Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 67 Wangxiang Canyon! Erzhai Black Toad!

Dozens of guards stood on both sides.

Some players are hanging out nearby.

"finally reached."

Zhou Nan looked at the environment inside the ranch.

According to the trajectory of the previous life, players can only buy mount collars from the ranch after they reach level 30. With this, they can tame the war horses raised in the ranch.

at this time.

He went through the plan quickly in his head.

Zhou Nan stepped forward and said, "I'm Zhou Nan, you go and inform the rancher that I have a solution to his predicament!"

“Zhou Nan…………”

Apparently the guards have also heard of Zhou Nan's name.

After hesitating for a moment, the captain of the guard said, "Sir, wait here for a while, I'll go to the field for instructions!"

"Okay." Zhou Nan nodded slightly.

A group of players passing by saw this scene and could not help but stop.

They are players of the White Tide Gang.

The leader is called "Bai Chaojie".

He sneered: "Someone intends to enter the ranch again, isn't this courting death? I bet he will be thrown out by the guards.

Many players have tried to enter the ranch before, but all failed.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that.

next moment.

After the chief guard returned, he respectfully led Zhou Nan into the ranch.

"What?!" Bai Chaoyun said in surprise: "How did he do it?"

Another player named [White Tide Sword] excitedly said: "I seem to hear him say that it can solve the difficulties encountered by the ranch! Brother Jie, why don't we give it a try?"

13 Hearing this, Bai Chaoyun was very moved.

Exploring unknown maps is as attractive to players as a boss.

After a moment of contemplation, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Let's go, let's go!"

The White Tide Gang players strut their way to the ranch gate. Players go to the gate.

Bai Chaoyun said loudly: "Brother guard, like that person, we can also solve the difficulties encountered by the ranch!"

The guards looked at each other and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Bai Chaoyun, they are my friends Bai Chaojian..."

"Ding, Guard Witt's favorability for you is -50."


A series of prompts sounded.

The favorability of all the guards turned negative.

Bai Chaoyun was dumbfounded.

"What happened?"

He raised his head and saw that the guards' eyes were full of anger, and one of them immediately shouted angrily: "The white tide that attacked our ranch maid at noon must be yours!"

"Damn villains, actually delivered to the door yourself? How dare you!"

"Kill them!"

The guards drew out their swords, surrounded the players of the White Tide Gang, and slashed them down fiercely.

"Brother, say something if you have something to say! Don't use force!"


Where are players less than level 20 who are the opponents of level 25 guards.

Directly hacked to death.

At the last moment of his death, Bai Chaoyun said angrily: "Bai Chaofeng, I will fuck you, uncle. After the labor and management return, I will definitely fire you!"

I thought I would be able to enter the ranch smoothly.

As a result, the entire White Tide gang was wiped out.

The clown was me.

Looking at the player's corpse, the guards spat out a mouthful of saliva and said disdainfully, "A group of shameless people, what qualifications are there to compare with Mr. Zhou Nan."

Inside the yellow grass pasture.

Zhou Nan met the rancher Si Ji.

After the other party looked at Zhou Nan carefully, he said coldly, "Adventurer, what can you do for the ranch?"

"Wangxiang Canyon."

Zhou Nan smiled and said a place name.

A hint of vigilance and danger flashed in Si Ji's eyes.

He made a gesture with his hands behind his back.

clang clang!!!

The close guard immediately took out his weapon.

Zhou Nan raised his eyebrows and said playfully, "Why, the owner wants to do something to me?"

The reason why the yellow grass pasture can cultivate yellow grass blood horses lies in their forage formula. Among them, there is a core material, which is produced in Wangxiang Canyon.


Some time ago, a poisonous mist suddenly appeared in the valley.

As a result, Siji's people could not get in.

In the previous life, after a few days, Si Ji publicly issued a mission to adventurers to solve the strange poisonous fog in Wangxiang Canyon.

But for now, it's still a ranch secret.

Siji already suspects that there are traitors in the family.

He squinted his eyes and asked, "Adventurer, where did you know this news?"

Zhou Nan said indifferently: "You don't need to know where I got the news, you just need to know that I can solve the poisonous fog in the valley!"

"And I can swear to the will of the world that the secret recipe of your ranch will not be revealed!"

Hearing this, Si Ji pondered.

There is not much left of the special forage in the pasture.

If more materials cannot be made within a week, it may affect the cultivation of yellow grass blood horses.

He couldn't bear the loss.


Si Ji said in a deep voice: "Adventurer, I agree to your request, but you have to swear to the world first!"

"Okay!" Zhou Nan agreed decisively.

Immediately Zhou Nan swore to the system.

Upon seeing this, Si Ji asked the guards to withdraw.

