The queen nodded and stretched out her hand directly: "give it to the palace. I will take it in personally. You will wait outside."

Mammy or some worry, want to follow in, but the queen seems to know her mind in general, before entering again: "mammy is also waiting outside."

Mammy couldn't. She had to wait outside with the others.

The queen took the soup cup and just walked in, an inkstone fell at her feet.

The queen retreated quickly and didn't let it hit her.

She took a breath and went on with the soup.

Wang Shun saw the queen and saluted: "empress."

The emperor looked up at the queen and frowned: "how did you come?"

The emperor put the soup cup on the edge of the empty imperial table with a smile, and said in a gentle voice, "I know that the emperor has been working hard these days. In addition, the weather has been hot and dry recently, so I made some soup for the emperor."

The queen said and opened the soup cup: "this is mung bean soup. When people are hot in summer, they boil mung bean soup to cool the summer heat. These days, things have been done one by one. I see that the emperor is really hard, and I have cooked some of them to the Emperor."

"Please try it, Emperor. The mung bean soup has just been chilled. It's just right for you to drink."

As she said this, she took up the soup cup and sent it to the emperor. She took a spoon and pretended to feed it.

After the emperor frowned and tasted it, it was cold. It really calmed his restless heart a little. Fortunately, he took it and drank it directly.

The queen went over and took a fan on the shelf beside her. She stood up and down and fanned the wind for the emperor. She said in a soft voice:

"as I see, these ministers are not worried. They know to make the emperor angry all day long. You don't need to be angry with them. They are also useless, and each one should be careful If you are angry, you will be cheated by them. "

"Emperor, it's getting hotter and hotter now. It's easy to get hot and dry. The emperor should take care of his own body. If he is angry with them all day long, he will really hurt his relatives and enemies."

"What do you think of this mung bean soup? But it's refreshing. "

The queen complained and chatted about the taste of the emperor's mung bean soup.

I don't know whether it's the cold mung bean soup or the Queen's words of sharing hatred for him, which soon calmed the emperor's anger.

He nodded and said, "not bad."

"Since then, my concubine has cooked some ice for the emperor every day. In this weather, it's always suitable to eat these cold things."

The emperor nodded at will, but asked, "the queen just said that they were deliberately provoking me to be angry and angry?"

The queen seemed to be frightened, so she quickly took the fan and went to the emperor to salute him: "emperor, I have made a mistake for a moment. Please forgive me."

The emperor took a deep look at her: "I see you this is not a slip of the tongue appearance, say, I still can not know you?"

He was not so angry now, and his voice was a little milder.

The queen hesitated and said, "the emperor, my concubine may be some women's thoughts. Don't go to your heart after listening to it."

"Go ahead."

"The emperor, the harem can't interfere in politics. My concubines didn't notice this. But these days, seeing the emperor, I was always angry. I was really worried. So I inquired and found out that those ministers were bothering the emperor with the same things every day, so I became suspicious..."

she stopped talking, carefully looked at the emperor's face, and continued to say in some embarrassment:

"emperor, I have heard that many people in the court have already stood in line. Have the emperor noticed who they are who prevent the emperor from recognizing his two children?"

When the queen finished speaking, she quickly knelt down:

"the emperor forgive me, I shouldn't have said this,... I just can't bear to watch the emperor worry about these things every day. In my opinion, these things can't rise to the reputation of the royal family. On the contrary, it's those who persuade the emperor not to recognize their blood. Their hearts are punishable."

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