After the fire was over, she turned to a limited sports car behind her.

The car flew out like an arrow.

The next moment.


The big fire suddenly rose, the limited red sports car quickly burned, and the people inside did not come out.

As soon as the picture turns, pavilions and pavilions are surrounded by clouds.

A pavilion stands on the top of the mountain, with layers of clouds at the foot. It seems that it is on the top of a towering mountain, and it seems that this is fairyland.

In the pavilion, a man and a woman sit opposite each other, with a chess game in the middle.

Occasionally, they looked at each other with endless tenderness.

The picture is another turn, the same pavilions surrounded by clouds, but this is in a hall.

Both of them are in red, with Phoenix crowns and Xiayan. They come with each other. It seems that there are countless people watching the ceremony on both sides, but they can't see their appearance clearly, but they are very busy.

However, at this time, there was a loud noise outside the sky. A man in black appeared very quickly. The sword was about to pierce the man in red.

All of a sudden, and he stood side by side of the woman a spin body will protect the man in the arms.

The sword pierced her heart and blood flowed out of her mouth.

Someone called her name out loud: "Su Hongshan!"

"Su Hongshan!"



"ah, love is a disaster. Remember this disaster...

" Su Hongshan! "




it seems that there are countless people calling for her in her ears. In Su Hongshan's mind, there are countless pictures flashing by. She is dressed in dresses, like a dream in white fairy clothes, and she is in coarse linen clothes...

one frame is like a dream, like a fantasy, and it flashes quickly.

"Why don't you wake up? It has been three days, and the poison has been relieved. " There was an urgent voice in my ear.

Then there was a slightly old voice: "wait a minute, the poison has been dispelled, the pulse is also stable, has not woken up, should be the body is recovering itself."

"Is your mother still awake?"

"She will wake up. Doctor Leng said that her mother is all right. She will wake up."

"Yes, my sister is so strong that she will certainly wake up."

"Madame has been dizzy for three days. Doctor Leng and his doctors have clearly said that the poison has been relieved, and his body is gradually recovering in the past two days. How can he not wake up?"

"I'm really worried, ma'am. The general has been guarding for three days and nights. He has not recovered from his injuries. How can he be cured if he goes down like this?"

"One, are you ok? You'd better go and have a rest. You're on time. Don't worry about the master and the wife. We'll guard all of them. "

"The madam hasn't woken up yet. The general and the little masters don't have a good meal. Let's make some light and refreshing preparations quickly and quickly. Ah, I'm not very good at this time when madam has an accident. When can I get better?"


all kinds of sounds went from clear to indistinct, and finally to countless birds, mosquitoes and flies.

A burst of intense pain suddenly hit, Su Hongshan out of control.

"Ah! Good pain... Good pain...


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