After the investigation, Mr. Zhang discussed with others and agreed that the South Vietnam army should not be allowed to be arrogant. He should take down these small teams at one fell swoop, which is to show the South Vietnamese army their strength and deter the other side.

If not, the South Vietnamese army will think that the defense of Qingyang County is strong and delay the war.

That night, Mr. Zhang personally led the operation.

If there are useful people in Qingyang County, Lord Zhang will divide his troops into several routes and directly take down several South Vietnam army squads still in Qingyang County.

But at the moment, they were badly understaffed, and he could only select a team of about a hundred of them to join him tonight.

There are 50 people on the other side, and he plans to have 100 people. Among them, there are a few local villagers who are very familiar with the terrain. The purpose is to have a personal number and geographical advantage.

Taking the county as the starting point, the ideal is to win those teams directly tonight.

In this way, more military funds can be provided.

Before that, the swords, swords, bows and arrows that Meng Wenyan took back really made Mr. Zhang and others hot.

What they lack most now is undoubtedly weapons.

For those newly recruited militiamen, they can have a handy weapon, which can also increase their sense of security.

"My Lord, this is it. Our people have inquired about the news. One of the teams has settled down in stone village today."

"Well, go and find out. Push on carefully." Lord Zhang said.

Some villagers who are familiar with the terrain of shitoucun have taken good officials to inquire, while Mr. Zhang continues to lead people forward, but the speed is much slower and he is much more vigilant.

Soon, however, he realized that it was wrong.

It's too quiet.

If the news is correct, there should be a South Vietnam army team of 50 men stationed here. It will not be so quiet anyway.

Even if these people think that there is no one in the village, they don't have to be too vigilant, but they won't have a night watchman.

Besides, there seems to be something wrong here.

"My Lord, it smells of blood." Zhang adults on the side of the people in the air to smell and say.

Lord Zhang nodded.

When the gust of wind just now came, he also smelled the smell of blood.

He thought it was his delusion, but there were others who said so, that's right.

"My Lord!"

This is, just sent to the front to inquire about information of several people suddenly ran back together, the voice is not disguised.

Zhang Da's face is black.

Others are ready to fight.

However, they just heard those people shouting: "dead... All dead... Many dead..."


Everyone was surprised.

When Mr. Zhang took people to see the South Vietnamese army in the village who had fallen into a pool of blood, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Who did this

In addition to the shock at the beginning, Mr. Zhang had a general answer in his heart when he saw these people.

He was calm and said: "well, don't worry about these, pick up all the weapons, dig a big hole and bury them all."

"My Lord, these are the South Vietnamese." Some people are dissatisfied with the way.

The South Vietnamese army have all come to their homes. Do you want them to collect their corpses when they die?

Many people feel that Mr. Zhang is a little too kind-hearted and dissatisfied.

Adult Zhang is just a light way: "it is summer now, these people put these days to stink, in case cause what epidemic disease is bad."

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