He continued: "Adventurer, as long as this matter is resolved, I will give you a mount ring as a reward, and allow you to enter the pasture to capture a yellow grass blood horse."


"Congratulations on receiving the hidden mission: Strange Poisonous Mist. Mission content: Dispel Leilu in Wangxiang Canyon within three days.

"Haha." Zhou Nan sneered a few times.

Si Ji spent a lot of money, but did not disperse the poisonous mist.

Now, he only wanted to use a chance to catch a yellow grass and blood horse as a reward.

The two values ​​are completely unequal.


Zhou Nan did not question, but turned and left.

Anyway, his goal is not the yellow grass and blood horse.

By the time.

As long as he entered the ranch, it was Zhou Nan's turn to play freely.

He promised to make Siji pay thousands or even tens of thousands of times the heavy price.

Si Ji suddenly felt a chill on his back.

However, he didn't care.

Si Ji looked at Zhou Nan's back, the corners of his mouth curled up, and sarcastically said, "A chance to capture a mount can be used by you, what a stupid guy."


His form is still small.

This wave.

Si Ji is on the first floor, while Zhou Nan is in the atmosphere.

Wangxiang Canyon is located on the northeast border.

More than two hours later.

He arrived at his destination—the vicinity of the Black Chan tribe of Erzhai.

Zhou Nan began to recall the plan in his mind.

The poisonous fog in the valley comes from a golden boss named [Erzhai Black Toad]. As long as he is killed, the poisonous fog will disappear, so he has to look for items to resist the poison.


Zhou Nan's trip has other purposes.

That is to hunt down the leader of the [Er Village Black Toad] tribe, the mythical beast Golden Toad.

The divine beast Jinchan is a demigod-level beast.

Thousands of years ago, because it accidentally provoked the Phoenix clan, the entire clan was killed, and its own blood and vitality were forcibly drawn out, and it almost died.

at last.

The mythical beast Jinchan ran to the highly poisonous little world and barely survived.

The reason why Zhou Nan is interested in it.

It is because it has a world divine object called [Spirit Beast Treasure Gourd].

This thing is very helpful to Zhou Nan.


How to let this golden toad, who was lingering in the poisonous little world, come to the world of the sky is a problem.

last night.

Zhou Nan thought for a long time and finally came up with a good solution.

That is Erzhai Black Toad Tribe!

There is a golden toad altar in the Black Toad tribe, as long as you offer sacrifices, you can communicate with the [Divine Beast Golden Toad].

Zhou Nan's method is very simple.

Using the corpse of the divine beast Golden Toad's only offspring [Black Toad] as a sacrifice, activate the magic circle.

He thinks that there is a high probability of attracting Jin Chan.

Even if the action fails, there is no loss.

thought here.

Zhou Nan took a deep breath.

Immediately, he strode towards the Black Toad tribe.

Erzhai Black Toad Tribe.

At the gate, stood two sentries, and the black toad soldiers inside were observing the forest environment, guarding against monster attacks.

at this time.

A human figure appeared in his sight.

"It's human!"

"Everyone be careful, someone 160 wants to attack the tribe!"

The black toad sentry shouted sharply.


They sounded the alarm, the sound spread throughout the tribe, and a large number of black toads came to the door of the tribe with weapons, and looked at the figures outside.

"Jie Jie, a mere human being dares to reach our tribe alone, what a foolish act!"

There was a cruel look in the eyes of the black toad.

A female Black Toad said, "If it's a man, it's ours, if it's a woman, it's yours!"

"Okay." The male black toad agreed.

Soon, they could see Zhou Nan's appearance clearly.

The female black toads widened their eyes.

How could there be such a handsome man in this world?!

"Ding, Wo Xueshen, the black toad, has +50 favorability towards you, current: 80 (pseudo)."


The panel suddenly refreshed a lot of favorability prompts.

Here, in addition to the female black toad, there are actually male black toads?!


However, Zhou Nan had no interest in the group of black toads.

Because they are so ugly!

Although the body is okay, but the face, uh... just... understand.

As for the word "pseudo" after their favorability, it means that the Black Toads have a very high favorability for him due to some factor, but the two sides are still in an antagonistic relationship.

"Oh! I've never seen such a perfect man! He's a swan!"

"Catch him! Must not let the humans run away!"

"I can't help but enjoy him."

The female black toad shouted excitedly.

Zhou Nan's face darkened.

How dare you think of me even if you are so virtuous?

Immediately he said: "Wait! I have something to discuss with you!"

Hearing this, a black toad man with an iron sword stepped forward, it was the clan leader of this tribe.

The black toad patriarch said coldly, "Human, what do you have?"

"I'm here for the great mythical beast Golden Toad!"

Zhou Nan shouted loudly pretending to be frantic. .

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