Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 173: Nominal couple

"Welcome! Welcome back to King's Landing, my dear friend."

As soon as they met, the little devil opened his arms and gave Zhang Cheng a warm hug.

Maybe it was because of a tragic war, he seemed to have matured a lot, especially the very obvious scar on his face, which added a bit of unique charm out of thin air.

"Thank you! It's great to see you are safe and sound. You know, when I left last time, you were lying in a coma in bed, your face was as pale as a corpse. But look at you now, not only are you healthy again , and also married a beautiful young wife. Congratulations, Tyrion. Also, I'm sorry to miss your wedding." Zhang Cheng bent down and patted the other party's back with a smile.

As someone who knows the plot quite well, he obviously knows very well that this nominal marriage will not last long at all.

What's more, Sansa Stark is a typical superficial and vain girl who is only interested in men of high birth and young and handsome in appearance.

As for the soul hidden under the surface, she doesn't have enough experience and vision to appreciate it yet.

Anyway, in Zhang Cheng's eyes, the little devil is many times stronger than Loras Tyrell and Joffrey, whether it is character or ability.

But unfortunately, Sansa did not realize the merits of her nominally legal husband, only noticed the dwarf-like height and slightly ugly appearance of the other party, and even dreamed of marrying Loras not long ago.

She didn't understand at all that she had already become a powerful tool for **** of the Northland.

What men want from her is not some **** love, but her young and beautiful body and a womb that can produce healthy offspring.

"Hahahaha! Dude, stop joking. I believe you should know very well that this marriage is not what I want at all. What's more, I have never kissed the bride's lips so far, so how can I be considered a husband and wife? What?" Tyrion let out a self-deprecating laugh, and there was a hint of bitterness and helplessness in the laughter.

To this day, he still broods over his father, Tywin, for ignoring his great deeds and taking the powers of Prime Minister from him.

After all, as there is a saying, right is a deadly poison. After most people are infected, they will desperately want to keep it and pay any price for it.

The little devil himself is a dwarf, a disabled person who is criticized and discriminated against. Only when he is in power can he feel respect and fear from the attitude of others.

There was no doubt that he did not want to lose his power, much less the respect he had earned so hard.

Most importantly, it was only during his time as Prime Minister that he felt like he really lived like a man, a man named Tyrion Lannister.

Others respect his outstanding personal ability, not the famous family behind his name.

Zhang Cheng was once an ordinary person, and knew what it was like when he started to be different.

Now if he is given two choices, one is to return to the original world and become a humble ordinary person, the other is to continue this dangerous game that may kill him at any time, he will definitely choose the latter without thinking.

The reason is very simple, he has tasted the taste of power, and would rather face all kinds of challenges than return to ordinary again.

Perhaps it was this restlessness hidden in the subconscious that was chosen by the owner of the parchment and started a series of unimaginable adventures.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt a little sad for the little devil. He has always tried his best to show his best qualities, eager to gain recognition from people, especially his father Tywin Lannister.

But unfortunately, Tywin never regarded Tyrion as his son from beginning to end. In his eyes, only Jaime was the only heir to the Lannister family.

And Tyrion, Tyrion is just a disgrace to the family, a deformity that shouldn't have come into the world...

Of course, Zhang Cheng was not stupid enough to tell the truth.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders and joked: "Hehe, it seems that you have a lot of grievances. Come on, let's go inside and talk slowly. I also want to meet your beautiful wife by the way."

"Then what are you waiting for! I just got a few bottles of fine Dorne red wine the day before yesterday, you will love it." The little devil raised his arm and made a gesture of please, then took the initiative to lead the way.

In about a few minutes, the two came to a place that looked like a living room.

Sansa found someone walking in, and hurriedly got up and wanted to salute, but when she saw the appearance of the person who came in, she was stunned, and there was even a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Long time no see, Miss Stark. Oh, sorry, I should have changed my name to your wife. What, is there something dirty on my face? Why are you staring at me like this?" Smiling tentatively.

He felt that Sansa's reaction was probably influenced by "Littlefinger", maybe the careerist said something bad behind his back to prevent himself from getting too close to the girl.

"No! Nothing! I... I'm just a little surprised. When did you return to King's Landing?" Sansa immediately panicked and tried to change the subject.

"It didn't take long. No, one of the things I did when I came back was to visit you, the newlyweds, and at the same time, to send a blessing." Zhang Cheng replied with a friendly look, regretting that he didn't delve into it.

"Thank you very much. Since you are here, I have to tell the kitchen to make the lunch a little richer. I'm sorry for a while." Saying that, Sansa lifted her skirt and saluted, and quickly disappeared outside the door of the room. corner.

After seeing her back disappear completely, Zhang Cheng turned around and asked the little devil who was pouring wine: "My friend, your wife seems to be a little afraid of me?"

Tyrion raised the glass and drank it, curled his lips carelessly: "Who knows! Anyway, since she married me, she has never shown a smile, she is like a frightened bird all day, I can't To scold a poor girl whose father and brother were murdered horribly?"

Zhang Cheng raised the corners of his mouth and said with a slightly playful tone: "I can't see that you are still a gentle and affectionate man. Can you tell me, the reason why you are willing to marry her, is it out of sympathy and protection, or is it really out of sympathy and protection? do you want to live with her? If it's the latter, I suggest you better hurry up and let her fulfill her responsibilities and obligations as a wife. Trust me, it's good for both you and her. Many times , it's not a good thing to leave a hope that never ends. You don't think that when you get married, no one is playing Sansa's attention..."

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