The emperor trod back to the imperial study.

The imperial study has been cleaned up, but as the emperor enters, the imperial study that the maids have just cleaned up becomes a mess again.

"Crackling..." the sound of things being broken one after another.

No one dares to speak. When these voices are quiet, the emperor kicks his rudeness and sits down.

With a gloomy face, he said, "come on, tell me my will. The king Rong is guilty of murdering the royal family's offspring. He will be sent to the prison immediately for punishment."

When the eunuch heard this, he fell down on his knees.

Outside, a eunuch heard this, busy quietly retired.

Rong Wang Fu.

When the king heard the news, he stood up and said, "what are you talking about? Say it again

"Your Highness, the imperial edict is on the way. The emperor said that you would murder the Royal offspring and put you in prison..."

King Rong sat back on his chair with a pale face.

"Your Highness, we can't wait to die."

Before, King Rong has been sent to prison once. If he goes back to prison this time, I'm afraid it will be...

to give such an order, it seems that the emperor is in a hurry.

"What happened in the palace?" he asked

The person who came to the report said: "today, the emperor summoned all the ministers of the cabinet to discuss the reward for the officers and soldiers in the northern expedition. But he didn't know what happened. Then he talked about the rumors outside. Many people suggested that the reputation of the royal family should be the most important thing. He could not recognize the two children. The emperor was very angry. When the ministers left, he was very angry ...

later, the empress came, and the slave didn't hear what she said. However, after the empress left, the emperor's mood improved obviously. As a result, when she went to the imperial garden, she just heard a few servants talking about...

talking about... "

the words stopped, and the people who came from behind did not dare to continue.

"What are you talking about?" the king said impatiently

The man took a deep breath, and then went on: "those eunuchs said that his highness is the new Lord. In addition to the emperor's coming down, the honor king has priority, and even the empress and empress are all in the rear..."

the king of Rong staggered and nearly fell.

This is true, but it has been three or four years now, and it is the will of the emperor.

At that time, imperial concubine Kang was favored in the palace, and he fought against Rui Wang's chamber.

For a period of time, the voice of King Lirui as prince became more and more strong. In order to maintain this balance, the emperor made an excuse to advance his case.

Since then, some people thought that they understood the emperor's meaning, and some neutral people also supported him.

With more supporters, he can check and balance with Rui Wang again.

At that time, he still felt that the emperor preferred him more than Rui Wang. However, in the following years, the emperor did not mean to make a prince. At that time, he realized that the emperor wanted only a balance.

But his treatment has continued.

But now... Who could have thought that a decision made by the emperor would become an excuse for others to attack him.

Or... Is it a good chess game from the emperor?!

Hearing this, several aides could not help but change their faces.

New master?!

This word is not easy to say, no matter who dare not so bold to say this word.

The prince has not been established, where is the new owner?!

The emperor is still built. Where is the new master?!

"Your Highness, has someone designed you?" There is a staff voice difficult to say.

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