Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 412: Scepter of Anubis

A great mage once said that there is no enemy in the world that cannot be solved by one fireball, if not, then two or three...

In the face of the Five Fireball God Cult, all struggle and resistance are futile.

Although Zhang Cheng himself is not a follower of the Five Fire Balls, this does not prevent him from using some of these principles to kill the enemy.

No powerful spells...

No fancy spellcasting tricks...

Not to mention the use of so-called "wisdom"...

Some just used the runes of holy light to force Nathan out of the hiding space over and over again, and then let Kulo Kerba breathe out a hot breath. Turned into a black mass of unknown substance.

Facts once again prove that the simpler and more direct strategies are often more effective.

As for his soul, it was directly extracted and made into a pure black soul fragment.

Darkness, evil, death, madness, even in the eyes of **** demons, a mortal can degenerate his own soul to such an extent that it is definitely worth the effort to cultivate.

Maybe a few hundred years later, a great demon who controls a new field will rise and become a powerful force.

But now, Zhang Cheng hopes to get some knowledge and secrets about the world from the soul of the other party, so he carefully puts the fragments into the bottom of the soul bag.

After doing all this, he picked up the golden scepter that had endured several dragon breaths without any damage. As a result, as soon as he held it in the palm of his hand, he immediately felt an extremely pure death energy pouring into his body and followed closely. A small amount of information quickly came to mind.

After a full three minutes, he slowly regained his senses, and at the same time figured out what special abilities this weapon named "Anubis Scepter" had.

First, the man with the scepter controls death.

Just like the literal meaning, it can control everything related to death, such as awakening the undead, and injecting energy into the spirits to make them more powerful, but all this comes at a price, and at the same time in quality and quantity. Aspects have a definite upper limit.

In general, it is suitable for group battles, but not suitable for dealing with too powerful individuals.

Secondly, it can temporarily pull the bearer into the gap between the material world and the soul world, making it immune to all forms of attack.

But the disadvantage is that once there is a power interference like the Holy Light, the crack will quickly become unstable, causing the holder to be squeezed out.

Finally, and the most powerful function, it is a key that unlocks the key to the tomb of the Pyramid of Osiris, which is hidden in the great desert.

As we all know, according to Egyptian myths and legends, Osiris is the eldest son of Geb, the **** of the earth, and Nut, the **** of heaven.

But the old man did too well, and as a result aroused the jealousy of his younger brother Set, the **** of desert and war.

The latter specially designed a coffin decorated with countless gold gems according to his brother's figure, and announced at a banquet that whoever could lie in it perfectly would get the coffin.

Osiris was killed and thrown into the Nile River in a coffin.

His wife, Isis, tried to bring it back to life, but was found by Seth, and eventually the body was dismembered, and fourteen corpses were thrown into various corners of Egypt.

Although Isis recovered thirteen pieces through unremitting efforts, it is said that the most important lower part of the man was eaten by fish.

But even so, Osiris was resurrected for one night, and his wife gave birth to Horus, the eagle **** who symbolizes the power of the pharaoh, and finally completed his revenge.

I have to say that the gods of ancient Egypt are really powerful. Without Tiny Tintin, they can still have children. I don’t know if the god’s fertility is different from the parts used by ordinary people, or if Osiris grows a green prairie on his head…

Of course, none of the above is the most important thing. The most important thing is that after Osiris died, Anubis personally anointed his body with holy oil, made it into a mummy, and buried it underground in the vast desert of Egypt.

As for the soul of Osiris, he was reborn in the underworld of Egypt, and even with the concession of Anubis, he gradually became the supreme master of the underworld.

Zhang Cheng couldn't imagine how much benefit he could get from exploring a god's tomb, and he couldn't understand why Faust would give such an important thing to an arrogant and ignorant apprentice.

Just when he was puzzled, there was a sudden burst of violent energy fluctuations in the air.

In the blink of an eye, a portal opened out of thin air, and a forty-year-old white man with a gloomy face walked out.

He has long white hair, his eyes look lifeless, and with a pure black robe, he looks like a ghost crawling out of a grave.

However, he didn't seem to have such self-consciousness at all. He first glanced at the surrounding environment, and quickly settled on Cullo Kerba.

"A dragon? A real dragon?!"

"Who are you?" Catherine seemed to sense something, and her eyes showed strong vigilance.

"Hehe, are you sure you really want to know my name?" The man turned around and asked with a half-smile.

Before waiting for the Witch of Desire to reply, Zhang Cheng immediately grabbed the other person's chest with one hand and bowed deeply: "Welcome, Dear Senator John. Or, you would prefer to hear another name - Necromancer. Your Excellency the Archmage Faust?"

"Oh? You know me! Incredible! Who told you? Laverne? Or my lovely apprentice Nathan?" The man touched his chin in surprise.

It can be seen that his current state is very relaxed, and he is completely unguarded.

Normally, a situation like this would be the perfect time to launch a surprise attack.

But for some reason, Zhang Cheng always felt that something was wrong, he frowned subconsciously and continued to test: "No, it's not. I'm curious, aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the European Supreme Council? Even with your strength , I'm afraid it can't stop so many members from joining forces?"

"Chase? Hahahaha!"

Faust seemed to have heard something funny, UU reading www.uukanshu.com laughed happily, while laughing and joking: "You think I ruined the Vatican's "Heaven on Earth" plan, those angels didn't Chased me?

But why am I still alive?

Young people, the world is bigger and more exciting than you can imagine, and what you see right now is only a small part of it.

When you have such qualifications one day, Laverne will naturally tell you the truth, because you are an indispensable and important part of his plan.

Remember, in our world, nothing is more important than power, and it is only when you master enough power that you can escape from being manipulated.

As the first gift, I will give you the Anubis scepter and keep it for now..."


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