
  Chapter 150 Because you want to protect yourself    “Am I afraid?”

Freya subconsciously asks rhetorically : "But didn't you just say that I am very happy?"

"Happiness and fear are emotions that can coexist at the same time." Adela said: "In the casino game, I have seen a lot of this people - they've got a great hand, so they're excited and happy to win, but they're worried that their opponent has a better hand, so the fear lingers."

"Happiness comes from what you already have, and fear comes from what your opponent can take away from you at any time. Freya, who are you playing, and what are you gambling with?"

"This class is boring anyway. Tight, you might as well talk to me instead of talking to a psychological healer, I don't need you to spend money."

Freya hesitated: "Generally speaking, if you want to do psychotherapy, you should find a life with yourself. Unrelated psychological healer..."

"Yes." Adela propped her chin and looked at Freya's beautiful face: "But you are so happy, but your eyes are full of 'help I really can't stand idly by."

Freya stroked her face lightly and lost her mind for a moment.

Adela didn't rush, and waited quietly beside her.

The sun today is very good, and the teacher's lecture sound is very hypnotic.

In such a peaceful day, Freya has become out of place.

Because she exudes a sense of happiness that Adela has never seen before.

Even if Adela saw a gambler in the casino to pay off his gambling debts after a turnaround, but was not dragged to be transformed into a mechanical miner to dig for a lifetime of mines, Freya was not so happy;

Even if there are students admitted to the postgraduates of the Red Mist Research Institute, it is not as easy as Freya;

This is really... dazzling.

It even made Adela feel a little disgusted, and even wanted to vomit.

After a long silence, Freya finally said, "I know a veela..."

"Oh, pu chi ah ha ha ha, go ahead." Ade Pull could hardly hold back.

Freya rolled her eyes at Adela angrily and continued: "For some special reasons, she met a man recently..."

Because of the contract, Freya could not reveal Ash's identity, appearance, and living in her apartment are all kinds of information, but the information can still be revealed to others after being obfuscated. For example, if they spend the night together, it can be said that they spend the night in a hotel outside; for example, they eat together every night, and it can be said that Freya goes to Ash's house for dinner; After talking about the past few days, Freya revealed the inexplicable emotions in her heart: "I like and dislike him now, I want to get close to him but also want to stay away from him, I feel like I'm sick or not. Now..."

"Isn't that very understandable?" Adela smiled: "Veela fell in love with him."

"No, absolutely not." Freya Shaking his head: "It's not that I haven't loved before. Love is approaching, embracing, greed, and demanding. How can I dislike or stay away?"

Adela said: "Love also has many forms, or Say, love has many purposes. Freya, the kind of love you are used to is only born out of looks, just to satisfy desires. When you meet a better skin, your love will also transfer, for you In terms of love, this kind of love is replaceable."

"And the man who brought Veela was not a whim, but the joy of acquaintance, daily companionship, and soul fit. .You may meet more beautiful skins in the future, but the interesting soul may only be this one."

"This is why Veela hates this love and even tries to stay away from— —He is irreplaceable. What is even more terrifying is that he has gradually integrated into the life of Veela, like a poison that penetrates deep into the bone marrow and cannot be removed by any means."

"What an evil man, He lets Veela into his life, so Veela's life is set on his feet; he wants to know Veela, so Veela wants to know him; he is dependent on Veela, so Veela will depend on him."

"Perhaps only a man who completely abandons his self-esteem, his independent life, and his privacy will make such a move. Even if he has received the most basic moral education in the rearing center, he will not be so lowly. "It's really bad luck." Adela shook her head: "There are still such shameless men these days, and they have successfully charmed Veela, Veela is really bad luck."

Freya was at a loss for a while. , subconsciously asked: "Then what should I do?"

"Follow your instincts, hate him, stay away from him." Adela said softly: "If you continue like this, you will only sink into the dwindling In the deep affection, you become no longer yourself. When the time comes, it is not only the man who locks you, but also all the past you have given to him."

"In the foster care center Have you heard it many times? "Every relationship that worries you will pollute you", "Every relationship that makes you wrong will hurt you", "Every relationship that makes you change" will rule you." Everything that man does is pollutes you, hurts you, dominates you. "

Adela grabbed Freya's hand, "We didn't get so much education to lose ourselves." We were born for ourselves, and only for ourselves, and there is no room to let go of others. "

"Do you remember what the main connotation of the "Blood Prohibition Law" is? "

Freya muttered: "Yes...personality freedom..."

"Yes, personality freedom, because after the bloodline prohibition, the family no longer exists, and the affection and love also do not exist. Once there is a foundation to stand on, everyone has cut off all social shackles, so they can gain personal freedom. "

"Perhaps you have him in your heart now, but that's just an 'illusion right now." Next year, next month, tomorrow, or even the next second, you may have new ideas at any time, fall in love with new people, and want to live a new life. "

"It's not just for yourself, it's for each other, after all, humans are more transmuted than veelas." "

"Think about it, if the other party suddenly has a new idea and chooses to take the initiative to leave you, how would you feel? "

Thinking of the shelf life in just a few days, Freya suddenly felt out of breath and said with difficulty: "...It will be uncomfortable. ”

“It made you uncomfortable after only knowing each other for a while. If you knew him for a few months or a few years, would you not hesitate to distort your self and flatter him in order to keep him?” "

"You yourself have anticipated this possibility, and you are also worried about this future, so you are so uneasy, so you want to stay away from him." "

"Because you want to protect yourself, even if it's a marshmallow, but you're still afraid of being stabbed." "

Watching Freya's increasingly pitiful expression, Adela whispered in her ear: "We don't need irreplaceable love. ”

PS: These two chapters seem to be a bit fast, but this is only a branch line, so we must quickly end the main line...

It seems that there is a new Alliance Leader, thank you Yan Zuzu '大佬的豪气……


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