Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 148: House Targaryen's Secret

After getting the clues about the doomsday catastrophe of Valyria, Zhang Cheng's eyes stayed on Daenerys's almost naked body, and after a full minute, he suddenly reached out and touched the opponent's forehead lightly.


A faint red light emerged from the part touched by the fingers!

Although it was not particularly dazzling, everyone in the room was still taken aback.

"Damn! What have you done to Her Majesty?"

Jorah Mormont drew his sword nervously, his face full of anger and vigilance, as if Zhang Cheng had committed some unforgivable crime.

In contrast, Daenerys was much calmer and asked very curiously, "What did you do to me just now?"

"It's nothing, I just did a small test to see what you call the truth of incorruptibility." Zhang Cheng explained while pushing away Jorah Mormont, who was holding a sharp sword, and took it out from his pocket. A small gray powder swayed along a circular trajectory.

In just a few seconds, he drew a circle under the opponent's feet.

Just when everyone didn't know the meaning of these strange actions, the gray powder suddenly seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force to spin, and the faster it turned, the smaller the range.

When it was about to touch Daenerys' fair skin, the disappearing red light reappeared, and even blurred cyan lines appeared on the surface of the fair skin.

Perhaps most people do not understand what these strange phenomena mean, but Zhang Cheng, who has systematically studied the principles of arcane magic, understands that those red lights mean flame resistance, and the blue lines mean magical physique.

That is to say, the Targaryen family is no longer a human being in the ordinary sense. Either it has been transformed by magic, or it is mutated in a specific environment. Anyway, their descendants have a high chance of acquiring talents that ordinary people do not have.

Among them, the flame resistance reaches a certain level, that is, the legendary fire does not burn, and the magical physique can gain the favor of the magical creature dragon.

Of course, the precondition for the awakening of these two kinds of talents must be that the whole world is filled with enough mysterious energy. If the concentration is low to a certain level, the babies born will not be able to absorb enough energy, and naturally they will not be able to show their talents.

After figuring this out, Zhang Cheng took out another glass test tube and said in a slightly negotiated tone: "If you don't mind, can you give me some of your blood? Please rest assured, I swear I will never use it to perform any evil. spells or curses, just a little fun research. In return, I'll join you when you land in Westeros."

"Ser Mason, don't you think you're being presumptuous and rude?" Daenerys frowned and glanced at the test tube the size of a finger.

It was the first time she met a man who could ignore his attractive body curves and beauty, but was interested in his own blood.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I'm sorry? No, no, no, I just don't want to waste my time on meaningless topics. You must know that this world hides countless secrets waiting for me to unearth. There is a lot of knowledge waiting for me to learn, so please don't pay too much attention to these little things."

Daenerys stared at the young man who was just a few steps away from her with purple eyes, as if to see through the true thoughts of the other person's heart.

After about two or three minutes, a smile suddenly appeared on her serious face: "Well, I have to admit that you are a weird person, weirder than everyone I have ever met. But it is undeniable that you are also an interesting person, The most important thing is that I didn't feel the slightest bit of hostility from you. But since we are meeting for the first time, shouldn't you express your sincerity a little bit? At least answer my previous question, how are you? To tame a dragon?"

"No problem! My way of taming a dragon is very simple, and that is to sign a powerfully binding magical contract with the dragon when it is born. With this binding force, I can make the dragon obey orders and even understand my mind. I thought." Zhang Cheng didn't try to hide anything, and gave a straightforward answer.

Anyway, apart from him, there is no other person in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire who can use arcane energy, and even if outsiders know about it, there is no way to replicate the entire process.

"So those rumors outside are true? You are a powerful and evil wizard?" Daenerys showed a surprised expression on her face.

She seemed a little incredulous that someone would reveal her secret so easily.

"Hahaha! Powerful and evil wizards? Is that what those ignorant and ignorant idiots describe me?" Zhang Cheng laughed as he took the steaming breakfast from the maid.

Due to the sea breeze blowing all night and being hungry, he didn't care about the gazes of the people around him. He sat down and started eating.

Taking advantage of this effort, Daenerys put on a coat to hide her attractive figure, then sat on the other side of the table and asked, "You seem to be very disdainful of those who judge you?"

"Of course!" Zhang Cheng nodded without hesitation.

"You know? In fact, magic is not, as many people think, an ethereal force that cannot be controlled by mortals.

On the contrary, it is as much a skill and knowledge as growing crops, building ships, and smelting metals.

Valyria, the birthplace of House Targaryen, once mastered this knowledge, so they could tame dragons, create Valyrian steel that has yet to be cracked, and even the unique dragonstone castle. Mason technique.

It might be a magical skill that the Valyrians mastered at that time. Through this magical skill, your ancestors passed on the ability to survive the fire to future generations.

I am a person with a strong desire for knowledge, and I very much hope that one day I can unlock the secrets hidden by history.

For example, why did the children of the forest disappear? What supernatural powers did they have?

Also, why did Valyria get destroyed overnight?

Why did the dragon disappear? And why die?

Do the terrifying White Walkers north of the Wall really exist?

For those who really understand, magic is never an ethereal prophecy, nor a gift from the gods, but a power gained through exploration and learning.

So, please don't confuse the trash wizards I met with you in the Temple of Immortality. They don't even understand why their power disappeared and why they suddenly appeared. How can they claim to have mastered magic? the power of...

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