Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 88 I Spit Out What I Eat!

Browse through your properties.

Zhou Nan nodded contentedly.

Seeing that it was almost time, he rode the dragon sculpture and returned to the main city of the Holy Star in the Eastern Divine Kingdom.

Zhou Nan did not go to President Peel.

After all, it's not good to disturb an old man at night.

Just let President Peel get a good night's sleep.

Find him tomorrow to trade the Helm of the Kingdom of God!

After all, what kind of bad thoughts can an ordinary player have?

This transaction is about equal exchange!

"Cough cough..."

Squeeze specific thoughts in your mind.

Zhou Nan opens the system panel and clicks Exit.

The field of vision changed.

He returned to the villa bedroom.


The 70% synchronicity played a role, and a warm current poured into the limbs and veins, strengthening and strengthening Zhou Nan's muscles and bones, so that his whole body bones made a slight sound.

This time the physique has improved the most.

Sharp swords and even ordinary bullets can hardly hurt Zhou Nan.

If there is a passive defense system in the game.

I'm afraid Zhou Nan can shoot artillery shells physically.

As for power.

The instruments in the villa are no longer available for testing.

Zhou Nan estimates his strength to be around 8,000 kilograms.

For Blue Star humans, this number is absolutely staggering.

However, put the reference frame into the extraordinary system of the heavens and the world.

This power can only be regarded as a speck of dust.


"Tomorrow, Blue Star players will usher in the first worldwide event, and the Dragon Country has the first and second prizes of the Novice Village main line, and its strength far exceeds that of players from other countries.

"If there is no accident, I can take the top few."

"However, after the event, the real world will also usher in the first world change."

Zhou Nan's expression was a little solemn.

In the previous life, the celebration activities of the Dongshen Chamber of Commerce ended.

The system issues an announcement.

[Sky] The law of the world began to initially transform Blue Star.

Many space cracks appeared all over the Blue Star, connecting unknown different worlds.

The Dragon Kingdom is lucky.

On the opposite side of several space cracks in the country, are the primitive worlds that have not developed civilization.

Like the Great Cold Nether Kingdom next door, the luck is not very good.

Opposite their space crack is an advanced world mecha civilization.

The results of it?

The army of the Great Cold Ning Kingdom was beaten and fled everywhere.

Finally had to ask their lighthouse father to send out the army to solve the enemy for them.

For this, they paid a huge "remuneration fee" to the Lighthouse Army and Congress.

"The space crack in the Dragon Kingdom should not change..."

Zhou Nan secretly guessed.

Even if there are changes.

In the early stage, the power level of the other world will not be too high.

With Blue Star's weapon level, it is enough to deal with the crisis.

thought here.

Zhou Nan felt relieved.

Next, after he finished dinner and read the popular news on the Cang Qiong Forum, he went to rest.

next morning.

Zhou Nan returned to the Shengxing City Hotel.

A reminder sounded in the ear.

"Ding, world announcement"

"The first world event, the Toshin Merchant Guild Celebration will be held at 12:00. Players need to obtain the admission ticket from the Toshin Merchant Guild in this area in advance.

"Hint: This event is divided into two stages. At the same time, the world standings will be opened. After the event, the higher the ranking of each country's team, the better the final reward!"

"For specific information, please ask the event NPC of the East God Chamber of Commerce."

The announcement was swiped three times in a row.

Players all over the world are excited.

"Fuck! It's actually a world event, so can't we compete with foreign players?!"

"With Zhou Nan, we are sure to win!"

"What kind of rubbish is Zhou Nan? You people from Longguo are so stupid. This is an activity of the Dongshen Chamber of Commerce, and its content must have nothing to do with the battle!"

"The champion must belong to the beacon country! Because we are the country with the highest IQ of citizens!"

"Yo Xi! The top ten players in this event must be the players of Papa Lighthouse."

"Thank God for his favor!"

The chat channel set off a scolding battle.

Players from various countries greeted each other "friendly".

With the announcement.

Saint Star City players frantically flocked to the Dongshen Chamber of Commerce.

"I want to buy an event ticket!" the players shouted at the event NPC.

