All the way to Fucheng, he stayed in Rongfu for a day, and then he called Su Shitou and Han Xiaoshan to give them advice and two letters of recommendation.

Mrs. Rong also gave Su Hongshan a letter, telling her to take the letter to find someone else.

Su Hongshan's heart is very touched. This trip, whether Zhang's or Rong's, has given her great convenience. She even wrote to her in order to make her more comfortable in the capital city.

It's not just letters, but human relationships.

The people mentioned in the letter are not related to her, and even don't know what kind of person she is. If you help her, they will go for the favor of Zhang's and Rong's.

This feeling is heavy!

At the moment, what she can do is just keep it in mind. In the future, it will be rewarded.

Mrs. Rong personally came to see her off, and she had been taking Su Hongshan and others on board.

It was children. When they first got on the boat, although it was the first time that the three little guys saw such a big boat and looked around, they also sat quietly beside Su Hongshan.

When they knew that the ship was from Ruan Ruan ink bag and that there were only their family members on board except the boatman, the three little guys ran away and looked at it with novelty.

"Girl, if you don't go on the deck to have a look, you've just started the boat, and the scenery on both sides is still very good. When you go a little further, you'll see only water and no scenery to see."

Su Hongshan laughed and said, "no, I'll have a rest first."

In her last life, she took a boat to go to sea in a speedboat and dive in the sea. She has seen all kinds of scenery. The ancient scenery may have a special interest, but she is not in the mood to see the scenery at the moment.

Ruan Shan and Mrs. Ruan gave her a book first.

Outside the book is the appearance of ordinary books, but opening the contents inside, Su Hongshan is touched and grateful.

This whole book records the preferences and taboos of the officials and their families.

Some of the records are detailed, while others are just a few notes. However, they indicate that they are because they don't know much about them, or they can't be provoked, or they are not important...

some of the people she has met and still have impressions have written some appearance features and even painted portraits.

It can be said that this is a gift with great care.

With this thing, Su Hongshan can't say that her eyes are black when she goes to the capital. If she really bumps into her family members in the capital, she will know it at least.

Su Hongshan carefully looked at it and wrote it down in her heart.

After getting on the boat these days, she was familiar with these things. When they were all memorized, she destroyed them directly according to Mrs. Zhang.

In the next two days, he took Ruan Rumo to understand the situation of each family in the capital.

The days on the boat were boring. When Su Hongshan took Ruan Rumo to understand the situation of each family in the capital city, the three little guys also occasionally stayed quietly beside them, listening carefully.

This line for seven or eight days, but suddenly it began to rain.

The three little boys who read books on the deck all rushed into the cabin.

Su Hongshan looked at the sudden rain with some concern and said to Qiu:

"go and ask the boatman whether to dock or not


Li Qiu answered, and immediately went to the boatman, and soon came back, but said, "madam, the boatman said that such a small rain is not an obstacle. The maid has enough experience in looking at the boatman and should not be in the way."

Su Hongshan nodded. Seeing that there was no big trend in the rain, she said nothing more.

But did not want to, in the night, the rain suddenly big up, has fallen asleep all the people are awakened.

When Su Hongshan got up, she saw that there were big raindrops outside, and the wind was especially strong.

Looking at the sky, there is also a sound of thunder and lightning

the sound of wind and rain mixed together, extremely terrible.

The voice of the boatman's Apprentice came from the front: "ladies, masters and ladies, please stay in the cabin, close the doors and windows and don't come out. It's raining heavily. We'll dock near the wharf."

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