Su Laoer murmured and cursed, and went to look for food, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find where to put the food, so he had to curse and go out again.

All the way to find a few more, every household has been locked, but the courtyard wall is not high, can turn over in the past.

He searched one by one, and found nothing good, not even food, unless he wanted to move all the furniture.

Su's second son, Su Chengbao, turned black with anger. Seeing that Su Chengbao, the youngest son, had just turned over from the courtyard wall of a family in the village, he directly asked, "is there anything good in his family?"

Su Chengbao directly scolded: "nothing, they must have moved away."

How did they know that when they got the news, in order not to let the family's things be harmed, the villagers simply dug a hole in the nearby field, buried all the things in the house, and planned to dig them out again when things went by.

As the wheat had just been collected, the land was ploughed well. At first glance, it was all empty soil. Even if we dug a hole and buried something in it, no one would see that there was something buried here.

As a result, their father and son walked around the village and found nothing.

What they don't know is that the villagers even put up their bedding and buried them, pots and pans, but everything that can be buried is buried, and the rest is just some large pieces and those that have not been buried in time.

It's strange that they can find something good.

"One by one, the better, the more stingy. Forget it, go home and move the ladder. I don't believe that Su Hongshan's yard can have nothing."

Su's second son swearing and swearing, he directly took Su Chengbao home, moved the ladder and headed for the most imposing courtyard in the village.

However, although Su Hongshan's family didn't bury everything in the ground like the villagers did, they did have a cellar, and the entrance of the cellar was very tight, let alone them. Even if the South Vietnamese army really came to sweep the village, it would not be possible to find it.

A circle down, no harvest father and son two popular curse mother.

They couldn't find any good things. When they left, they simply carried a chair of Su Hongshan's house.

They wanted to resist the eight immortals table which looked more beautiful and strong, but it was not convenient for them to carry over the wall. So they planned to take advantage of this opportunity to move all the furniture that could be removed from the yard to their own home.

The father and son spent the whole day changing not only their chairs, but also Mrs. Su's.

Mrs. Su now lives on her own. She has long lost her temper towards the second and the third of the family...

as for the third family of Su, she is flexible and flexible. After su Hongshan's family has left, she often walks around with the villagers to show her affection to the village head's family. Even those people in Su Hongshan's family, she also shows that she has long regretted.

When the villagers saw that their three rooms had really been changed, the village head came forward and asked Li Xia, who was in charge of Su Hongshan's family, to find a job for Wang in the workshop.

Wang was originally a smart man. He was very flexible and flexible. He could speak with his mouth. When he worked in the workshop, he soon became familiar with the people in the workshop. Gradually, his relationship with the village also eased. He also brought Su Laosan to work in the kiln.

After a good life, the family rebuilt the foundation and built a new house in the village.

Mrs. Su and her family have been making trouble several times, but who is Wang? If you really want to coax people, she will be happy.

What did they say?

They said, "mother, it's not that we don't allow you to live in the house. It's because you and Su Hongshan's family had a hard time before. All the people in the big yard are su Hongshan's servants. Do you think if I let you live in, we can still work in workshops and kilns? If we don't have work to do, let alone let you live at home, we will lose the tens of Wen we give you every month. "

So, old lady Su was coaxed back to live in her old yard.

Because all the family members were scattered, she was an old woman in the whole yard, and she didn't have the energy to clean up. In addition to the room she lived in, the other rooms collapsed and collapsed, and they were already dilapidated.

In addition to a path she used to walk in the yard, the whole yard was full of weeds at a glance.

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