The npc directly refused: "I'm sorry, if you want to buy an admission ticket, you must have 100 points of Dongshen Chamber of Commerce reputation.

"Isn't it? Is there a threshold for buying a ticket?" The player said speechlessly, "Is there a prestige mission?"

The npc said: "Sorry, there is no task at the moment, but we have provided another convenient channel, you only need to donate 50 gold coins, you can get 100 reputation."

Players: "... …

Good guy!

It's just an admission ticket, and you want to earn two dollars.

Who came up with this idea?

Everyone was speechless.

Fortunately, players have a lot of savings.

After all, killing monsters gets more and more money.


The exchange rate between gold coins and real currencies has fallen to 1:10.

Over time, the exchange rate will only get lower.

the other side.

Look at this scene.

President Peel at the door of the chamber of commerce was simply overjoyed.

very good!

Make big money today!

Just when President Peel was thinking about how much money he could make.

A faint voice appeared in his ears.


"Ah!? Who is it?" President Peel was taken aback, turned around to look, and found a familiar face, and he was relieved.

He asked, "Mr. Zhou Nan, are you planning to come to the celebration too?"

"Yes." Zhou Nan nodded, then said with a smile: "But I have a more important thing, and that is to make a deal with you."

"Trade? Wait!" President Peel's face changed drastically.

He felt a very familiar aura from Zhou Nan.

"The Helm of the Kingdom...where did you get it?"

President Peel's lips trembled with excitement.

"Guess?" Zhou Nan laughed.

President Peel:

He said helplessly: "If the old man could know, he wouldn't have been looking for a few years."

"However, I took this deal!" President Peel continued: "This is not the place to talk, you come with me.

The two came to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Zhou Nan, what are your conditions?" the president asked.

Zhou Nan smiled and said, "It's very simple, I only need 300 million gold coins."

".々Impossible! Even if you kill this old man, I won't take 300 million gold coins!"

President Peel's voice suddenly increased an octave.

for his answer.

Zhou Nan had expected it.

The staff of Dongshen Chamber of Commerce regards money as their fate, how could they possibly spend so much money.

He said this sentence just to pave the way for the later plan.

"It's fine if you don't take money, then trade with treasures." Zhou Nan said indifferently.


President Peel agreed.

He also had no idea of ​​robbing Zhou Nan.

After all, Zhou Nan put things in the player's backpack.

How can he get it?

"I am willing to produce an epic treasure of the same quality!" The president stated his conditions.

Zhou Nan raised his brows slightly and said, "Master President, are you bullying me for not understanding the value of the helmet of the kingdom of God? It not only contains the inheritance of your Chamber of Commerce, but also represents the position of the next President!"

"Then I will produce two epic treasures!" The president said quickly: "After all, you are not a member of the chamber of commerce, you cannot accept inheritance, and the value is not so high."

"Alas." Zhou Nan sighed: "It seems that I should be the president myself."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I heard that every president of the Dongshen Chamber of Commerce is very rich? President Peel, is this true?"

Say so.

Zhou Nan will not take actual action.

(Wang Zhao) Because to become the president, you need to swear to the rules and become the spokesperson and servant of the gods of the Eastern God Kingdom.

How could he be submissive.


The words "rich to rival the country" hit President Peel's heart.

The allure is too strong.

He couldn't hold it at all.

"The three epic treasures?"

"not enough."

"four pairs.


Zhou Nan turned into a repeater, and every sentence was "not enough", which made President Peel's scalp tingle.

"Forget it, I'll tell you the conditions directly." Zhou Nan said indifferently: "I choose the treasures by myself until the total value reaches 400 million.

"Four... Four hundred million!" President Peel exclaimed: "How can you still increase the price?"

"Can't you? Then I want five..."

He was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

President Peel hurriedly said: "I agree, 400 million is 400 million! But a contract of rules needs to be signed!"

"Okay." Zhou Nan nodded slightly.

Both parties sign a contract.

As long as Zhou Nan chooses an item worth 400 million, he must give him the Helm of the Kingdom of God.

A panel pops up in front of you.

"Ding, you opened President Peel's hidden shop.".

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