"Yes, miss, don't bear it. There are no two good women. You and your husband have a good life, but you can't be ruined by these people."

Su Hongshan repeatedly thanks and gives a gift to Ying Ying Ying who is still sitting on the ground:

"you guys are right. A good girl can't marry a second. I will never listen to you. Since you sold me to my husband, I will be born my husband's man, and death is my husband's ghost. If you force me, you will only get one of my own The body. "

With that, she pulled Han Dazhuang into the ox cart.

Everyone also consciously made way for Han Dazhuang to drive away with the ox cart.

The old Su family gnawed their teeth in hatred, but they all left, and there was nothing they could do.

Only the old Su family members were left in the crowd. The onlookers spoke of their malice and left one after another.

The old Su family scolded Su Hongshan for a moment. When they had enough scolding and were about to leave, Lu Qingxue was gone.

Once again, the carriage that had stopped on the side was gone.

Su lao-2 anxiously pulled a passer-by and asked:

"have you seen my niece?"

The passer-by was also one of the people who were watching the fun here just now. He was caught by Su Laoer, so he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him and sneer:

"he's gone early."

"No way!" Su Lao - er's subconscious refutation.

That person disdains to sneer: "have an eye but no eye, regard niece when treasure, when the root grass of own home, deserve."

The man disdained to look at the silly old Su family, shook his head and left.

The old Su family stood in the middle of the road, anxiously looking for the figure of landing light snow, but they could not find it. For a time, they did not know what to do.

"Niang, light snow can't really go." Wang asked.

She knew that Lu Qingxue had really left. She was the whole old Su family. After all, she was smart. She had already seen the essence of Lu Qingxue. In the situation just now, so many people pointed at them, it was strange that Lu Qingxue would stay?.

It's a pity that the old Su family can't understand.

Su Laosan glared at Wang Shi angrily and said: "you know what, light snow must have something to go suddenly. She made friends with county magistrate Qianjin, maybe someone suddenly came to her."

Su Lao - er and Su Lao Po Zi all nodded together.

Su old woman said: "forget it, since light snow has something to leave, let's find a carriage to go back by ourselves."

She said, and her eyes fell on Wang's body: "the silver that the old three gives is on you. Give it to the third, and let him hire a carriage."

Wang looked at old lady Su fiercely and said, "Niang...

but as soon as she opened her mouth, Su Laosan came directly to rob him:

" what are you doing with so many words? Don't you see it's very late, and it's midnight when you get home. "

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