Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 4 Superposition Passive! Invincible Potential!

"Cut! It's not that talented. If I had his talent, I would still be able to duel 40 wolves."

"Brother, I'm afraid you're blind. You didn't see the big guy moving at a high speed, and every fireball hit the wolf's weakness. Can you do it?"

"Why does the boss' fireball technique feel different from ours!"

Players have found Zhou Nan's greatness.

At this time.

A nearby team of players passed by, and their IDs all had the prefix "Colorful", ranking twenty-fifth on the Dragon Country Game Gang List.

The colorful gang also accepted the capital injection from top capital forces. In Zhou Nan's memory, they once broke into the top ten of the Dragon Kingdom, and their strength was very good.

It's a pity that the reputation is not very good, and the behavior is overbearing and arrogant.

In the team, the warrior named Qi Caihan smiled heartily: "Brother Zhou Nan, your skill damage is so high, are you interested in joining our Qi Cai gang's wasteland reclamation team?"

"On behalf of the gang, I invite you to be the captain of the wasteland reclamation team, with an annual salary of 10 million."

The mere 10 million Zhou Nan can't see it at all.

In the real world, he inherited billions of assets left by his parents.

Moreover, Zhou Nan had a bad relationship with the Colorful Gang in his previous life.

The relationship between the two parties is antagonistic.

"Sorry, I won't join your gang."

Zhou Nan responded, then turned around and left the place.

"What the hell is this kid pulling? A crispy mage really thinks he is invincible? No matter how powerful he is, he can bully mobs."

"Without the protection of tanks, I see how you can leapfrog and kill monsters."

Another mage Qi Caifeng said viciously.

"Okay." The deputy leader Qi Caihan said solemnly: "It's just a loose person, don't worry too much. Hurry up and level up is the king!"

"As long as we can get the achievement of the first level 10 player and build the gang's reputation, then the gang will be rewarded a lot."

"Hey, deputy gang leader, you are right."

The players smiled.

They expelled nearby scattered players, and without hesitation occupied the area with the most dense distribution of monster resources.

Because of the 23-layer rushing passive.

Zhou Nan felt that he could challenge more advanced monsters.


He came to an area closer to the eastern forest, where level 2-3 monsters lived.

【Fire bat】

Level: 3

Health: 750/750

Attack: 63

Skill: Burn

Description: One of the common wild monsters in the mountains, they are cruel, like to act in groups, and will actively attack other creatures in the field of vision. The attributes of fire bats are much higher than that of wild wolves.

And fast.

These days, players are maxed out at level 1, so no one wants to mess with them.

This leaves a large area for Zhou Nan to spawn monsters.


Feeling the human breath, the bat group turned to look at Zhou Nan, and their eyes were full of cold and cruel colors.

shhhhhh! ! !

Zhou Nan held a staff and released several fireballs one after another, traveling across dozens of meters, and savagely exploded the fire bat's head from the eye area, causing the fire bat to scream in pain.

-90! (Weakness)

-42! (Weakness)

Damage numbers keep popping up from the top of Firebats' heads.

Its blood volume plummeted.

Through talent, Zhou Nan's magic power reaches 22 points, and the normal damage is 44 points. With 1.5 times the weak point attack, the damage of each fireball is terrifying.

Because it moves fast.

Firebat can't catch up with Zhou Nan.

In less than 20 seconds, he blasted a fire bat to death.

"Ding, you kill level 3 firebats and gain 6 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring to 2 points of agility."

Level 3 monsters have a lot of experience.

His experience points have reached 162 points.

Kill 7 more Firebats to level up.

It's just a matter of minutes.

"Ding, congratulations on your promotion to level 2, you get: four-dimensional attribute +1, free attribute +1."

This free attribute is directly assigned to mana.

Because of talent.

In the previous wave of battle, swallowed to 16 points of agility.

He doesn't lack attribute values ​​at all.

It is the skills that have not been swallowed by fire bats.

Zhou Nan has some regrets.

Then, he opened his character panel.

【Zhou Nan】

[Occupation: Junior Mage]

【Level: 2】

【Life: 440】

【Mana: 240】

[Spell Damage: 48]

[Attributes: Magic 24, Constitution 22, Agility 29, Spirit 12]

[Physical Defense: 22]

[Magic Defense: 11]

After the attributes are greatly improved.

Zhou Nan's attack speed, movement speed and spell range have been enhanced.

It can be said that except for the spirit value, Zhou Nan's other attributes are higher than the players of the same level.

Because Zhou Nan's strength is limited, he can't get in touch with powerful monsters.

The [Spell Devouring] talent cannot play its full role.

Otherwise, Zhou Nan's strength will only be stronger!

Close the panel.

Zhou Nan continued to release fireball attacks.

The fireball fell into the bat group like rain, and a series of damage numbers appeared.

The speed with which he swung his staff was astonishingly fast.

The rich woman was excited when she saw it.

cough cough...

Relieve emotions.

Zhou Nan concentrated on killing monsters, and all the fire bats died under his fireball.

"Ding, congratulations on consuming 2 magic power."

"Ding, congratulations on your burning skill."

Finally got the skills!

After Zhou Nan killed the remaining monsters, he quickly checked the new passive skills.

【Burning·Passive (1/20)】

Effect: The skill continues to damage for more than 5 seconds, causing 5 points of bleeding damage to the enemy for 3 seconds.

Damage passive.

If the stack is full of passive layers.

The cumulative bleed damage will reach 300 points.

Already very high!

Seeing this, Zhou Nan was in high spirits and continued to fight the fire bats.


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