
  Chapter 142 Cooking    "You really are not afraid to lose all your scholarship..."

Freya shook his head: "And don't look up to yourself, you may not be able to buy the lowest grade green tea in tea and coffee. If you want to make money in tea and coffee, you should first take a loan to do a full-body medical beauty, body curve, and appearance. , Hair, lips, teeth, smell, romantic acupuncture points and other structures have to be adjusted..."

Adela looked horrified: "So scary?"

"I Describe it for you." Freya pointed to herself: "If I go to tea coffee, at most I will be a tea master at the green tea level, and my performance must be at the middle and lower level."

Overdo it! Even Veeva can only eat with rice!"

"Actually, in my opinion, there are more clay coffees than tea coffees. Next time you go to the clay coffees with me. , I can introduce you to an orc who is more beautiful than Veeva."

"Blame the healer!" Adela hated gnash the teeth: "These days, even a natural and beautiful girl like me I can’t make money with my body."

"So you have to study hard. Spellmaster is the most unscrupulous profession." Freya packed his schoolbag: "Void Realm doesn't care about rankings, it only cares about whether you are qualified."

Adela followed: "Let’s go and eat Sales."

Sales is a music restaurant near the university. The price is affordable and the dishes are rich. It is very popular with students. , And also divided into moon sugar area and non-moon sugar area, students don’t have to worry about the diners next to them suddenly eating sugar and convulsing.

"I'm not going with you."

"Ah, why? I have a treat."

"I have something tonight."

Adela slightly startled: "Go to the mud cafe for two consecutive nights? Are you so rich?"

"It's not going to the mud cafe either." Freya said, holding his chin, "It's nothing It's suitable to tell you."

Before going out in the morning, Ash asked Freya's course schedule to ask her to go home as soon as possible after class. Freya also felt that he had sheltered the escaped prisoner, so he planned to go back to see the situation first.

Adela hesitated, suddenly remembered something, and grabbed Freya's beautiful shoulder and asked: "Should you not fall in love anymore? Don't be fooled by those masons!"

"No, how is it possible." Freya smiled and waved his hand: "Have you heard that a Veeva will be deceived by the opposite sex?"

Adela thought for a while, indeed. Since she met Freya, Freya has patronized more than a dozen large and small clay cafes near the university, and never missed a single mason-Veeva is a famous one-time race, she will love it before mating, and after mating Will be very disgusted, only a very small number of individuals can become an exception to Veeva.

Falling in love is naturally insulated from Veeva. They can't stand the long-term close relationship with the same person.

Adela snorted: "If you don't go, I'm too lazy to go to Sales, then I'm going to eat the "fortune high" buffet. "

"Fortune High" is the most famous big casino near the university. As long as you buy a certain amount of chips, you can enjoy the buffet inside for free. Freya exhorted: "Don't lose all the money for the meal, I don't have money to lend you."

"pei pei pei, I have good luck today, don't curse me!"

After leaving the classroom and separated from Adela, Freya silently prayed to the Supreme Lord Blood Moon, hoping that he would bless Adela not to lose everything-otherwise Adela would definitely follow her to eat and drink.

Adela is her college friend, a human female, with green eyes and wine, and hobby is gambling. Although gambling is serious, it is not uncommon in colleges-gambling and sex are basically the same for every college student. Of course, the probability of both gambling is greater. As for those who do not touch these two kinds of "wooden people" at all, they will be Everyone excludes the isolated.

The proportion of sugar people among college students is relatively low. Although there is no survey, everyone believes that eating sugar will reduce their thinking ability, and sugar people basically do not have the academic ability to enter the university.

But Adela is not an irrational gambler, she has the confidence to dare to be so arrogant, because her grades are among the best, as long as she works hard, she can be admitted to the Red Mist Institute when she graduates. For her graduate student, when the time comes, the Institute will naturally help her waive the student loan.

In popular terms, she will be able to'go ashore' soon, so she naturally has no worries about the future.

For those who fail to pass the postgraduate entrance exam like Freya, they have to repay their student loans after graduation. If they can’t find a good job and can’t afford the loan, the bank will introduce them to a “more profitable” job—— For example, the tea master of tea coffee or something.

How many of the masons in Nikali who have been transformed to cater to the various hobbies of clients are her seniors......

In random thoughts, Freya returned to the apartment where she lived.

On the stairs, she met Aunt Mulan on the second floor. As soon as she said hello, she grabbed her arm. The fluffy area of ​​the forearm is Veeva’s weakness. Freya didn’t dare to exert any force. She only heard her nagging: "Freya, don’t trust a man, no matter how good the other is, it’s a lie. If a man plays in the bones, it’s a lie. Fa empathize with women, I was..."

After listening to the classic story of'young and beautiful Mulan was cheated of money by a scumbag,' Freya spotted the opportunity to break free and said: "I know Aunt Mullan, I’m a Veeva, and I won’t be fooled by men!" Aunt Mullan sighed and shouted from behind: "Men love to tie you up with little grace, as long as he doesn’t It's a lie to spend much money on you!" Today's Aunt Mulan is so excited, did she go to Nica to spot the man who cheated her money back then? ……Freya was thinking wildly. When he took out the key to open the door, he suddenly remembered that there was a cult leader living inside.

Speaking of which, why did he call me to come back soon? What does   a cult leader do when there is no one? It   must be an evil sacrifice ceremony!   Did he call me back as a sacrifice?

No, there was a rule in the contract last night that the two parties cannot hurt each other.

Does he lack the staff to perform the ceremony and want to call me back to help?

Then, won't I change from sheltering to accomplice? !

And even though the cult leader can't hurt me, there are not a few cult leaders under him. Maybe there are a lot of villains wearing black robe and high torch hidden inside!   Although it is said, Freya still has to open the door to take a look, and run away if there is any danger. This is the urban area. Prisoners are always impossible to hunt down female college students in the street, right?   Freya opened the door and moved his nose slightly, smelling the scent of food. She walked into the hall suspiciously and saw Ash wearing an apron in the small kitchen, who was busy working on kitchen utensils she hadn't taken out since she moved in.

Xiaoxian turns around his feet, meowing from time to time, seeming to want to taste his craftsmanship.

Ash saw her, said with a smile: "Sit for a while, I will prepare the last dish soon, and I will be able to eat soon."

"Welcome back. "

PS: Thanks to the Alliance Leader of Cang Xuan from Six Paths! Thank you for your reward!

Because of the recent comparison of card texts, the saver is in a hurry again, so he can't do anything to provoke it... It is already a knife to save the saver without asking for doctrine!      Well, although it may not feel necessary, let’s talk about it—Freya is not the main female character of the book, but the main supporting role of this branch plot.


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