Su Hongshan hasn't come to fumantang for some time. She goes to the cashier's office to check the account. She finds that the income of fumantang has doubled. She is in a very good mood and hums.

After checking the accounts, he went to the back chef to look at the new dishes and talked with the cook. Then he wrote down the other two new recipes for the chef to study and study as the new dishes to be produced in the next issue.

At present, fumantang has opened five branches in the capital. Every time a new dish comes out, the head office and the branch store keep pace with each other, because the dishes have the same taste and the business is also booming.

Sometimes when customers come to the store and find that there are many people and no place, most of them would prefer to take a few more steps to other branches of fumantang. Especially today, the day when fumantang launches new products is even more overcrowded.

When Su Hongshan came out of the cashier's room, she went to other branches for inspection. There were long lines at the door of almost every restaurant, all of which were diners waiting for meals.

She is a little free these two days, so she plans to organize the business in Beijing.

Having been in Beijing for such a long time, there are all kinds of things that hinder her. As a result, she does not spend much time on business. If Han Yelin had not prepared a fumantang with sound operation system, I'm afraid she would have opened a restaurant at most now, and the cosmetics business has just started.

However, with Han Yelin's early preparation, she spent a little bit of thought on planning, and at intervals she combined the recipes of modern society to produce one or two new dishes for fumantang. Fumantang opened five branches while being self-sufficient.

She didn't have to worry about the restaurant business. She spent a whole day inspecting all the restaurants and didn't care much about it. However, she had to make good arrangements for the cosmetics workshop.

Cosmetics franchisee here, she did not run much recently, so there are only princess Xiang and princess Rongle.

However, it may be because of their convenient status. They seem to be doing a good business. They have taken thousands of sets of goods from her.

There are also two or three first-class franchisees reported here by her. Several rouge and water powder shops in Beijing have also introduced her cosmetics series.

It's just because the workshops in the capital haven't opened yet, so these goods still have to be delivered from Qingyang County. It's a lot of delay on the way, and it takes a lot of effort. After running around in the beginning of spring, you'll lose all the flesh and bones on your cheeks, so you can't supply them.

Two days ago, Princess Rongle was still looking for her goods, but it would take a few days for her to deliver the goods.

Years ago, Su Hongshan was ready to build a workshop in the capital, but later there was a delay.

In addition, if we want to start production as soon as it is built, the first batch of female workers must be skilled workers, and this needs to be transferred from Qingyang County, which also takes time.

So it's been delayed until now.

Last time when she delivered the goods back to Xiangyang Village at the beginning of spring, Su Hongshan asked her to pick up a group of female workers when she came back. She thought that she would soon arrive. She planned to take advantage of these days to visit Chuang Tzu and ask people to make changes so as to build the workshop as soon as possible.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Hongshan took Liqiu and Liao Nan and Liao Bei to set out again. The target was Han Yelin's Zhuangzi in the north of the city.

Han Yelin also had several Chuang Tzu in the capital. When he proposed to her with a ring larger than her finger and with a gem directly covering her finger, he had already given her the title deed of Chuang Tzu shop under his name.

Now, although she has not moved into the general's house, the title deed of the general's house is in her hands.

In any case, Han Yelin gave it to her, and she took it all impolitely. She could use the shops she could use directly, and continued to rent out the ones she could not use.

Chuang Tzu in the north of the city is in the suburbs, and there is still some distance from the city. The coach also drove for more than an hour to get to the place.

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