"His name is Long Yi, and he is the owner of the Wanshi House, and he is also..." The voice of the family into the glass paused, and he took a deep look at the sleepy young man beside him, and saw that the other party didn't care, so he continued

"He cleared the super-grade spell spirit and saved everyone!!".

"Okay!!" Even though he had a guess in his heart, the night moth couldn't help but cry out.

It is unbelievable that such a young boy is actually a special grade, no matter what kind of industry it is, this situation is extremely rare.

Even the existence of geniuses requires the accumulation of time to achieve something, but the sorcerer is the only outlier among these countless impossibilities!

An outlier whose talent is above all else!

In the world of sorcerers, everything about them is planned from the moment they are born, some are born kings, and some are destined to be like mustards.

Someone has awakened a spell and is destined to stand on top of the world.

There are people who grind day and night, but it is difficult to become a warlock.

There is nothing more fair and unjust in the world than this.

No matter how hard you try, some people are like a big mountain that weighs on everyone's heart.

It's as if to tell the world that the moment you see him, you should know.

The sky is above!!

Like Satoru Gojo, like....

Zenin Ryuichi!

Night Moth Zhengdao is obviously not an ordinary spell master, the first year he taught, this year's students are also monsters, whether it is Gojo Satoru who has mastered the unlimited technique, or Xia Youjie, who is in charge of the spell spirit technique, they are all well-deserved peerless geniuses, and now they already have special strength, if it weren't for the rotten promotion system, the two would have been special spell masters.

Even if it's a little worse than it, it's a genius who has mastered the reversal warlock, and it's a genius that hasn't been seen in a hundred years.

Those who have mastered the reversal warlock are not necessarily strong, but the strong must have mastered the reversal warlock, and this sentence shows the difficulty and strength of the reversal warlock.

As the teacher of this group of monsters, the night moth has long been trained to develop an amazing mind.

After all, with a perverted student like Satoru Gojo, the nerves of the night moth have already been tempered thousands of times, otherwise they would have been tortured by that little monster to madness.

After a brief period of distraction, Jeongdo quickly regained his senses

The eyes hidden behind the sunglasses burst out with an astonishing glow.

At such an age!Such a talent!!If he can join the Spell Specialty!!Then the strength of his current class is unimaginable, if it is based on this power, maybe he can really impact the corrupt spell masters!!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the night moth became even hotter, and his eyes were like a vicious wolf seeing delicious food.

"Eh~ this uncle, to be honest, I'm not interested in men, if you're looking at me like this, I can't guarantee what will happen next!".

Long Yi felt the scorching gaze of the night moth Zhengdao, and his whole body only felt uncomfortable for a while, if he was looked at by a beautiful woman like this, maybe he would have some enjoyment, but being looked at like this by a big man, Long Yi felt that the chrysanthemum was tight.

I've never heard of it.,Night Moth Masando is a!!

"Hahaha!!Little brother, you're not interested in joining the High School of Spells!" Nightmoth smiled heartily and extended an olive branch to Long Yi without hesitation.

In his opinion, at Long Yi's age, if he was a registered spell master, he would definitely not be a lonely and unknown person, after all, the total number of special grades in the entire spell world now is only one palm, and there are only ninety-nine people on the surface.

So he concluded that the young man in front of him was a wild man who had become a monk halfway.

Such spellcasters are not uncommon in Fuso.

But if it is not recognized by the Spell Society, it is not a 'wild cat' that cannot be put on the stage

Without any subsidy or official support, it can be said that it is extremely dangerous, and compared to the High School of Spells and the Spell Association, every time they are purified carries great danger.

It is the dream of every 'wildcat' to be recognized by the Spell Society in order to gain official support.

However, both the Spell Association and the upper echelons of the Spell High School are a group of extremely pedantic guys, even if the spell master is very rare in the entire Fuso range, and even among tens of thousands of people, there may not be one person, and they are not willing to easily admit the identity of this kind of 'wild cat'.

But with his own identity, introducing such a genius to join the Spell High School, Nightmoth Zhengdao is confident that he will not refuse, as for Long Yi, Nightmoth Zhengdao does not feel that any 'wildcat' can refuse the temptation to become an official spellmaster.

"Forget it, I'm not interested!".

"Haha, welcome to add... What do you say !!


The expression on the night moth Zhengdao's face instantly turned red and black, he couldn't believe his ears, the other party actually rejected the qualification to become an official sorcerer so happily!

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