Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 45: The Fury Of The Demon Dragon! Frontier Mission!

"Nani! This is the guardian of the test?"

Spiran's face was full of disbelief.

Level 60 Legendary BOSS!

They are only ten levels, how can they defeat it?

With a single claw, the dragon can kill everyone.

"Sir, your test is too difficult, we can't beat it." Spilan wanted to cry without tears.

"No!" The abyss dragon said meaningfully: "You have completed the test, and this king will give you a supreme reward!"

"This voice... are you an adult?!"

They were a little confused.

However, when they heard the words of the dragon, everyone quickly bowed 90 degrees and said excitedly, "Please, the great dragon, give me a reward!"

"Stupid humans, you accept this king's reward!"

The demon dragon grinned grimly, opened its bloody mouth directly, and black-red flames swept the earth.

Hearing this, Spilan raised his head subconsciously, his eyes widened.

"No...Lord Dragon, you can't do this—"



The screams of everyone stopped abruptly, and they were burned to ashes by the dragon's breath.

"You idiots dare to ask this king for a reward? You are beyond your own power!"

The dragon is a little better.

But that wasn't enough to defuse all the anger in it.

The Abyss Demon Dragon looked towards Qinghe Village: "This king feels that there is a lot of human breath in this direction, that damn guy must be there!"

Thinking of this, a black mist emerged from the dragon's body, and its size soared to 300 meters.

As soon as it waved its huge dragon wings, it flew dozens of kilometers away in an instant.

A few blinks.

The magic dragon descended over Qinghe Village.

"Humans, accept the punishment brought to you by this king!"

Heavenly Meteor!

More than a dozen flaming meteorites fell from the sky and landed on the plain area outside Qinghe Village.

"Boom boom-"

Explosion sounded one after another.

The plains turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of players lost their lives.

"Ding! World announcement:"

"Qinghe Village in Hailing Divine Kingdom was attacked by abyssal dragons and became the first area in the world to trigger a monster siege event. Qinghe Village players please protect the village from being destroyed by monsters!"

"The defense of the city is successful, and all players will receive generous rewards!"

"The defense of the city fails, the player's level is -3, you will get a DEBUFF that lasts for 24 hours - 30% of the experience, and will be randomly reincarnated to a nearby novice village."


Announcements are frantically refreshed.

Players all over the world have received this announcement.

"Damn it, it's unbelievable that Sakura Country players can actually make an announcement in the world!"

"Why can't we encounter such a good thing!"

The Dragon Kingdom players are a little jealous.

While foreign players are also jealous, they are more happy.

"Finally, you don't have to hear Zhou Nan's announcement from the Dragon Country, Sakura Country players, you've done a great job!"

"Thanks to the blessings of eight million gods, the Toyama Shita gang in our Sakura Country is about to rise!"

Foreign players made frantic speeches to vent their frustration that Zhou Nan had been occupied by the World Announcement for several days.


The Toyama Shita gang is fighting on the third floor of the copy.

As a result, the system prompt sounded again.

"Monster siege incident?" Meichuan Kuzi's face was stunned for a moment, and then he said depressedly: "Damn, can't we let us clear the dungeon with peace of mind first?"

At this time, an outside member sent a message.

"Master Meichuan Kuzi, we are finished!"

Looking at words full of despair.

A bad premonition flashed in Meichuan Kuzi's heart, and he quickly asked: "Yuanye-kun, tell me, what happened outside!"


The player didn't reply, just sent a screenshot.

Umekawa Kuko looked over.

[Abyssal Dragon Legendary Boss]

Level: 60

Health: 125 million/125 million

Attack: unknown

Skill: unknown

Although the attack and skill information cannot be seen, the hundreds of millions of health points are enough to prove the strength of the dragon.

"How...how could it be..." Meichuan Kuzi muttered to himself.

next moment.

His face became distorted, and he said excitedly: "No! This is impossible! We are only novice players, how can we encounter legendary bosses?!"

Too bad no one told him the answer.

[Sky World] is not a virtual game designed by human beings, it is a digital real world, and everything is possible.

Just then, the system prompt sounded.

The magic dragon destroyed the core of Qinghe Village.

The player's level in this village is lowered by 3, and then, they are teleported to the nearby novice village.

The pride of Sakura Country, the Toyama Shita gang completely fell.


Meichuan Kuzi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, and fainted at the resurrection point in the next-door Novice Village.

"Ding, abnormal changes in the player's body are detected, and the player is forced to quit the game."

"No, sir, something happened!"

Gang members panic.

This scene was seen by many Sakura players.


real world.

Zhou Nan finished his lunch and opened the [Sky World] forum to browse important news.


A post with a popularity of 5 billion came into view.

The content is a video of a news conference held by the Toyama Shita gang.

I saw it on the screen.

Deputy gang leader Takeo Umekawa led the senior staff. After saying "I'm sorry", in front of the cameras of many media, they bowed collectively.

The reporter asked: "Deputy leader of Yifu Meichuan, where did the magic dragon come from?"

Yifu Meichuan said with a stern face: "Sorry, we don't know either."

Reporter: "Where is the dragon going?"

Yuu Meichuan: "It flew in the direction of the sea to the west of the Sea Spirit Divine Kingdom."

Reporter: "Why didn't the leader of your gang attend? I heard that he was so angry that he vomited blood and went to the hospital? Excuse me..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

Yifu Meichuan said coldly: "You are spreading rumors, the gang leader is discussing a plan to conquer the dragon, so you can't attend."

The reporter suddenly held up a printed color photo.

Above is the scene where Umekawa Kuroko was taken to the hospital.

"How do you explain this?"

Takeo Umekawa: "..."

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.


After watching the video, Zhou Nan said with a strange expression: "Sakura Kingdom actually released the Abyss Demon Dragon, isn't this courting death?"

He never expected this to happen.


Sakura Country officially issued a notice to rescue the Toyama Shita gang with the strength of the whole country, and merge the top ten gangs in the country to deal with the crisis in the [Sky World].

At the same time, they also reprimanded Zhou Nan for robbing the boss across borders.

However, Zhou Nan and Long Guo officials ignored it.

Saying this kind of thing will only make others laugh at Sakura Nation.

Zhou Nan is most concerned about the whereabouts of the abyss dragon.

"Western Sea..."

"Could it be that the magic dragon is going to Dragon Island?"

Zhou Nan thought.

"Maybe there will be a chance to meet the dragon again in the future."

at last.

He closed the forum, went back to the bedroom, and logged back into the game.

A reminder sounded immediately.

"System prompt: All players in Feiyue Village have reached level 10, and the second phase of the main quest is open. Please go to the border camp in the ancient forest and collect the quest from the NPC."

While eating lunch at Zhou Nan.

The second phase of the main line of Feiyue Village has already been opened.

"First dispose of the spoils that I don't need, and it's not too late to go to the ancient forest camp."

Zhou Nan has an action plan in mind. Zhou Nan opened the friend list, and the leaders of several major gangs were all online.

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