Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 21: Sister Phoenix Mage! Black Flame!

More than half an hour passed.

Zhou Nan came to the Black Nest Mountain Range.

Since the map is close to the ancient forest, after many players have reached level 6, they will form a team to go to the level 10 Black Nest Mountains to kill monsters and upgrade.

Looking around, there are a group of black sparrows wandering in the surrounding woods, which are the most common monsters in the mountains.

At this time, there was a thick black air all over his body.

【Black Sparrow·Ordinary】

Level: 10

HP: 3000/3000

Attack: 170

Skill: Black Flame

Properties are ordinary.

With the passive damage of [Ice Flame], he can kill Black Sparrow with a single fireball.

Zhou Nan glanced at it, then looked away.

He didn't do it.

The number of players in the fringe area is simply too much.

Monster resources are simply not enough.


Zhou Nan took a step forward and headed towards the depths of the mountains.

Didn't go far, just passing a group of players.

A knight in the opponent's team found Zhou Nan and the staff in his hand, his face brightened, and he shouted:

"Brother, do you want to form a team to clear the black nest? Our team is still short of a long-range C position."

"No need." Zhou Nan shook his head and refused, "I'll do it myself."

"Single swipe? Are you sure?" The knight said in surprise: "Brother, no matter how powerful a mage is, you are still fragile. You must use melee combat to help you resist damage."

"Brother, please don't talk."

A female player [Phoenix] in the team saw the golden leather armor Zhou Nan was wearing.

She hastily interrupted the knight's words.

Today, in the entire [Sky World], Zhou Nan is the only one who owns gold-quality equipment. This leather armor is simply synonymous with Zhou Nan's identity.

thought here.

Fenghuang was so excited that her face was stained with a blush, and suppressing the excitement in her heart, she asked, "Are you God Zhou Nan?"

"It's me." Zhou Nan readily admitted.

"I finally met you in person, brother Zhou Nan, you are my fan! Oh no, I am your fan!"

Phoenix said excitedly.

"Hello." Zhou Nan smiled.

He looked at each other.

The commoner clothes on Phoenix's body tightly wrapped her graceful figure, and her pair of long legs with perfect curves was even more eye-catching.

Most importantly, she held a staff in her hand.

Is a female mage.

There are quite a lot of female players in this profession.

Most women love the three professions of summoner, mage and priest.

Zhou Nan noticed the ID of this female fan.


A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In the future, this girl named [Phoenix] will be very famous. In terms of magic damage level alone, it is enough to be ranked in the top 100 of Blue Star.

However, most of her fame stems from her pet, a legendary golden dragon, so Phoenix is ​​dubbed "Golden Dragon Mage" by the players.

It is said that the golden dragon is her gifted companion pet.

Zhou Nan took a closer look, and sure enough, he found a golden lizard the size of a finger lying on Phoenix's left shoulder.


No matter how strong Phoenix is ​​in the future, what does it have to do with me?

Can you beat him?

What's more, Phoenix hasn't grown up yet.

Now it's just an ordinary player with good skills.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Nan nodded to them and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

At this time, Fenghuang said anxiously: "Brother Zhou Nan, can you add a friend?"

"Friend?" Zhou Nan pondered for a moment and said, "All right."

After adding each other as friends, he left straight away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing his own sister adoring another man so much, Knight Qingge said a little jealously: "Xiaolan, Zhou Nan is indeed very strong, but you are a disciple of the master of magic."

"With his excellent mage talent, his future achievements will definitely be higher than him!"


Phoenix shook his head: "Brother Zhou Nan's skill level is thousands of times higher than mine, and even my teacher sighed that he was inferior after watching his battle video."

"What?" Knight Qingge was shocked: "Master Xiao was the champion of the World Mage Solo Competition for five consecutive years! A proper world number one. Can Zhou Nan be better than Master Xiao?!"

"My teacher is also in disbelief, but that's the truth." Phoenix smiled wryly.

Knight Qingge looked at Zhou Nan's departure direction and muttered:

"If I knew he was Zhou Nan earlier, I should have invited him to join the team. How cool is it to fly with a thigh belt."

Hearing this, Fenghuang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Brother, can you have some guts, you want to be a bastard every day, you're blinding your epic talent."

"No way, my talent is to hug my teammates' thighs." Knight Qingge said with a smile.

"Hey..." Phoenix sighed and looked at the shoulder lizard: "Xiaojin, you are still reliable. It seems that I will train you as soon as possible, and then get rid of the bastard."


ten minutes later.

Zhou Nan arrives in a sparsely populated area.


A hoarse cry came from the sky.

Looking back, a large number of black sparrows were buzzing towards Zhou Nan who was on the ground, attacking like sharp arrows...

Zhou Nan held the hunting magic wand in his hand, facing the flock of black finches, firing fireballs one after another.

call out!




The ice-colored flame hits the black sparrow with precision, triggering the [Ice Flame] passive, dropping the movement speed by 400 points, and taking 1000 points of frost damage per second.

Black Sparrow speed is reduced to zero.

The body froze and fell to the ground like rain.

For 3 seconds, the prompt sounds continuously:

"Ding, you kill the level 10 Black Sparrow and gain 36 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring to 3 points of agility."


"Ding, congratulations on devouring the black flame skill (rare)."

Zhou Nan gained a lot of experience.

At the same time, under the influence of talent, it constantly devours agility attributes and skills.

He looked at the skill panel.

【Black Flame Passive (1/100)】

Effect: The skill is attached to black flames, causing an additional 10 dark damage.

Now, every fireball inspired by Zhou Nan will add darkness and ice damage, the damage is greatly increased, and the enemy can't resist it at all.


He moved forward while killing monsters.

The system panel keeps refreshing prompts.

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring to 2 points of agility."


In the end, Zhou Nan got 60 Agility and 100 passive stacks from Black Sparrow.

The experience bar has risen to 90.2%.

The tenth-level target is getting closer and closer.

at this time.

Zhou Nan suddenly stopped and looked around.

There was a faint gray fog in the environment.


A gust of gloomy wind blew away the fog, revealing dozens of gray-white figures in the field of vision.

"Ding, congratulations on your discovery of the first mutant area in the Black Nest Mountains, mission progress +10%."

Finally found it.

According to the memory of his previous life, in order to complete the exploration mission of the village chief, he must find five mutant areas and three mutant objects, as well as the messenger behind the mutation.

The specific coordinates of these things Zhou Nan remembered very clearly.


The gray-white figure made a strange sound.

It was a bunch of dead bodies.

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