When the king of Xiang cried like a tearful man to the portrait, it was also the time when Ruan's house was haunted by ghosts.

Su Hongshan naturally knew that Ruan's house was haunted by ghosts. However, she also knew that Su Shitou was suffocating and wanted to deal with Mrs. Ruan, so she let the three of them make mischief.

Even those evil slaves who once bullied Ruan Ruan Ruan Ruan's brother and sister were all given to them after she let the dark Wei find out.

For several nights, when the lessons were almost finished, the three little guys were tired. When Ruan's house was also on the alert, she called the three little guys to her:

"have you had a good time these days?"

The three little guys looked at each other, and she knew that she did not dare to hide her head.

Han Xiaoya even couldn't wait to wave her small fist and explained:

"mother, we are not playing, we are teaching bad people. Those bad guys have bullied grandma and uncle. When we grow up, we want to revenge for grandma and uncle. We teach them all again, so that they will never harm people again."

Han Xiaoshan also followed his nod.

Only Su Shitou clenched his fist and did not speak.

Su Hongshan didn't understand the thoughts of the three little guys. She only said:

"I know your mind, and I know that you all have a sense of propriety. Those who have been taught are also bad people, but let's stop it? We should do things in moderation and do what we can, even if we teach bad people lessons. If you make trouble for a long time, you will soon arouse suspicion, and then it will be bad for you.

No matter what you do, the most important thing is always to protect yourself. If I stop you, I think it's almost OK. If you go on, you may have an accident. "

Looking at the ignorant appearance of the three little guys, Su Hongshan pulls Han Xiaoya to her arms, looks at Han Xiaoshan and Su Shitou, and says in a gentle voice:

"the reason why you are successful this time is that there are guards sent by Han Dazhuang to protect you, and the information is sent to you after checking out the information, but have you ever thought about it Can you succeed without these people? "

The three little guys looked down and thought.

Su Hongshan gently rubbed Han Xiaoya's small head and said with a smile:

"and Su Jingan, you are uncles. You should protect them. You should consider doing things well before doing things. Han haoze, you are a brother. You should also consider well before doing things and protect your sister."

Su Shitou and Han Xiaoshan both nodded heavily, secretly recording Su Hongshan's words in their hearts.

Only Han Xiaoya had been waiting with her head tilted for a long time, but she couldn't wait for Su Hongshan to talk about her. She couldn't help being worried:

"what about me, mother? I also want to protect my uncle and brother and my parents. "


Su Hongshan was directly amused by her lovely and loving appearance. She rubbed her cerebellar bag with a smile and said, "good, good, we Xiaoya can certainly do what we said, so now, it's OK for Xiaoya to take her brother back to study."

Then he looked at them and said seriously, "forget about this period of time. No matter where you are, don't mention it again. Do you know?"

Han Xiaoya and Han Xiaoshan left, Su Hongshan alone left Su Shitou, looking at him seriously: "this period of time, vent finished?"

Su Shitou lowered his head and said nothing.

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