"It's green vegetables and lean meat porridge. It's delicious." Su Hongshan sniffed hard.

The strong fragrance, like porridge in front of her.

However, it was only at the beginning of autumn that he went to the middle of the yard.

Han Yelin at the door didn't think much about Su Hongshan's words. She thought she was really hungry. But when she took the porridge sent by Liqiu, she was not only stunned and asked, "how do you know it's green vegetables and lean meat porridge?"

"I smell it." Su Hongshan did not think about it.

"Can you smell it so far?"

As soon as Han Yelin said this, Su Hongshan also realized that it was wrong.

She seemed to have smelled it just now and heard the sound of footsteps, but the fact was that it took a while for the beginning of autumn to arrive at the door, and Han Yelin came in with porridge.

This distance... It's better to hear the sound of footsteps. She can hear it when she is practicing internal power, but she can smell it... Her sense of smell was not so sensitive before.

"Gu Gu..."

the sound of her stomach interrupted Su Hongshan's thoughts, and Han Yelin also quickly fed Su Hongshan porridge.

Looking at the green vegetables and lean meat floating in the porridge, and smelling the strong fragrance, Su Hongshan ate the porridge in a small mouth, but her thoughts drifted away, inexplicably thinking of that strange dream.

But the picture in the dream just flashed by, and then I couldn't remember it.

I only vaguely remember an old man's voice saying, "remember this disaster...

remember that she can't remember anything.

Su Hongshan didn't think much about it. She just thought it was a fantastic dream. She had never had a strange dream before.

Maybe she was hungry for a long time and her stomach was small. After taking two mouthfuls of porridge, Su Hongshan couldn't eat it.

Seeing this, Han Yelin directly ate the remaining half of the bowl, and then filled several bowls by himself.

He has been guarding Su Hongshan these days, and has not eaten much. When Su Hongshan wakes up, he is very hungry.

Han Yelin was eating when Su Hongshan suddenly said with a smile:

"Xiaoya, they are coming."

Han Yelin eats porridge's movement, cocks up the ear to listen to, actually did not hear anything, just frown to hear Han Xiaoya three people from far to near talk.

Han Yelin can't help frowning. Just now she seems to be far away from smelling the smell of porridge, and now she is far away from hearing the sound of footsteps. Is this listening better than him?

Thinking, Han Xiaoya three people have arrived at the door.

"Come in." Su Hongshan heard the news.

One happy three people rushed to Su Hongshan side, a see Su Hongshan is still lying on the bed, three people can not help but red eyes.

Han Xiaoya said: "Mom, you scared us to death. Fortunately, you are OK."

Su Hongshan beckons her to sit by the bed and talks with the three people for a while, until Han Yelin says that Su Hongshan has just woken up and is weak, so she reluctantly leaves.

Han Yelin didn't think about Su Hongshan's sudden sense of smell. He only observed for two days with doubts.

That day, after su Hongshan went to bed, he went to see doctor Leng.

Dr. Leng also felt incredible when he heard it. He took advantage of Su Hongshan's pulse diagnosis and asked, "girl, what do you smell in this medicine?"

Su Hongshan said with a smile: "I smelled it when I drank the medicine two days ago. The main medicine is Saussurea involucrata, and the others are..."

Su Hongshan reported eight medicine names in a row and said with a smile: "Grandpa Leng also found that my sense of smell seems to be much more sensitive than before. I'm also thinking about it these two days. I don't know how it happened suddenly."

Cold doctor nodded, and took out a few herbs to Su Hongshan to smell, Su Hongshan and all smell out, the same is not bad.

"Then smell this again." Cold doctor directly took out a pill and handed it to Su Hongshan.

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