Looking at the sugar man handed in front of him, Han Dazhuang is stunned. He frowns at Su Hongshan and frowns tightly together.

Su Hongshan passed it forward: "eat it, it's sweet."

She also wants to know what it's like to eat a sugar man with such a self-contained aura. It must be very interesting.

On the edge, Han Xiaoshan and Han Xiaoya as well as Su Shitou all look silly. They forget to lick sugar man in their hands. They just look at Han Dazhuang and look at Su Hongshan.

Whether it is Han Xiaoshan, Han Xiaoya, or Su Shitou, there is only one idea in his heart. His mother (sister) is really brave.

"Take it. We all have it." Su Hongshan licks the candy man and signals Han Dazhuang to take it again.

Han Dazhuang did not turn his head when he saw her deliberately sticking out his tongue to lick the sugar man in front of him. He only thought that the sugar man was delicious, and her action of licking sugar man was really intriguing, somewhat enchanting, like a monster.

"No," he said stiffly

"Really not? Then I'll give it to Xiaoshan and Xiaoya. "

Su Hongshan had expected that a man like him would not take a sugar man to eat, so she handed the candy man to Xiaoya and asked her to take it.

Han Dazhuang caught a glimpse of her disappointment, and suddenly wanted to reach for it. However, he saw that the sugar man had already reached Xiaoya's hand and pushed the driveway seriously:

"you can eat on the bus."

So, Su Hongshan takes three children to sit on the scooter to eat sugar man.

Su Hongshan likes to eat sugar. When she is happy, she also eats sugar when she is upset. Eating sugar can make her feel good. In the past, the family always has it. Because she likes it, she has learned to do it by herself.

Su Hongshan found that she seemed to find another way to make money.

"Go to the rice, flour, grain and oil shop first." Su Hongshan sat on the scooter and ate the candy. She only thought that the ancient sugar had a special flavor.

Han Dazhuang of the cart did not say anything.

When she arrived at the rice grain and oil shop, Su Hongshan had money in her hand. She bought white flour, oil and some condiments. Seeing that there was rice, she also wanted to buy some. When asked, rice cost 50 Wen, which was more expensive than pork.

"Why is your rice so expensive?" Su Hongshan couldn't help asking.

"Girl, this is from the south. No one in the Central Plains can afford it except for the rich families."

The shopkeeper looked at Su Hongshan. These people were not the owners who could afford rice.

I didn't buy rice, but I also bought a lot of white flour, miscellaneous flour, seasonings and oil, which cost more than a dozen silver.

After that, I went to the cloth shop, bought some cotton cloth, and planned to go back to make two decent clothes for the children, Han Dazhuang and himself.

She originally wanted to buy ready-made clothes, but the price of a set of ready-made clothes started at one or two silver coins. She could not afford it at all, so she had to buy cotton cloth.

She doesn't know how to sew, but the owner will. She will go back to think about it and make do with it.

When she came out of the cloth shop, her silver was two liang less. Su Hongshan had a headache when she calculated what she would buy.

When can I earn the money to build a house? But I have to buy what I should buy.

Is there a blacksmith's shop nearby Su Hongshan put down her things and asked.

With things on the scooter, there are not so many people to sit on. Su Hongshan and Han Dazhuang walk together.

"East Street."

Han Dazhuang didn't ask her what to do in the blacksmith's shop. Instead, he took her there.

At the blacksmith's, Su Hongshan bought another pot.

Around the East Street, I bought a lot of big wooden buckets and shovels, as well as a lot of coarse porcelain bowls.

Su Shitou looked at it, and his heart was jumping. From time to time, he looked at Han Dazhuang for fear that he would be angry and his sister would buy so many things.

I don't know why my sister wants to buy so many things. There are only a few people in the family. Why do you buy so many bowls? And the big pot. It's not that there is no pot at home.

Han Dazhuang can be seen, but from the beginning to the end are a facial expression, asked not asked a word.

When Su Hongshan said what to buy, he took it with him without saying a word.

When she finished shopping, Su Hongshan had only three Liang silver left in her hand, and there was still a lot of things she wanted to buy. But when she thought about the three taels of silver in her hand, she finally stopped.

Even so, when I went back, the car was full of cars, and there was no room for the three children.

Su Hongshan plans to take a few children back by ox cart.

It's not a busy time for farming. People who have cattle in their families will take their carts to and fro between the town and the village. They can earn a lot of money if they run several times a day.

Su Shitou pulled Su Hongshan and shook her head vigorously: "elder sister, you take Xiaoya and Xiaoshan to take the oxcart, I help my brother-in-law push the plank car."

"No Han Dazhuang suddenly said coldly.

On hearing Han Dazhuang's words, Su Shitou is a spirit of excitement, but he grits his teeth and refuses to take a bullock cart.A trip is three Wen. If you save it, you can buy a steamed bread with white flour.

Su Hongshan also helplessly looks at Su Shitou and thinks that the boy's thought must be broken. How can a boy be so small.

"If you want to sit down, you can sit down. Your sister just sold her money, but she doesn't need your three Wen?"

Su Shitou finally sat on the ox cart. This was his first time in the ox cart. When he was at Su's house, he had never been in a cart and had no chance to let him take it.

The coachman and others were almost finished, and they drove away with the ox cart.

Most of the cars are from the nearby villages. If you know them, you can chat about the gossip of each village.

Su Hongshan sat on the bullock cart and looked at Han Dazhuang, who was pushing the cart behind her. She only felt that this man was not so strong, or he was a little too reticent. He jumped out word by word, which was really not good.

Several women in the car soon noticed the man pushing the scooter and asked Su Hongshan:

"girl, is that your husband in the back?"

Seeing Su Hongshan nodding, the women said, "girl, which village are you from? You are a good husband. You must be a good worker."

It is impossible for ordinary men to push such a large cart and follow the cart closely.

"Xiangyang village." Su Hongshan said with a smile.

Hearing that it was Xiangyang Village, several women couldn't help talking about Xiangyang Village:

"Xiangyang Village, my neighbor's sister married to Xiangyang village. When she came back to chat with us last time, she told me one thing. Do you know the old Su family of Xiangyang Village?"

"The old Su family is very bad. As soon as the eldest son's daughter-in-law died, she sold her daughter-in-law to a hunter as a stepmother. I heard that the hunter had two children with her, and the girl was going to be a stepmother before she could reach her hairpin."

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