"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm sorry..."

Han Dazhuang's eyes are red, and his thoughts have been overflowing in every corner of his body. Every cell is crying out for missing, and he just wants to rub her into his body.

"Lady, I miss you. I really miss you."

"Well, me too."

Outside, Han Xiaoshan and Ruan Rumo, who have been listening with their ears up, are finally relieved.

They looked at each other and were about to leave. As soon as they turned around, they saw Su Shitou holding Han Xiaoya, and Li Qiu and others were standing on the edge. Their eyes were full of tears and choked soundlessly. Obviously, they were listening to the wall.

Ruan Ruan quickly waved his hand, indicating the big guy to leave for other rooms.

They are just worried about Su Hongshan. Just now Han Xiaoshan was in the next room with them, but suddenly said that he would go to a hut. As a result, they didn't come back for half a day. They could not help but worry about going out to have a look. As a result, they saw Han Xiaoshan and Ruan Rumo lying at the door listening to the wall.

Curious, several people followed him to listen, but they heard Han Dazhuang's voice and Su Hongshan's cry out of breath: "miss you."

At that moment, all people only feel that the nose is sour, the orbit is hot, but the corners of the lips are coincidentally aroused with a smile.

Several people are careful not to disturb the room, people moved back to the previous room.

After entering the room, they all laughed at each other.

Han Xiaoya is more happy not to live said: "uncle, my father is back, brother, Dad back."

"Mm-hmm, I'm back. My wife has found it, and my master has come back. It's really great." Liqiu can't help but wipe tears and say happily.

During this period of time, the whereabouts of the lady is unknown, life or death is unknown, and the master does not know where the person is. She tears every night. In the daytime, in order to prevent Han Xiaoya and Su Shitou from worrying, she tries her best to persuade them that Su Hongshan and Han Dazhuang are sure to be OK.

But in fact, with the passage of time, her heart is more bottomless, if not for Ruan Rumo in, she would have collapsed.

Now, finally, it's all right!

"Great, really great."

Everyone was crying with joy. After days of depression, there was only joy left.

Ruan Rumo was also happy, but then he looked at Han Xiaoshan.

The two men looked at each other in the air, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was still immersed in the joy, two people, one big and one small, went outside together.

Ruan Rumo squatted down and rubbed Han Xiaoshan's head like a child. He was about to speak when he heard Han Xiaoshan say:

"Uncle Ruan, some words can be said, but some words should be rotten in the stomach forever. Can you understand it?"

Ruan Rumo: "shouldn't he say this to an adult? Why is Han Xiaoshan grabbing words now.

The two of them heard Han Dazhuang's words about meticulous work just now, but these things will be rotten in his stomach forever. He was afraid that Han Xiaoshan would inadvertently say it when he was young and ignorant.

He was warned by Han Xiaoshan before he opened his mouth.

Ruan Rumo was just surprised for a moment, then nodded his head: "I also want to tell you this, Han Xiaoshan. Those words are rotten in my stomach. Even if I see that woman again in the future, I can't show it. Do you know her identity, do you understand?"

Han Xiaoshan nodded heavily, but said: "no, that woman, she must die."

Ruan Rumo: "......


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