.

as predicted.

The system announcement sounded.

"Ding, world announcement:"

"Congratulations to player [Zhou Nan] for being the first player to obtain gold skills, and get rewards: Gold x500, Prestige x2000, Sky Essence x1, and Skill Experience Talisman (medium) x1."

Another system announcement that lasted six times.

Rewards have also increased a lot.

At this moment, players all over the world are in a state of daze.

When everyone came back to their senses, they began to frantically swipe the screen in various chat channels.

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