Su Hongshan looked at her indifferently and did not answer. Instead, she said coldly, "what's waiting for me? It's time for me to see the patient."

"Silver, this is the back line." Mrs. Lu put one or two silver on the table.

One or two silver is not a small sum for ordinary families, and the monthly silver of servant girls in large families is only 12 silver per month.

The 38 is an ordinary woman in her dress. When she sees the silver or two, she knows how to choose.

She quickly took a silver or two and went to the back line, ready to wait for tomorrow's number.

She is an ordinary disease of lumbago and leg pain left by perennial tiredness. There is no big difference between today's and tomorrow's.

"That's OK."

Mrs. Lu watched the woman go away, and then she looked at Su Hongshan's contemptuous way. Her face was full of pride.

Su Hongshan glanced at her faintly, chuckled at her lips, and said directly:

"next, Number 39."

No. 39 immediately stepped forward, but hesitated to stand on the edge of Mrs. Lu, grasping the dress, somewhat restrained.

Su Hongshan looked at Mrs. Lu: "please get out of the way."

Lu Fu was so angry that she glared at Su Hongshan fiercely. She directly took out one or two silver coins and put them on the table. Her voice was cold and she said with an impatient voice:

"go to the back line."

"Next, number 40." Su Hongshan continued.

Mrs. Lu was completely angry. She suddenly patted the table, stood up and pointed to Mrs. Lu and said angrily, "don't be ungrateful."

Su Hongshan did not pay any attention to her, just waiting for patient 40 to come forward.

Mrs. Lu grinned at her and gave her another silver or two to No. 40.

Seeing that Su Hongshan had to read the number directly, she simply motioned to the mammy nearby to take the money to send all the people behind her. Then she looked at Su Hongshan and gnashed her teeth and said:

"you don't have any patients now."

After that, she sat down again and looked at Su Hongshan coldly: "you'd better think about what you said last time. Don't give you any face..."

before she finished her words, she saw Su Hongshan get up and start to pack the medicine box. Mrs. Lu was so angry that she pointed at Su Hongshan and could not speak for half a day.

No one had ever dared to be so disrespectful to her.

"You... I warn you, don't be shameless. I call you a miracle doctor. Don't treat yourself as a miracle doctor. Believe me or not, you can't stay in the capital city!"

Su Hongshan's action of packing things is still as relaxed as before. When she is finished, she looks up and looks at her indifferently. Her voice is light:

"whatever you want."

Just go straight away.

"You... Toast without eating or drinking!" Mrs. Lu pointed to her and said angrily.

With a wave of her hand, the escort she brought was stopped in front of Su Hongshan.

Mrs. Lu said coldly: "I would like to advise you that no one has the capital to be arrogant. You'd better come over and apologize to me, and then take out the prescription I want."

Su Hongshan stopped, looked at the guards in front of her, and then turned to see Mrs. Lu. There was a cold light in her eyes and a cold voice in her voice:

"are you sure you want to do this, madam Lu?"

Mrs. Lu snorted coldly: "what? Now you know you're scared? Now that you know you're afraid, you should write a prescription for my wife

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